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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    The democrat strategy is simply to vote whereas the Republican strategy is to suppress and deny votes.

    Almost 70% of Biden voters voted early or by mail and these ballots will not be counted till November 4th morning, as has always been the contrast almost 70% of Trump voters plan to vote day-of.

    Trump will declare victory on election Day based on day-of vote counts, then try to get the SCOTUS to halt the count (no recount, they will literally halt the count) day-of and try to get mail-in, early voting, curbside voting, dropoff votes, absentee ballots thrown out and solely use day-of in-person counts.

    Trump and his bitchfags will justify it as "WE SHOULD KNOW THE RESULTS DAY-OF" when the official count literally never comes out on Election Day, just estimates from poll counts.

    With a 6-3 SCOTUS supermajority there is literally no fairness left whatsoever to this election. They will steal the election and then it will be futile to contest it.
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  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Lol..wrong.

    I've been treated under both systems, I lived in the Uk for 29yrs…I was on a waiting list for minor knee surgery for 2yrs. My dad recently needed a hernia OP, he was told the waiting list was 18 months…my brother and I paid for him to go private and got it done in 6 weeks.

    You have no clue as usual.

    Lmao okay so what you're telling me is in the UK you have two options:

    Those who cannot afford private are stuck to waiting years for non-emergency surgery

    Those who can afford to go private wait less time

    Meanwhile in the US you have these two options:

    Go into debt

    Be able to afford private insurance.

    The reason US hospitals/doctors are not bogged down is because people aren't fucking going. They can't afford it. That's why Americans die earlier, and have worse overall health. There are kids who literally die because their parents cannot afford life saving medicines that is paid for by taxes in other countries. I know my friend's grandma who HAS Medicare, in a state where it's actually halfway decent, but one of her medicines was still like 500 a month and that put it out of their budget. It's just ridiculous.

    Anbydoy who thinks this system works is not looking at the statistics. Most Americans wish they could wait 2 years to get healthcare. The current thing most poor people do is either accumulate a lot of medical debt, or you just don't get it treated.

    I'm sure you've never been asked "Do you want me to stitch that up for you?" as any kind of serious suggestion, but I have.
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo Don't worry I already reported that fakepoast. Don't let him guilt you. Just compare yourself to yourself and no one else.

    I think he was just looking for something that might help and I appreciate the attempt, at least.

    Also, reading about your father was interesting but really only a tertiary topic. I remember you said he was pretty affected by the "unfortunateness" in Vietnam and a funeral would clearly manifest that explosively.

    Short version is he had a very short fuse and took it out on my mother and I (my brother to a lesser extent - when he 'came out' my dad was unsurprised, said he'd always been less hard on him because he was 'soft'), so there was always a lot of screaming and up. I later understood that he'd seen and done things that'd very likely damaged him.

    That funeral (mother's father) was a few years after they separated, and he lashed out because he felt like he didn't belong and nobody was helping him. It felt exactly like what it used to when I was a kid and he'd go ballistic, except this time I was more angry than scared.
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  4. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I probably just need a good holiday and to get out of the inner city.

    Go to the forest and take some LSD or mushrooms. If you can't see why this is a good idea for your mental health and personal growth then you will be stuck in this cycle of negativity forever.

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  5. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by aldra you try to make it sound silly, but it's true in a sense - most western countries are in the midst of a major demographic shift where native whites (yeah, there are those groups that are 'more native') are losing their majority. as is often said, 'demographics are destiny'. whether you think this is a positive, negative or neutral thing is a different story.

    when demographics shift, so do cultures, values and religions - and seeing as the 'liberal west' (aside from Iran as a bizarre outlier) is most accommodating to how you personally choose to live your life, I wouldn't write it off as a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

    He said we live in a dark age, not a darkie age. Whites becoming a minority isn't the end of the world, it doesn't spell disaster for civilization. Hell, if he thinks trannies are some kind of yardstick for measuring the failures of a culture then he should be happy about the demographic change that will regress us back to having beliefs in line with the rest of the world.

    Originally posted by rabbitweed Oddly enough having a parasite circus freak getting angry at me does make me feel a lot better. I really do have it quite good.

    - I earn decent money and there's a lot of room for growth.

    - I am completely comfortable and stable in my identity - and I never had a breakdown of myself so complete that I had to do something insane, like get my balls removed and pretend I'm a woman.

    - Even the tax thing has an end in sight. It's very likely that I'll one day be able to relocate myself to somewhere low tax like Singapore and not have a half of what I earn spent on boomers, drag queens and brown people.

    Honestly apart from this shitty apartment (which I can afford to move out of whenever I want), life is pretty good. I probably just need a good holiday and to get out of the inner city.

    Thanks for giving me perspective.

    You're welcome I guess. Stop being such a fucking crybaby. I swear to god you only picked the ideology you have - one totally at odds with the rest of society - so you could maximize the number of things you get to complain about.
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  6. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    with my nose
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  7. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Some crazies are better than others.

    All crazies are created equal and deserve a platform to be heard!!!

    That said... some aren't crazy enough and if I can read their opinion in a newspaper or see it on tv I'd rather it stayed there... I love my fellow totseans cuz sometimes we can say something original. Might be badly reasoned, based on shaky facts or to steeped in our personal biases but it will probably make another think.

    I don't like your blocking script, I like nis cuz we're not about anything and nothing is off for discussion... Whatever some people like a circle jerk.
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  8. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Damn, made ur own safe space lol
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  9. itybit African Astronaut [daze my amino pe-tsai]
    Originally posted by POLECAT when they say tax the rich , they mean folks makin over 30 g's a year,, ifn they were only gonna tax the folks makin over 100,000 then ide get on board with it

    According to the analysis (by the Tax Policy Center), for those in the bottom quintile, which include people making less than $25,000, tax cuts would average $750 in 2022. Those in the next quintile, making between $25,000 and $50,000, would see a tax cut of $790. Those in the middle, earning between $50,000 and $89,000, would see a tax cut of $620, while those making between $89,000 and $160,000 would see a cut of $420.

    The top earners, by contrast, would see a steep increase. Those in the top 1%, who earn more than $788,000, would see an average tax increase of $266,000, while the super earners — or those in the top 0.1% — would see an average tax hike of $1.6 million.

    Biden has also proposed raising the corporate tax rate back to 28% from the 2017 Trump tax cuts 2017.

    This article expllains the corporate tax change fairly well and there would be a penalty for moving jobs overseas

    Obbe, these should give you a little bit better idea of what is being proposed by the Biden team.

    All's I know is I'm sick of working and seeing my tax dollars taken while to the top wage earners don't pay shit and the corporations pay little to nothing. They keep earning money hand over fist while the lower and middle class support the country. Trickle down my ass, they don't trickle down anything.
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  10. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yet still no stimulus check.

    How are things looking in Canada? Is the government helping you at all?

    I'm not eligible since I'm an unemployed wastoid on disability, but we've had pretty reliable emergency relief payments via CERB for most of the pandemic ($2000 a month in Canadian dollarettes). It was also not really regulated up front - I could have applied and received payments even though I was ineligible, because the Canadian government rightly determined that it was better to hand out money first and ask questions later. There was no vetting process. If you weren't eligible you'd just be on the hook for all the money you fraudulently received.

    That's transitioning into a new $2000 benefit called the CRB.

    None of this has been flawless in its execution (people are struggling with the new CRB program apparently) and god only knows how the fuck this is feasible with the budget our government has, but people have at least had the money to survive.
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  11. Nevermind that the rest of the world is using the same sensitivity for the tests but whatever

    Apparently these are only American problems. They give so many explanations that can easily be debunked by looking at the rest of the world.
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  12. Originally posted by Obbe He backed up his claims with sources.

    Some of his claims. Not the claims I was disputing from that post. It's a typical deflection tactic. Just ignore the discussion and talk about what YOU want. This way you can discuss the strongest points of your argument while ignoring the weakest, which are what people are actually disputing.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Flagrantly untrue. They don't get paid more for COVID deaths. Where the fuck did you hear that? Trump? Actually READ the CARES act and you'll see the only money hospitals got from the federal government was a 20% medicaid supplement. This is, the feds covering an additional 20% for all medicaid bills for all patients who test positive for COVID.

    Here's the money for that. Both for the CARES act and the 2nd wave of 10 billion.

    Where's the money you're talking about? Where's the legislation that says hospitals get money 'for each death'?

    This is complete bullshit lol. "CDC test kits" are not any different from the tests the rest of the world is using. If America's testing numbers are off, so is everyone else's. Clearly though, you have no idea what you're talking about. What you're thinking about are the very early molecular tests. We now have far more sophisticated antigen/antibody tests which are significantly more accurate.

    I don't even know what to say about the rest of your post. It's just wild ass speculation and you come to a wild ass conclusion that '90% of the tests may be false positives' based on fucking what? Your own guesswork? Because you THINK it might be? You FEEL they aren't accurate?

    I mean holy shit. The level of mental gymnastics you are going through to get to the conclusions you are getting is just insane. You have no evidence of any kind for anything you're saying. Where are your scientific studies showing the tests are 'wildly accurate'? Like you realize this is just a problem in modern medicine right? People get false positives for cancer. For other coronaviruses. For genetic diseases. Donut frosting gets mistaken for methamphetamines in reagent tests. I mean it's just a problem overall. Why is anybody pretending like the coronavirus tests are any different?

    Even if 50% of the tests are false positives (which would be unrealistically inaccurate) the official CDC report (as in, the actual counted COVID deaths) is at like 210,000 dead in America, with it being more like 300,000 if you count the 'unexplained' spike in pnuemonia and heart attack. But let's assume the "real" number is 100k. That is still 10% of the COVID deaths for a country with 4% of the world's population.

    Originally posted by aldra I'm sure we've talked about it before, I know I've posted links and data

    Basically hospitals will typically mark any death while a patient has tested positive for COVID as being caused by COVID. This is partially due to the lack of resources to perform an autopsy/verify cause of death for every casualty and partially because hospitals get paid out more (insurance) for COVID kills. This has lead to instances where people who died in car accidents, falls or violence being marked as COVID deaths because they had the virus concurrently.

    In terms of testing, the initial CDC test kits had a 50% accuracy rate and it's not clear how much they've been improved since then. Current test kits carry the warning that they may register a positive for any coronavirus such as the common cold, rather than the specific COVID19 virus. Further it's recently been reported that the PCR tests used to detect the presence of the virus in the test kits has been such a high sensitivity (standard tests are run at sensitivity level 30, COVID tests are run at 40 with graduating steps) that they've been demonstrated to pick up inert and deactivated viruses and even stray genetic material that may or may not have even come from a coronavirus intially. Over 90% of tests are run at this absurdly high sensitivity, meaning that up to 90% of tests may have registered a false positive.
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I am special: the thread

    revision 82409
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  14. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    That's a great looking kitchen. The lesbians living there are gonna love it bro.
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  15. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by rabbitweed If poor people follow your advice, they will stay poor and miserable forever.

    You associate poorness with misery. It is possible to be poor and happy. Lord knows I was pretty content when I was homeless - I had a homeless shelter to stay at and panhandled money to buy anything that I couldn't get for free. If poor people followed Obbe's advice, they'd stay poor for sure. They wouldn't be miserable though - they'd be satisfied.
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  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by rabbitweed So the narrative for me now is that I need my parents approval? Been through that phase years ago.

    If you can't see that I genuinely want peoples lives to be better and that they don't have to have drug addictions and work shit jobs, then you are being willfully blind.

    If poor people follow your advice, they will stay poor and miserable forever.

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  17. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by rabbitweed The 'we' was myself and soy, as I was talking to soy.

    Obbe invokes an ill-defined 'we' and 'us' when talking to others to make his own thoughts appear more popular.

    Normal talk:

    "they really do hate us, don't they soy?"

    Weakling talk:

    "we don't like you and we all wish you would go away"

    I know the above is probably wasted on you, but I'd still like to think I can teach an old dog new tricks in the only language she knows.

    I knew you meant you and Soi. Just like you knew that Obbe meant all of “us”, the people who read the forums. All of us that read the forums have read about your horrible life from your own mouth.
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  18. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I'm shocked I'm not on the poll.

    Delusional not hungry.
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  19. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I feel that income is a poor metric for the worth of an individual.

    Have you created any art? Helped another person out or developed a new skill recently?

    When did you read a book?
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  20. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Where do you even come up with this shit? Literally wrong on multiple levels.

    Nigga shut the fuck up. The only yeast you've kept in your life is a yeast infection between your fat jelly rolls.
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