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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe
2021-01-20 at 11:31 PM UTC in Things Donald Trump is #1 in
2021-01-14 at 11:12 PM UTC in THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's
2021-01-11 at 9:06 PM UTC in Who is the biggest embarassment?
2021-01-11 at 4:46 AM UTC in THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's
2021-01-10 at 11:18 PM UTC in Just built my new DESK!
2021-01-10 at 6:36 PM UTC in The fucking mentality of someone opposed to "storming" congressstorming congress is certainly a good thing to do, it's just retarded it was because some retards didn't like the results of a democratic election by THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NOT CONGRESS.
There are a billion reasons to cut off their heads and this was the dumbest one. Plus is makes America look retarded, dysfunctional and weak. -
2021-01-10 at 5:44 PM UTC in THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's
2021-01-10 at 5:34 PM UTC in THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's
Originally posted by Donald Trump Everyone hates you and as a result you support shooting women in the throat.
It was just some stupid cunt in the wrong place at the wrong time, you don't care about her, I don't care about her, nobody here cares about her. Give up the pathetic attempt at character assassination because we're all just different flavoured assholes here. -
2021-01-09 at 4:18 PM UTC in lol the first time since 1814 has the capital been invaded in a coup attempt
Originally posted by aldra are you asking why it's important that almost the entire media industry can collude to decide what an elected president can publicly say?
Thats very hyperbolic and untrue. Donald Trump can say whatever he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants to say it, as he has tended to due. A company has the freedon to decide whether or not they carry it. It sets a terrible precedent to say a company or individual is forced to carry the message of a shitty lame duck president (or a throbbing vigorous one) simply because when they are a service the president partakes in they lose the ability to make their own choices of free enterprise. Fuck that maoist shit. Tech companies are terribly run with terrible objectives because they are given the freedom to do so. What kind of authoritarian shit is forcing a podium?
Originally posted by aldra also it's a perfect example that demonstrates why capitalism fundamentally cannot coexist with or within a nation-state
It's not a perfect example of your evil and seditious statement because its a company deciding it doesn't want to be part of an increasingly irrelevant individual's intent to sow discord among the populace. It's entirely understandable. As much as I enjoy laughing at trump tweets there is absolutely nothing wrong with banning him for 2 weeks -
2021-01-08 at 10 PM UTC in The media do nothing but spread fear
2021-01-08 at 9:56 PM UTC in The media do nothing but spread fearLol you've been scared of those things?
Haha -
2021-01-07 at 9:41 AM UTC in THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty'sI think you're a few bricks short of a wall.
2021-01-04 at 5:17 PM UTC in THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's
2020-12-31 at 5:11 PM UTC in This will be the first NYE I will spend sober since 2007
Originally posted by Jesus is king All drugs are garbage and should be illegal, including marijuana.
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal
Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Indiana and I make like $1,200 a month
The okaa and I might move to Michigan soon (like within a year or two) and start out as trimmers then move up to growing and selling marijuana.
It's been said that a grower can make up to a million shekels a year growing marijuana.
Originally posted by The Self Taught Man iie I live in Indiana atm ;_; orz
No weed, you can't buy alcohol on sunday, people are dumb, too many sheepish working class boring bozoos.
Nothing but strip malls and office buildings.
I'm moving to Colorado though so I am feeling pretty EXCITED.
Still living in fucking Indiana LMAO
Originally posted by Jesus is king You can buy alcohol on Sunday here.
2020-12-26 at 12:23 AM UTC in Am I a gentleman OR WHAT?!?
2020-12-26 at 12:02 AM UTC in Am I a gentleman OR WHAT?!?
Originally posted by Obbe Is that your weed pipe?
Nah, tobacco, lala got it for me for Christmas. It seems pretty cozy to light up a tobacco pipe in the evening with a drink and a book. Not that I particularly need another bad habit but it’s fun.
Most my weed intake these days is edibles but I have a flask bong I pull out every now and then -
2020-12-22 at 12:33 PM UTC in "It's my rapeversary today, so fuck you" a repost from (((reddit)))I suspect a lot of these 'rape survivor stories' are made up for that dopamine hit when people comment how strong they are
Originally posted by aldra almost makes me want to create an account and claim to be the rapist, back to finish the job
I decided not to because while I might be able to live with myself being a rapist, I couldn't live with myself being a redditor -
2020-12-22 at 4:17 AM UTC in What's the mental illness Hikki has?
Originally posted by Jesus is king Mmq I legitimately mean it when I say you are a normie
Like I said to rabbitdweeb, you people are brainwashed by a lifetime of indoctrination.
You see people who think and behave differently and you asaume they must be mentally ill.
For example a person who chooses to live nude in the woods and eat food they find in the wild would assumed to be mentally ill, you expect them to dress like you, spend your entire youth in school being told everyday how to think and conform, then waste the rest of your life being a slave so you can earn fake money used to keep you alive and comfortable.
It's a very horrific and unfortunate situation and I pray humanity will restructure civilization in such a way that allows humans to finally be free
The truth though is that society is the source of the problem
To have a functional society people need to be sheep (like yourself) and confirm otherwise it'll fall apart like chaz or a hippy commune
Virtual reality through brain to computer interface devices is what will truly free humanity
You will be able to live out an existence that you truly desire rather than be stuck with the one you were born into
This is something someone with a schizoaffective disorder would say. Your disorder disallows you to feel any degree of inferiority, meanwhile everything you say and do conveys the opposite.
I am most certainly a normie in plenty of senses of the word, and that's fine. That's not an insult and it doesn't make me feel ashamed.
It's all but impossible to convince you that you have a relatively severe mental illness, akin to trying to explain to someone with a sub 60 IQ that they are a "retard." They dont know what that even means. Your particular mental illnesses are the delusional types, and are the ones doctors and psychiatric professionals have the most difficulty treating.
A team of neuroscientists and psychologists could diagnose you with what I'm saying you have, and you would also call them wrong, indoctrinated normies. It's the nature of your illness. -
2020-12-18 at 7:32 PM UTC in Black "people" are disgustingCandy reaign is cooler than u and she's black, you have 0 redeeming qualities and are basically the best specimen to use to disprove racial superiority just by being so pathetic, you should put your massive proboscis to good use and make some weird nose penetration porn.
2020-12-06 at 9:47 PM UTC in I tested positive for COVID-19