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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. It is totally fucked up, but it was a friend who wrote it, not I. I'm posting for him. Fiction is a crazy thing.
  2. But I weighed 25 more pounds, I wouldn't...
  3. Why don't our bodies go around doing everything we do and we just experience nothing?
  4. zeroonetwothreeforfivesixsevenayninteneleventwelirteeforteenfifteensicnldksgjdljkfhuiruwebtgkhfsdvcgfrelgfjps
  5. You couldn't even keep a ragtag team of resistance fighters from shutting down the site.

  6. Creative writing time

    See that child over there?
    With A cup breasts and long brown hair?
    She looks like she could use a friend
    Just have to wait until the end
    Touch her hand and give her a smile
    Get to know her for a while
    Then you can get even closer
    As long as you hide everything from her
    Give her a hug, give her a kiss
    We all know she will be missed
    Stab her in the back...with scissors
    Duct tape her mouth...for pleasure
    Slit her throat, she gurgles on her blood
    Make her take a bath in ass mud
    Make a necklace of her fingers and toes
    Find a spot in the fridge for her nose
  7. How much perl do you have under your belt? I made a thread a while back that got quite a few perl resources. You posted in it but lanny and I also added some stuff. I can dig it up if you want it. Otherwise im not much help.
  8. ITT:

    Russians… They are always so dark…

    Hi Ashley
  9. I've been places at times doing things.
  10. Rum & cocaine that is ;)
  11. i tripped alot and im sutpid
  12. Rocklin
    Chris Hansen
    the real -Spectral
  13. m
  14. Bought 1.7 grams for 22$, took 400mg today, 500mg tommorrow, 800mg the next day, 800mg the day after that, then I'll smoke 4 grams of spice

    Will update with how my trip goes
  15. You… are an especially distasteful person.
    I can see how my biggest victim would feel that way.
  16. TLDR
  17. He doesn't have to pay more for everything, just fastfood and manual labor and such which are pretty cheap anyway. The world would actually probably be a better place if you had to be wealthy to eat and mcdonalds anyway. The market price for lawyers is not set by what construction workers can bear bruh.
    Until you've lived in the real world you are never going to get it. When I entered the workforce min wage was $2.15/hour, milk was $.79, gas was $.50, and a loaf of bread was $.25. Now minimum wage is $7.25, milk is close to $4.00, gas is $2.50 (was close to $4.00), and a loaf of bread is $3.00. So unless that attorney doesn't eat or own a car his expenses have gone up and so have his fees.

    But do the math yourself Einstein.
  18. I was a mod of the roughest forum at &Temple of the Screaming Electron, with Metaphysicist as my co-mod. I was also mod at TheRevoltPress, with the administrator xannax as my co-mod. Then I was a mod of Zoklet, with the administrator zok as my co-mod. And you guys have the nerve to say I don't have the qualifications? Get out of town, Charlie Brown.
    You couldn't even handle me at TDD without breaking your own crayons.
  19. lol.. you mad old bro?

    *get off my lawn you whimpers snappers!*

    Why in the world would I be mad that you're a moron?
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