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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Reading Japan-Is-Eternals posts about all the expensive gadgets he is getting - while being an unemployed dude in his 30s - made me reflect.

    For a lot of my 20s I was jobless etc, just like him. But it wasn't comfortable. I wasn't buying the latest gadgets, I didn't live in a big empty house with my mother, I didn't have pets. I was in shitty flats with shitty people on sleeping on air-mattresses.

    If my life was materially good, maybe I would have just ended up in his situation, instead of hating shit and going out and getting an education/career/wife etc.

    I still like to think I'd be cooler than him though.
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  2. Dos games can be a pain in the ass to get running properly on Windows 10 etc. Dosbox is ok but I wanted a stand alone unit.

    Dosbian for the Raspberry PI was released a while back and I just got round to playing with it.

    Installed on a Pi 3B+ it boots directly into dosbox and has many options to configure it however you want. Mount CD images, speedup, slow down, etc

    I 3D printed a mini tower case to put my PI in running it. It's a bit rough around the edges because I just printed it on Draft, I might go back and print another one on Fine detail.

    Anyway here it is "finished" and running doom. So far it's working great with everything I've thrown at it...just like an old DOS PC (only smaller).

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  3. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Kev Look. at. the. graph.

    The last warming spike (before we burned fossil fuels) was warmer than tihs one. the previous one before that, warmer, the previous one before that, warmer, the previous one before that, warmer.

    how the fuck do you draw the conclusion "we are causing global warming" from this?

    This is like saying "the holocaust didn't happen because the black death happened before the nazis ever existed". That's not how cause and effect works. That's not how any of this works.
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  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So if you were in the lawn maintenance business would you be ok with the government telling you that you could cut as many acres per day as you want but you can only charge $25 per acre and you have to cut anyone's lawn who can pay you?

    "What is an essential service?"


    I know you acutely lack self awareness but I hope one day soon (because you're old in poor health and likely to expire soon) you realize your naivete and southern fried autism is what makes the rest of the world laugh at America
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  5. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Kev

    The X and Y axes are just labelled X axis and Y axis.

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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo zopiclone tastes like copper

    dunno about copper but I have noticed it has a weirdly metallic taste
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    If you prove me wrong I'll just bring up how science said the earth was flat at one point and science changes and "facts" change so there isnt actually a thing as a fact.
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I find it hard to tell what his positions are because he only states them through links and references to others for the most part
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Obbe Sentence #2

    just off the top of my head, several European border guards (in Sweden from memory) were terminated because they tried to verify the stories 'Syrian child refugees' were giving them:

    - some held up asylum claims because the 'Syrians' knew nothing of the region, couldn't speak any local languages and were midnight black
    - others issued dental checks because 'refugees' were claiming to be children but obviously weren't

    It was deemed 'discriminatory' not to take these claims at face value.

    Closer to home Canada has banned ethnic breakdowns of crime and other statistics because nonwhites (ie. nogs and natives) commit crimes at much higher rates than whites, and they 'don't want to give ammunition to racists', regardless of whether it's factual.

    In the UK the Rotherham and Derby child grooming rings were essentially left to their own devices for fucking decades, leading to hundreds of girls being repeatedly raped because the police knew these were Pakistani gangs and were afraid of their investigations being labeled racist.

    Also I'm blanking on the guy's name but that London police affirmative action hire they posted glowing article after article about, 'Pakistanis in the police force', who went on to rape a bunch of women at traffic stops
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  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I walked in a gas station today and put a shirt on when I already got inside because it was well air conditioned

    dude as long as u dont get any hair anywhere I dont care ane neither should anyone else. Youre Ukranian in heritage aren't you? I dont think Ukrainians can even grow hair. They're the most hairless of all slavs, look it up
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  11. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Wariat another insult that is supposed to get to me lol. even if i was a nonce. then what or so what? lol like that is supposed to piss me off. id fuck the, everyday if inwas night and day. ruck em and fuck you.

    Your entire existence, including your "art", can be summed up with 2 words: shameless arrogance . The only emotion your shitty, infantile gay porn is capable of instilling in others is pity.
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    A friend does read a fair bit and he was telling me about how almost all books treat humanity as inherently good, with the exception being Xeelee sequence (and I guess 40k).

    Anyway, my idea is that somewhere in the near future, we discover a way to build elements atom by atom, kind of like a 3D printer that can build anything as long as it's fed raw materials (ie. it can produce water if fed oxygen and hydrogen, and scales up to complex elements, drugs and mechanical systems). Instead of bringing peace due to the end of scarcity, it puts a nuclear weapon in everyone's hand. Humanity is almost completely wiped out, with the only survivors being a few loners who jetted off into space alone just before the end.

    These few wanderers end up as mad gods, being able to essentially live forever, change themselves and build anything imaginable through the aforementioned technology. The story from there would be a lot to do with purpose, madness and isolation through their interactions with aliens and each other
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  13. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by rabbitweed

    Proof of systemic racism against gentiles. Smash jedi Supremacy!

    Yeah those j'ews really stuck it to us in the U.S. with all those laws passed to treat us like animals for all those years after they stopped enslaving generations of our people.

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  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I just posted five times in a row in the same thread.

    I'm posting a sixth time just because.

    Kinda pushing it to the limit in here.
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  15. Technologist victim of incest
    Ok so Soi and Rabbit feel like they can make disgusting assertions about a person and not back it up.

    Go on with your bad selves gossip girls👩‍❤️‍👩
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The same reason you don't address a parrots argument. Neither of them have any clue as to the meaning of the noises they are making.

    Well at the end of the day we're all parroting someone. You didnt just come into this world and have your views based of nothing. The term 'well-read' is a term for a reason. Everything we say is stemmed off of what someone else before us likely said. So it's kind of the same thing. Talking points are talking points.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Or someone could just reword what one posted and Putin some spelling errors and a couple swear words and then make it their own thing and then youd have to come up with a new excuse as to why you wont address it.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Your idea of a debate is for me to write up a source backed counter argument while you google "institutional racism" and copy paste the article from wikiepdia?

    Go fuck yourself you lazy motherfucker.

    You haven't responded to any of my things I've said. Is it because I'm too stupid and not even worthy of responding to? It is, isnt it?
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Classic obbe he got you dohohoho
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  20. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit

    Folks, even Fox News has turned against Trump.


    Maybe you diehard Trumpers should wake up to the reality that TRUMP IS TOAST.
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