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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    I think you're a few bricks short of a wall.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by POLECAT ur gonna be very upset in a few days

    -guy who's been very upset for over 2 months
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  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jesus is king All drugs are garbage and should be illegal, including marijuana.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal

    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Indiana and I make like $1,200 a month
    The okaa and I might move to Michigan soon (like within a year or two) and start out as trimmers then move up to growing and selling marijuana.
    It's been said that a grower can make up to a million shekels a year growing marijuana.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man iie I live in Indiana atm ;_; orz
    No weed, you can't buy alcohol on sunday, people are dumb, too many sheepish working class boring bozoos.
    Nothing but strip malls and office buildings.

    I'm moving to Colorado though so I am feeling pretty EXCITED.

    Still living in fucking Indiana LMAO

    Originally posted by Jesus is king You can buy alcohol on Sunday here.
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  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Jesus is king You're going to die of lung cancer

    You’re going to die of poverty and no one being able to tolerate your ass for more than 5 minutes. And you’re going to do it well before lung cancer kills me
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  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Obbe Is that your weed pipe?

    Nah, tobacco, lala got it for me for Christmas. It seems pretty cozy to light up a tobacco pipe in the evening with a drink and a book. Not that I particularly need another bad habit but it’s fun.

    Most my weed intake these days is edibles but I have a flask bong I pull out every now and then
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I suspect a lot of these 'rape survivor stories' are made up for that dopamine hit when people comment how strong they are

    Originally posted by aldra almost makes me want to create an account and claim to be the rapist, back to finish the job

    I decided not to because while I might be able to live with myself being a rapist, I couldn't live with myself being a redditor
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jesus is king Mmq I legitimately mean it when I say you are a normie
    Like I said to rabbitdweeb, you people are brainwashed by a lifetime of indoctrination.
    You see people who think and behave differently and you asaume they must be mentally ill.
    For example a person who chooses to live nude in the woods and eat food they find in the wild would assumed to be mentally ill, you expect them to dress like you, spend your entire youth in school being told everyday how to think and conform, then waste the rest of your life being a slave so you can earn fake money used to keep you alive and comfortable.
    It's a very horrific and unfortunate situation and I pray humanity will restructure civilization in such a way that allows humans to finally be free

    The truth though is that society is the source of the problem
    To have a functional society people need to be sheep (like yourself) and confirm otherwise it'll fall apart like chaz or a hippy commune

    Virtual reality through brain to computer interface devices is what will truly free humanity
    You will be able to live out an existence that you truly desire rather than be stuck with the one you were born into

    This is something someone with a schizoaffective disorder would say. Your disorder disallows you to feel any degree of inferiority, meanwhile everything you say and do conveys the opposite.

    I am most certainly a normie in plenty of senses of the word, and that's fine. That's not an insult and it doesn't make me feel ashamed.

    It's all but impossible to convince you that you have a relatively severe mental illness, akin to trying to explain to someone with a sub 60 IQ that they are a "retard." They dont know what that even means. Your particular mental illnesses are the delusional types, and are the ones doctors and psychiatric professionals have the most difficulty treating.

    A team of neuroscientists and psychologists could diagnose you with what I'm saying you have, and you would also call them wrong, indoctrinated normies. It's the nature of your illness.
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  8. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Candy reaign is cooler than u and she's black, you have 0 redeeming qualities and are basically the best specimen to use to disprove racial superiority just by being so pathetic, you should put your massive proboscis to good use and make some weird nose penetration porn.
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  9. Zanick #2 Houston [my concurrently tip-tilted dermestidae]
    I hope treatment and recovery are smooth for you, OP. Get better soon.

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  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe I pretty much just smoke weed these days. I've tried vaping it but it's just not the same for me. It's probably harming my lungs, but not in a noticeable way at least.

    Cordyceps offer's some decent protection.
    Obviously it won't prevent you from developing random lung conditions but it will delay them.
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  11. Ghost Black Hole
    hate will get you nowhere in life
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  12. Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    Fucking state of that bug jaw

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  13. Originally posted by ORACLE Cuz your asshole was so loose

    could be their cocks are small.
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  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    I generally don't spend my time listening to people who've got no clue what they are talking about. I doubt OP has had any serious psychedelic experience because that would undoubtedly convince him that there's bigger things going on, unless he's naive ofcourse. If you're afraid of death, you shouldn't do psychedelics. If you need to face death and what comes afterwards you should do it.

    Lets get down to it.

    Yes, psychedelics has a huge potential when used in therapeutic context. It is ideal for depression, addiction, near death trauma, or any trauma really, and also to help terminal patients accept death because with a high enough dose, their ego dies and they return to the source where they are one with all. Ensurance of an afterlife via an experience that includes a feeling you can only describe as dying can be a powerful thing and would convince most people that physical death is not the end.

    Now i've already described the feeling of ego death in another thread and its not an unknown feeling. You know, don't think, but know that this is how it feels to die.
    And you cannot possibly comprehend the feeling of cosmic damnation without having tried it.

    But we don't play the game for the sake of ego death, we do, or i do it for the transpersonal experiences which comes afterwards.

    Now you can call things such as remote viewing, shared consciousness, astral projection, global consciousness, teleportation, cosmic awareness, OBE's, time travel, and telepathy for imagination if you want. But before we go on you people need to understand that imagination is limited to the building blocks from the reality we currently reside in.

    Sure, you can dream of faces and buildings you've never seen, but those too are a based on stuff from this reality. There's simply no choice. You can't imagine something you can't imagine.

    So. Dmt...

    Now i've seen alot of shit in my time because i love doing these kinda fucked up things.
    I've been to shroom hell and back again, i've seen the light on lucy, i've been stretched out over an eternity on salvia. I've been in the presence of what some people would call demons and gods.

    I've seen shit.
    But the shit that goes on in the dmt experience is some next level shit. The reason i cling to dmt in particular is because unlike most other drugs you stay clear minded, crystal clear in fact. There are no impairment on your mental state, its quite the opposite really. And then combine this with the stuff you see and encounter during a breakthrough...
    There is a place where things are impossible things. You know that what you see around you cannot exist and you are correct. It doesn't exist, not in this layer of reality anyway.

    But something else exists, out there, and you don't even need to take a drug to experience it.
    People are doing it all the time. Like huxley said: our soul has an appetite for the transcendental.
    We all strive for a different state of being because deep down we know there is more than this.
    Everyone is a junkie. Religious people go to church to satisfy their hunger. However because of the nature of religion they will never get it.

    That's the trickery.
    So many people go to church for some sort of divine intervention or spiritual experience but they never get it. Smoke 80mg dmt and you'll get it.
    The thing is though, even if you do manage to become enlightened, or even if you meet "god" and he tells you his plan and if you then go to the church to tell people, you'll probably get locked up. People gonna think you're insane.

    There are people who know the truth, but they keep it to themselves and for good reasons.

    We all want more than this and this is why we do drugs, watch tv, drink coffee, play games, smoke, jump outa airplanes, etc.

    We are fragments of a greater mind that is trying to rediscover itself through the human experience.

    As mentioned earlier there are several ways to induce similar experiences without drugs. Meditation for example, however it will probably take you about a decade to reach the same cosmic state as i could on a single heroic or so.
    There's also sensory deprivation which works similar to meditation by blocking out signals and thereby allowing for expansion of consciousness. People who are diseased or otherwise stressed can also experience such things at random.
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  15. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.0101110--1-1-----10.-110.1011-----...-.1.0-1-.1010-10--01-010------.-.--------.-1----000011---(b­anned) you are literally retarded and suffering from delusions of grandeur.

    repeatedly repeating falsehoods in perpetuity does not make them true.

    you havent posted one single morsel of repudiation but instead gibber on like a drooling retard

    Lol bro this is literally your m.o.
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  16. Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    I like OP but he reminds me of an IKEA slave.

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  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I just got crazy deja vu of this thread before but it has todays date. Maybe you're an alt and this is copypasta? Maybe I'm amazed/insane?
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bugz its food.

    they usually kill an ant that isn't working. they dont like laziness

    Some people mistakenly believe that live ants will eat the bodies of dead ants, but that is simply not true. Instead, ants, like human, will “bury” their dead. … The oleic acid released from an ant carcass can potentially contaminate a colony and create sickness among the ants and the queen.
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  19. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    I agree. i also think they shouldn't be raped and ignored until they decide their best option in life is to kill themselves
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm more results-based analytical oriented.

    Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly;
    Man got to sit and wonder 'why, why, why?'
    Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
    Man got to tell himself he understand.
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