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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. Originally posted by Bill Krozby risir is an idiot

    Pretty sure we are all aware chap.
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  2. "transexuals have a mental disease!"

    "no they're just born the wrong gender!"

    who fucking cares really? it literally does not matter at all. the only reason people care is they feel like the world has to be a certain way. in reality it doesn't matter why someone is trans at all, it's just something that happens. sjw's and people who argue with sjw's are fucking retarded
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  3. Originally posted by Open Your Mind But if we could alter your DNA or perhaps "download" your consciousness into the body of a dog, would you still be a human?

    And in your opinion, what's more important, how you define yourself as a dog or how society defines you as a crazy man?

    As far as the first question I think you would be a dog with a human psycology. You are not a dog in mind but are not a human in body. It would be a strange inbetween as far as determining what you "are".

    I would say its probably more important in this scenario how society defines one as a crazy man. I mean it would be nearly pointless to define yourself as a dog because your role is already defined by your owners so in any case you would be defined by an external factor, either your status as a pet or your status as crazy.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I really enjoyed this post, thanks for posting it again. But I am not sure where you stand on this topic. Do you think the above scenario is tragic or comedic or does it even matter?

    I think it is tragic but comedy is useful because it tends to reveal darker truths about how people feel regarding tragic circumstances so I use it to that extent.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Does anyone really know who they are right now?

    That is something I ask myself. People seem so very lost. All of them and even myself. It worries me.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Is there a way we are "supposed" to be, or should people just be whatever the fuck they want to be?

    I think there is a way we are supposed to be. I defintily think that being "whatever the fuck we want to be" is somewhat unnatural. An unintelligent person may love mathematics but it would be a bad route for them to become a mathematician just because of their natural ability or lack thereof. I guess what I am getting at is there is a natural order. I am not sure exactly what it is or should be though.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind We can imagine that in the future technology will become capable of making extreme transformations like this a reality. Do you think that's a "bad" thing or does it even matter at all? What's your reasoning?

    If this extreme transformation were possible at a technical level that doesnt mean it will be good or healthy at the psycological level. I think certian transformations could take place without much harm but I believe other transformations could have extreme detrimental effects on the person undergoing the transformation. If it is bad or not really depends on more than I can assume so I really cant say. I just know that we shouldn't assume it is good right off the bat.
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  4. R-R-R-REPOST!

    I can run around on all fours, bark and eat dog food I am still a human.

    To put it another way let us say an individual was born in India. They grew up in India and were surrounded by indian culture. We would say this persons nationality is Indian. But in this individuals mind their National Identity is that they are not of Indian descent at all. They, though being born in india, raised in india and surrounded by indian culture, have come to the conclusion they they are an Italian! In our day that is a rather insane thought. To think that you are something by "identity" and expecting others to accommodate you in an identity built of your own perception that wholly disregards the reality and circumstances that are directing your life.

    But no, this Trans-Italians plight is seen and answered. Clinics open up with procedures to dye the skin the color of the individuals "National Identity" and though extremely risky this procedure is encouraged even though "Trans national" rates of suicide are actually higher after the procedure.

    And we cannot forget that these rates of suicide in trans nationals could never be due to mental illness or defective psycology and must always be reinforces that the rate is higher because of their status as an oppressed people. Even though the suicide rates among all other minority groups who face similar levels of oppression are drastically lower.

    And it would be a travesty and outrage when, during the olympic games, these trans nationals are unallowed to compete for the nation of their national identity rather the nation of their nationality. So we would accommodate and say "what is nationality anyway? is it not an archaic social construct? Isnt there a history of oppression surrounding this?" We must move forward and allow the Trans Nigerians to compete for Nigeria and so forth. To not do so would be a violation of our most basic human rights.

    In time it comes to be that nationality as a simple and reasonable system of identification is plain wrong. It comes to be that even being a "nationalist" is something to be ashamed of because it is at its core "transphobic". Nationality is replaced by the idea of National Identity. Some people identify as a Russian though they reside in iceland. A resident of somalia becomes canadian overnight. Others believe that National Identity itself can be too restrictive and therefore become nationals of Middle Earth or Tatooine. There are even individuals who identify as Zeta Reticulations. And of course the nationally fluid must be accomodated, and people from day to day swap their national identity to whatever best suits the time.

    There is actually a section of every police force specifically designed to aid transnationals who have faced adversity because of their situation as a transnational. To misnationalize is only seen as a crime of hate, discrimination and ignorance to which fines or jail time will be mandatory.

    And in the end, when the change is made and we have patted ourselves on our backs for reconstructing nationality as national identity and accepting national fluidity a realization will dawn. A feeling will slowly sink in. When all is said and done no one really knows "who" they are anymore.
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  5. Yeah you're right I'm just gonna go home and drink this hardcore drink and smoke some hardcore stuff and take some hardcore pills because I'm hardcore like that. Then I can listen to some hardstyle.
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  6. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie But murder and mass murder is still morally wrong.

    murder is a legal term. legality =/= morality. whether it's right or wrong to kill someone is a matter of circumstance.

    Originally posted by Sophie Nah, that's moral relativism talking.

    morals are not relative. morals are a product of the necessity inherent in living beings, moreover living beings who must act intentionally on the basis of knowledge.

    Originally posted by Sophie In fact, violence is always wrong, unless it is applied in self defense.

    no, violence is only wrong some times and not other times, and not all of those times that it is right are self defense.

    Originally posted by Sophie But if we are to discuss what is wrong, right, virtues, good or evil. We must do so within the methodology provided by moral philosophy.

    this is basically gibberish. 'the methodology provided by moral philosophy' there is no moral philosophy 'as such'. and there is no 'methodology provided' by philosophy, which is itself an abstracted method of approaching questions that involve introspection by necessity.

    we'd be better off working through a dictionary and thesaurus in order to find out 'what is right, wrong, virtue, good, evil', because these are terms that are defined by natural requirements of our organism, and, in fact do not require and philosophy or introspection to understand.

    if i were to explain it to you, with the necessary translation and transformation to adjust for your error, it would be, "both good and evil are necessary to act rightly, and virtue is skill in acting rightly". you have confused 'gregarious' with 'good', and used it as a monopole to also define evil. this must present some uncomfortable conflicts of interest, since all that we must do is not gregarious, you must, by your measure, judge that some things we must do are both necessary for health and success, and also wrong. 'that's not how an engine is supposed to sound' said the mechanic.
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  7. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie So basically you say that being a bad person is virtuous. And here i thought you believed the left was all about inversing values.

    being a 'good person' isn't about being 'nice'. that's cultural marxism talking. being a good person is about being strong, and having capacity. being a good person for you and yours = being a very, very bad person for those against you and yours. the old testament god is a reflection of the survival values of the time. different contexts yield different optimization formulas for survival and success, for example, a megalomania value of 4.25 might have been ideal for 1000BC, where a value of 2.1 might be ideal for a world in which there are many many more people such as we have now.

    when two people fight, all else being equal, the good person always wins, and the bad person always loses.

    'value' is that which promotes survival and victory. if you're under the impression that bombing all of africa with nerve gas would make you a 'bad person', you're very wrong. in fact, sending aid to africa is what makes you a bad person.
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  8. snab_snib African Astronaut
    logic aint shit

    Originally posted by Sophie He seems more like a sadist than an illogical person to me. Especially the God of the Old Testament.

    The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

    that's how you have to be. monotheistic gods are just the archetype of the apex predator.

    there's nothing wrong with being petty, because the devil is in the details.

    being 'unjust' is not what you call someone who has to make decisions that hurt some people and help others. leaders have to make hard decisions. justice has nothing to fucking do with it.

    jealous is right. that which is mine, is mine alone, and that which i desire shall be mine yet. this is the rule of material life, where we are not ghosts that subsist on fog and vapor.

    unforgiving is righteousness. because forgiveness is wrong. it does not change what has happened. it's a foible to forgive.

    being a control freak is right. the point of consciousness itself is to take control over the environment.

    being vindictive is right. because if you suffer yourself to be harmed and do not retaliate, the jackals will smell your impending death and gather around.

    being bloodthirsty is right. someone that isn't willing to kill without a second thought isn't willing to live without a second thought. this earth is an abattoir. we are all ruled over by death, and to indulge in wanton bloodshed is to make the earth smile in pride at her children, who starve on her lap.

    ethnic cleansing is just and proper, for just as you love yourself more than your mother, and your mother more than your brother, and your family more than your clan, and your clan more than your race, and your race more than a foreign race, but a human more than an animal, if you aren't willing to combat those whose blood is foreign to yours, you prove that you are a creature without love at all. and in the end, cleanliness is next to godliness.

    misogyny is required for a stable social structure. women are lesser beings than men; their souls are smaller, their brains are undeveloped, they are breeding stock, and if they are not treated as such, your family, your country, your race, will die.

    homophobia is right. for a man to submit sexually to another man is an abhorrent perversion of all that is natural to man, and you must cast out this disease from your tribe.

    racism is truth. diversity is not strength. uniformity is strength. all races are different. and it is in knowing the differences between things that we obtain to wisdom.

    infanticide is necessary, for crushing an enemy, you must kill his next generation. suffer none to live.

    genocide is the art by which earth will eventually become beautiful. all advanced civilizations that visit our planet from other stars at one time went through genocide after genocide until they had selected the perfect race.

    filicide is necessary at times. if a baby does not even know it's name, it is not a person, for a person has a name, and no one will weep for its death.

    pestilence? you mean biological warfare? whats your beef with sustainable, organic weaponry?

    megalomania? you mean having a strong ego and being someone? make no mistake, in these days of cowardice and smallness of spirit, any strong signs of life and consciousness will be called sickness.

    whats wrong with sadomasochism? what are you, a puritan?

    if you do not have the capacity for capricious malevolence as a person, you are like a porcupine without its spines: a tasty, succulent treat for anyone that cares to make the effort to eat you.

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  9. bling bling Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind watching it again while trippin
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  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the holy ghost I probably could easily but I don't want to be controlled by my maniacal penis. I can't imagine continuing doing stuff like this and being happy in life or successful. I want to be able to get off to real girls, and not be experiencing literal mental torture from some of the weirdshit I've seen that offended my entire neurology and OCD'd me for months into fapping to it i.e. becoming suicidal. Wtf can I do? Should I nofap for 3 months or am I fucked?

    Let go.
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  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind That's OK, I was just wondering why you seem to think a spiritual perspective is wrong or a mistake and never got an answer from you.

    Imagine you and someone both experienced X in a very similar way, you describe the experience in very similar ways, except this other persons also describes the experience as sexual and you do not. Are they wrong to do so? Is it a mistake? Are they interpreting something the wrong way? Are you? I don't think so. You each just experienced it a little differently than the other.

    Well ok fair enough if you put it that way. But if the other person claims that his experience is the objective truth or says anything about actual reality i would have a problem with that.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I know these were addressed toward Soph but I'll add my take anyway because FUCK YOU.

    Originally posted by Open Your Mind You said you have felt at one with the universe before, that not only are you a part of the universe but the universe is a part of you. When I experience that it feels deeply spiritual to me. Is it a mistake for me to feel that way?


    Is my perspective/interpretation wrong? How is it wrong?

    Neither. You personally find your experience can be defined as spiritual where someone else could have the identical experience and call it something else.

    If I were to say that connection, that union with everything else is God in my eyes, is that a mistake? How is it a mistake?

    What does this mean? You become God? What does it to mean that connection you feel is God?

    How can you say your perspective is the right or true perspective, and not merely a different perspective?

    I think perspective literally means that it's one of what has to be more than one take. A perspective can't be right or wrong. Perspective is synonymous with an opinion.

    What is it like to be a bat? We can examine bats, dissect bats, figure out how they work, why they behave the way they do, but you will never know what it is like to be a bat unless you are a bat. We can try to scientifically describe what a bat is as objectively an accurately as possible, but that will never be the same as the "bat experience". When I feel like I am 'one with the universe' I could leave subjectivity at the door and try to describe this experience as objectively as possible, but that will never be the same as my deeply spiritual experience. When I say "the experience was spiritual" there is a subjective quality which I am trying to convey. Is it wrong to do that? How? Why?

    Dude you've never been a bat? For shame. It's fun fun fun.

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  13. i know what you mean Bro, I think that a lot too. yet it is only on the shallows that science takes all the fun from it. As you go deeper into the science you find out that science leaves much unexplained. it tells you about processes, mechanics, substances etc and it tells you how they work, but it yet can't explain why they do and why out how did it all come to work just like it does. For instance, look at chemistry and how matter is made. why or at what point does a bunch of electromagnetic charges of different behaviors gathered together acquire substance and become physical matter? (atoms and subatomic particles) why do these bundles all make a different type of matter depending on their size? why do different of these combine to make up complex matter of infinitely varying physical characteristics? and most specially, at what point did such thing as one of these substances became able to duplicate itself and prevent itself from being destroyed and at what point of all of this did life and awareness come from? Science has not yet been able to explain or even begin to examine it. There HAS to be something more to it than just our "science". That is why there was once some scientist and philosopher that said that "The first sips of the cup of science will draw you away from religion and spiritual belief, but the deeper you go into the cup will make you believe once again". that said, only fools numb and shallow of mind believe that science disproves religion.
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  14. Imagine seeing a tree for the first time or the stars in the night sky. Science has taken the magic out of life with the illusion of labels. Im not sure exactly how to explain what im saying ill try a different approach when you drink vodka you get drunk and we know we know how our bodies get drunk through the ethanol and the process of fermantation but forget all of those labelings imagine if the spirits of the natural ingredients in that create the alcohol are making you act the way we call drunk.theres a belief i believe is called animism where everything has a spirit such as trees grass the ocean
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  15. YOU think all this paranormal and weird phenomenon is bullshit... then step into MY arena AND TRY THIS

    get a mirror about 50 cm square. fix the mirror tightly into a frame. like a thick wooden picture frame. make sure the mirror is tight and strongly fitted, or believe me YOU WILL LIVE TO REGRET IT ...IT WILL CAUSE A MISTAKE TO HAPPEN A MISTAKE YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO PUT RIGHT. SO DO NOT RUSH THIS FRAME.

    Now mount the frame on a small table with legs about 25 cm high. make sure the mirror is on the top of the table. when you look on the table you can see yourself. AND BELIEVE YOU ME, MAKE SURE THE WHOLE SET UP IS STURDY AND STRONG....OR YOULL REGRET IT.

    NOW make your way down to a shallow running river. not a still river. Take a BRAVE friend with you. Both of you step into the river and hold the one side of the frame each. with one hand on each corner.

    now go to a depth in the river so that the legs of the frame are on the bottom of the river and this makes the mirror on the top of the frame about 5 to 10cm below the surface.

    now take a few deep breaths and relax. both you and your friend STARE INTO THE SUBMERGED MIRROR, AND FOR GOD SAKE MAKE SURE YOU ARE HOLDING THE STURDY FRAME TIGHTLY.

    EVENTUALLY WHEN YOU BECOME MESMERISED WITH THE MIRROR, YOU WILL CEASE TO SEE YOUR OWN REFLECTIONS IN THE MIRROR AND THE REFLECTION OF THE RUNNING WATER, AND A KIND OF DARK SHAPE OF ONE FORM OR ANOTHER WILL APPEAR IN THE MIRROR. This shape is an existing being, that is alive like you and i, but it is of a different form. it will be kind of dull, and looking at it will frighten you. but stay and keep staring at it, because it is also staring at you. now if you or your friend gets really scarred, to the thing that is looking at you, it will see this fear as a vibrant display of one form or another, and this is very attractive to this kind of being, and then it will try and come out of the mirror to BE WITH YOU ...TO BE CLOSE TO YOU AND TO ...GET THIS.....STAY WITH YOU FOREVER AND EVER. EVEN when you are 100 years old and dying, this being will be next to you if you let it get out of the mirror.... trust me. you will know it is trying to get out of the mirror, because the mirror will start getting kind of dragged about in the water by some mysterious force, IT WILL START TO FLAIL AROUND. this is when you must pull that mirror clean out of the water WITHOUT BREAKING IT. IF IT BREAKS ...YOU HAVE JUST GOT YOURSELF A NEW MATE...THAT IS WHY I STRESS THE WHOLE SET UP HAS TO BE VERY STRONG. it may be difficult to get the mirror out of the water, but if you run off and leave it in the water. the thing will still come out and believe me it will catch you in 100th of a second. the thing to know is, this being will be like a dark dull mass, something you have never seen before, and if you run it will run after you and it will always be just nearly getting you. it does this because it knows that by being close to you, that vibrant display ( your fear is at a max) it will also be attracted to anger or laughter. if it does get out and come after you, just sit still and it will also be still, laugh and it will come close, be scarred and it will come close. basically just accept it. if it comes out you have just got yourself the closest friend you will ever have..........
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  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I can't tell when people are joking


    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I know you're joking but you should try to take care of yourself, your mind won't be very useful if you're dead.

    Aside from probably killing my liver slowly I actually have a fairly healthy lifestyle. It's pretty easy to eat a healthy vegan diet and I get some light exercise but the whole health song and dance is pretty tedious, a painful ceremony that needs to be conducted to support more important activities.
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  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    It really is incredible that RisiR doesn't seem to realize how absurdly over-sensitive he is.

    He's the group's crybaby.

    You're honestly even more sensitive/easily hurt that Zek! Let that sink in.
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  18. This is true. This place is becoming/has been so lame for a while now. I mean, what's the deal? We're just a bunch of fuckups who are like 25-30 who come on the internet to insult each other? Do we want to build those typical insecure teen male relationships where we're too insecure to talk about real shit so we just try to make ourselves feel better by talking shit to each other? There's nothing cool about that, it doesn't help anybody.

    People were making fun of obbe the other day just for trying to give advice on how to be happy. It's not like he was being self righteous or anything, the advice basically amounted to being able to let things go and not have to control everything, and people started talking shit to him. Why? You're mad he's happy? Or also the other day, people were talking shit to mmq, who is probably one the funnier people I've met/talked to. He obviously has some issues, yet no one wants to encourage, just try to tear him down.
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  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by bling bling happeiness adn sadness r the same things

    yeah you're right just like having a vagina and a penis are the same thing, you're a very wise boi bling bling
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  20. Originally posted by Open Your Mind Relativity isn't a matter of truth, it's a matter of perspective.

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