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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. HTS highlight reel
    Hell, even dreams are just as real as reality once reality and dreams are both in the past. And I like dreaming more than I like being awake a lot of the time too. In dreams... in dreams...

    Good works of fiction are just dreams with less immersion, and the ultimate goal of any storyteller is probably to approach a dreamlike immersion with their work. Fiction, dreams, reality they're all just memories. Whether or not those memories leave a tangible trace in this reality has little value to me.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer........................................................................ (banned) as soon as the power goes off it never existed

    It exists in here.

    Having fond memories of the time I slew a dragon and founded a kingdom is far more enjoyable than having memories of the time I... what... fixed up a shitty old beater car to keep me occupied instead? Did taxes? Filed paperwork? Fixed a clogged toilet? Sculpted a monument out of human shit and called it art? These are all things that are "real" which seem far less meaningful than the things which are not. I don't really enjoy social activities so I don't value hanging out with friends or whatever normies find meaningful either. Which leaves me with my stories - books, tv, movies, games. The only productive thing I'd have any interest in doing is storytelling (ie creating the worlds I enjoy more than this one), but I've no talent for it so here we are. Vidya.

    PS: Nothing that happens on this forum is real either. Why post here? It's all just words on a screen accomplishing nothing, that disappear the moment Lanny or the FBI wills it or when the power goes out or whatever.
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  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker And this mess here thinks he knows what is best for the world.

    This sounds like you're saying I'm your overlord but I really just want nothing to do with you. I would not talk to anyone as dumb and pathetic as you in my day to day life and I would prefer that during the time I spend online I'm not being reminded there are people in the free world who are this mindless, sad, boring, disgusting and ugly inside and out.

    This thread isn't about how much that hurts you though, it's about utility and the decline of western civilization so I guess how useless and stupid you are is on topic.
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  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So bigshot prize winning investigative journalists need more time to report bombshells than run of the garden variety jouralists?

    I wonder what his thought process was? It must have been something like this if you are right.

    Man, this shit is way worse than anyone is being told and people are going to die from lack of this information. What should I do about this? I know, I'll include it the book I'm writing about all the other bad orange stuff. I might be able to get it published in time to keep Trump out of the White House. It really is too bad people don't know this now so they can take measures to increase their safety.

    what a stupid fucking post. Everything you type is so fucking stupid. You actually make me depressed knowing you exist. Its bad for the soul to see what you type. Holy fuck I need a break from this website you are so stupid its fucking sad
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  5. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Everyone, did you notice my multiple posts a day asking how many times you think about J'ews a day?
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Nil Of course obbe comes in with the idea that I am somehow more capable than a woman who rents her own house, and maintains her lifestyle as she chooses. As tho my assistance getting some decent angles in means that I can even afford lunch.

    he was talking about her looking like skeletor
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  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    "Im a piece of shit but Bob Woodward should have brought it to everyones attention earlier so he's not a great guy therefore HIS REPORTING IS INVALID BAM FULL CIRCLE DIDUCWUTIDIDTHER??? Ok anyway, America is great rn and I made it that way, economy in the tank, COVID everywhere and I dont care, racial tension everywhere and the pacific west is on fire. I made America so great its worse now than it ever was in recent history and our influence in waning in the world. Vote for me because I'm a more charismatic geriatric white man. Fuck this country and the dead troops. Haha Im publicly known as a piece of shit that nobody has anything good to say about and I still got to be president. Grab em by the pussy!"
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  8. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker But why would he sit on it? If, as he and the media claim, Americans lives were at risk and he sat on it how is Woodward any better than Trump?

    Lolz this is your defense of Trump?

    "Woodward is a pos too!"

    proceed to stick your head in a wood chipper old man
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  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged

    Quotereplies cheerleading people in line with his retarded agenda with straw men about the "other side", writing desperate gay fan fiction about vanquishing strawmen because it is easier than getting his ass beaten on every actual "argument" he tries to make.
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  10. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Folks, we also have a special treat this afternoon. Here to discuss white victimhood while possibly simultaneously wearing a dress: JediJudy.
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  11. Originally posted by Obbe Not an argument.

    speedy "joe biden" parker
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Do you know who owned the station? How do yo know it wasn't a relatives property. Or a close friend. You only know that you want anyone on the right to be punished. Aks yourslef this. If that was you with the rifle and an armed mob was throwing incendiaries at you what would you do? You would probably piss your pants and beg for your life.

    get fucking real kid. It was a provokative action to cross state lines with a rifle to attend a protest. A gas station has nothing to do with this. He was being hit with a skateboard and other things, not incendiary devices, get your story straight. He put himself in that situation literally looking for conflict, found it and escalated it.

    He wasnt "valiently defending a gas station for the poor mom and pop shop of exxonmobil" he was a police loving cuck kid with more balls than brains who went to a conflict zone to cause more conflict and defended himself when confronted.

    "what would U dooooo?" is the dumbest rhetoric too. I'm a mentally and emotionally unbalanced ex con, what I would do is probably not whats in the public interest. You make up narratives, get your worldview from youtube and would felate cheeto man given the chance. Its embarassing to even have a passing awareness of you
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  14. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    I enjoyed Rollercoaster Tycoon. Look up OfficialNerdCubed on YouTube and search for his Rollercoaster Tycoon vids for some decent entertainment.
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  15. HTS highlight reel
    This hurts my soul.

    I can't believe these idiots still think the moon is real.
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  16. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Nothing special. A 2015 Indian Chief Classic, a 2019 KIA Optima, a 93 Jeep Wrangler, I just sold my truck. I'm shopping for another Ford F350 4 door dualie diesel. When I find the right one I can use my toy hauler again.

    i envy your lifetime achievement.
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  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    What a fucking scumbag piece of shit ripping of Jack Layton like that. He was my favorite politician when I was a kid because he talked about legalizing weed in 2005.

    Go fuck yourself Joe Biden, anyone who supports him is an enemy of Canada. Maybe that senile old fuck should write his own words instead of ripping of Canadian legends. How could you vote for such a hack? At least Trump has the mental clarity to write his own damn speeches, some of which he just gives off the cuff.

    There is no defending Biden here. Either you agree with ripping off Canada or you don't, and if you do than you are as big of a piece of shit for defending a plagiarist as Biden is for disrespecting the good name of Jack Layton, RIP

    Originally posted by Obbe The GOP's months-long effort to paint Biden as doddering and senile backfired massively with his solid DNC speech:

    Yeah because HE FUCKING STOLE IT!!!
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  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    "You burnt dinner"

    "Actually no, how could I burn this dinner if it came from a much hotter supernova billions of years ago? Do you think my stove is hotter than a supernova?"
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  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    In a country with abundant resources, the largest force of skilled labor, and the most productive industry in the world, many found it hard to understand why the depression had occurred and why it could not be resolved. Moreover, it was difficult for many to understand why people should go hungry in a country possessing huge food surpluses. Blaming Wall Street speculators, bankers, and the Hoover administration, the rumblings of discontent grew mightily in the early 1930s. By 1932, hunger marches and small riots were common throughout the nation.
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  20. Octavian motherfucker
    One thing many of you may have noticed is that white people in the NZ are so much uglier than white people almost anywhere else. Low-imagination, low-IQ inbreds that were left behind while the more adventurous among them moved abroad. Combine this with several centuries of inbreeding and keeping it in the family results in this:

    Notice the cave man forehead, weak chin and vacant stare. Hooked nose which shows signs of his jedi heritage.

    Then there's me:

    Nordic blue eyes from my saxon heritage. Perfect white teeth and Olive skin with great hair.
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