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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Meikai I thought you were a good commie boi. What happened to you, lanizzle?

    I am, although Biden is a shit communist, socialist, hell he's even a pretty mediocre leftist even by American standards. After the DNC manage to fuck themselves hard on nominations two presidential elections in a row and learn absolutely nothing from the last four years the only thing left for me is to laugh at them and enjoy the schadenfreude of watching them pour vast amounts of wealth in to candidate "at least they're not trump" #2. The american leftist cause would be significantly advanced if someone bombed the DNC and managed to kill everyone involved.
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  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    so a while back the creeper gunpowder farm got blown up and someone yoinked all the fishing stuff and enchanted books from the adjacent mob grinding room and I think I just stumbled on the base of whoever took all the stuff because this stuff looks familiar and they have a dub full of pufferfish I think from the same stash

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  3. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]

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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    1. Wear plain clothes
    2. Knock on the door and say you're a cop
    3. If they answer the door, tell them again that you're a cop serving a warrant and proceed to take and do whatever you want
    4. If they dont answer, break in and say you're a cop. Have your weapon drawn. If the person is home, they will automatically believe you and wont resist or defend themselves. Proceed to take and do whatever you want.
    5. Thank them for their cooperation and tell them you'll be in touch with them or some bullshit.
    6. Repeat as many times as necessary
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  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Scaredy Parker
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  6. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    You're just mad because you're a petulant child who throws temper tantrums and makes all the rest of us have to suffer through it every time Lanny boots your ass off of here.

    Are you ever going to grow up?
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  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I'm on more than that, and I'm terrified of the 30 year mortgage you'd get on that salary. Interest rates are at rock bottom, globally. How long will that last?

    I feel like a lot of mortgage owners are in for a rude awakening in a few years.

    I didn't say i wouldn't like to be making a million a year, but realistically you could live off of 70k a year quite comfortably.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So becasue the left has been screaming, crying, and rioting for the last for years due to losing an election and I suggest that they will keep doing what they have been doing when they lose again that makes you think I acted that way in the past?

    I think you're misinterpreting what I asked. I didnt say anything about crying and looting or anything like that. I was just wondering if your life was personally bad when Obama was president.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker What makes you think I might have?

    Your suggestion that stl will.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I watched the first 1/3rd of it last noight. If anything that documentary would be like the opposite of j3wish propaganda as it seeks to expose what would be the J3wish trickery of social media.
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  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by CASPER Yeah because antifa and BLM are subject to all kinds of “atrocities”.

    I didnt say anything about all of them being violent, or even that anything should be “done” about it. I said the premise- that unarmed black people are killed on a daily basis by police (who they believe are just a proxy for white people) is a complete lie. And its fuelling people who really just hate the white working class. A bunch of criminals getting shot doing dumb violent criminal shit isnt a cause worthy of burning cities. And the handful that arent arent a number large enough that its indicative of a larger trend. Im not going to gather a bunch of rednecks with fishing boats a d trawl nets because 2 people got attacked by sharks here last year.

    There has to be a deterrent to people committing crime. Social workers prancing around the hood aint it. Plenty of urban youth break the cycle and become productive because they dont want to go to prison like their family members. I mean lol why the fuck did i give up making tens of thousands extra dollars a year? It certainly wasnt entirely for a clean conscience. I was tired of being stopped and paranoid and wondering if i had bail money set aside, or if this person was a UC.

    I mean whats your solution to crime then, if not police? Vigilantism? Surely you recognize someone has to deal with it? The same people wanting to abolish police are hilariously the same people up in arms about ahmaud arbery, NEWSFLASH: thats going to be every single day if people have to deal with crime themselves.

    What? That isn't what you said. You are entitled to your dopinion but it's a consent pushing narrative and a dangerous position subject to overreach. You literally live in the Country that has FOR DECADES lead the world in incarceration. Does it lead the world in crime? Well, only in violent gun crime for non Venezuelan countries. It is obviously not working, any idiot can see that. It's a system where urban youths are part of a pipeline that sends them to prison, essentially becoming a ward of the state on and off for their entire lives. That's how the system works and it's apparent to everyone. Adding more police does not "solve" the issues you have. I don't care if it's black, white, brown, whoever people, I don't care if they're getting killed, molested, tarred and feathered or let go with a pat on the head: the system is broken and isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing. Duh.

    I just agree with the "defund the police" motif. The good thing about BLM is they actually seem to have an objective. "Occupy wall street" was retarded because they had no idea what their solution was and none of them had jobs. Slashing law enforcement budgets will not send a wave of crime across the nation AND WHO CARES IF IT FUCKING DOES???? ARE YOU A CITIZEN OR A DOG FACED PONY SOLDIER??? ARE YOU A HUMAN OR AN AGENT??? Freedoms are so hard to get back when they're taken away. Idk I could write about this for a long time, it's sad you think this way, or anyone does really.

    Your country is so stupid, They believe scientists are lying to them about global warming and a virus and all kinds of things but think it's great their government takes their money then spends it training people to police them and act as an arm of the state. How the fuck can people believe in government's altruistic intent but not believe in science? What the fuck is wrong with the world? It makes my head hurt. Defund the police. I want my money going to better things. Why is that controversial?
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  12. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Even if this were true, it wouldn't be the same thing. Stay in your lane, sheep fucker.

    No, please explain to me how a half vietnamese half white australian is way out of line for using racial slurs against people causing violent crime openly on camera, but it's totally ok for your mexican self to use racial slurs again CandyRein for... idk, working a hard job? watching music videos?
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  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Vinny likes kids.
    And Hikki's a Jew.
    I just want a bitch...
    Whose dying to screw.
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  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    yeah the army ptsd thing is different, I forgot about that but the fact theyre both entwined with 12 year olds (although taking opposite positions) is coincidental.

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  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra if you were being honest you'd recognise that the only reason this story has become so popular is to essentially draw parallels between the Trump administration and the nazi eugenics program.

    1. Nice evasion of what I asked.

    2. Do you have any actual evidence to this effect, any concrete reasoning, or is this another knee jerk reaction that librul meedja is making fake news?

    The answer is you have no reason to believe so, because you are evaluating information based on your emotions.

    "everyone who sees him gets the operation" is just what one of the inmates told the interviewer

    Yes this is called a whistleblower reporting an account from a fucking inmate, who has contact with other inmates.

    almost certainly an exaggeration.

    Why? Since when do security guards on a transport vehicle know what medical procedure they are going to receive before they get there?

    without raw data to back it up those claims are somewhat dubious for the reasons I mentioned above.

    What are you expecting, the inmate to Solid Snake through the facility and acquire complete medical records for the facility to give to the nurse? And the nurse is retarded and being fooled? Or lying.

    Tell me, be specific.

    All I'm saying is that it needs to be investigated further instead of claims of forced sterilisation being used as a political tool

    This is the straw man I was talking about.

    What these reports are doing is reporting inmates accounts of medical, reproductive abuse.

    Either the report should be taken seriously as credible and investigated or shouldn't be taken seriously and aren't worth our attention.

    What I'm saying, what I'm assuming Obbe is saying, is that there is this serious report of serious misconduct and it needs to be taken seriously.

    Whereas you are pulling mental gymnastics to dismiss it out of hand based on bullshit paper thin reasoning, like an Auschwitz inmate would need to bring you full medical data before you believe it wasn't necessary euthanasia for gas pains and a formal complaint can be filed.

    What is the "instead of"? Either it's happening and it will reflect on the administration poorly, or it isn't and it won't. Are you saying it's definitively not happening?

    and I'm not really interested in playing your gay semantics games.

    You don't understand what semantics means either I guess. Where did I make a semantic argument?

    Plain and simple you are not gonna answer: what do you think happened, do you think the nurse just got Trump Derangement and decided she had enough of being a nurse for ICE because she wanted a book deal for a made up story about mass sterilisation? Is this the deep state? Literally WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING?
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  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra

    they have no actual data, just hearsay

    dunno how you'd go about investigating it though, are illegal immigrants' medical data protected in the same way as citizens?

    You have fallen for the meme Republican redefinition of "hearsay", where anything where a person hears something and then says it is hearsay. As opposed to, you know, a whistleblower collecting reports from within a camp and calling attention to the allegations of abuse.

    Like WHAT, you think some random Mexicans smoked lots of weed and came up with this to scam a nurse? Or like an ICE nurse was just dropping deems that day and got Trump Derangement so she just made some shit up and filed a complaint to the Department of Homeland Security? Or this is the Deep State and Solid Snake orchestrated an operation to have a fake nurse give fake testimony to attack ICE?

    Please Aldra tell me what the shit you are on about specifically.
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  17. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    "Daddys here.. Daddys here, bitchboys"
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  18. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by netstat self driving cars will only be reasonably safe once all cars on the road drive themselves

    I have no faith that we'll ever develop AI that can respond adequately to spontaneous erratic irrational human judgement and behaviour

    I don't think we'll ever develop AI that can behave spontaneously, erratically, irrationally, or emulate human-like judgement and behavior (a poorly behaved AI is still behaving rationally and in line with its coding so there's nothing really erratic about it aside from the stupid ass meat idiot not expecting that result). But I have no doubt in my mind that we could develop an AI which responds to those things faster/better than any human could. Especially insofar as it related to driving, which really boils down to avoiding being hit/hitting things. Even in the case of the ethical shit like making a choice of WHAT/WHO to hit if doing so somehow becomes unavoidable, it's still just going to be doing what some guy/think tank decided it should do after agonizing about it for an eternity vs what an irrational, erratic, spontaneous human would judge to do in a split second. Any moment to moment decision an AI makes is going to be informed by hours of human foresight. Any decision a human makes in those situations is going to be made with, at best, instinctual/reflexive self preservation guiding it (I was going to say "in mind", but that implies some kind conscious thought going into a split second decision and humans can't do that unless they agonize about it and program an AI to make the decision when it happens).
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  19. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Is it not the gil douglass raped?

    Going to have to be a bit more specific.
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  20. HTS highlight reel
    Anything tangible... anything real you accomplish is just as ultimately impermanent as anything done in a video game. 10000 years from now what I did in WoW tonight will matter just as much as every meaningful thing you've done in your entire life. Everything stops existing eventually. If permanence determines value, you might as well hop on the nihilist hype train to hell now and be done with it because nothing has value by that metric.
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