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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. So wait... zodiac was oplus? Or is oplus zodiac's kid? OP, are you greyfox's kid?
  2. Don't ignore me you fucking faggot. I gave you great tips.
  3. Really? Why am I not up to date on this? I want to laugh at his face for being such a bitch.
  4. I mean Phoenix could probably hold his own to most people with a philosophy degree and he's basically a sharpie plugging autodidact.

    If you'd used the feminine pronoun this could have been the greatest compliment I've ever received. Actually... it still is. ♥
  5. The best way to market something nowadays is social media. Especially Youtube. Just spam the link under tutorials, TED talks and shit like that.
  6. Host the site on Nigerian servers.
  7. It wouldn't be totse or pretend to be.

    Basically it would be academics to discuss shit. I'm considering needing a .edu email to register or something (exceptions will be made).

    So a lot of the topics will be highly technical academic stuff but the rest of it will be niggas talkin' shit.

    Also there will be a library.

    Sounds good. Sounds like the best parts of totse.

    As for liability, you don't need to specify all posts belong to their owners. That's pretty much the sole purpose of:

    Just make sure you're operating within the bounds of Section 230 and you're pretty much free of any/all liability.

    NOTE: I am not a lawyer.
  8. I have no answers to the questions you have asked but it sounds pretty cool. Don't over-moderate it. I can understand that you want to try some shit with quality content on your own but it will be hard to attract a userbase if you don't attach the totse name to it. I guess. I have no idea. Don't get PTSD from getting ddoxxed, bro. I'll join if it looks cool.
  9. Arnox, I need you. Where are you?
  10. Wide muscular shoulders and a hairy asshole.
  11. What kind of forum?
  12. Chinese buffet fucked me up.
  13. Bout 3.5

  14. >damage control

    By our autism combined, we are Captain Pedant!
  15. I've been taking bundy daily for the past week or so, averaging about a gram a day. It's stopped intoxicating me so badly that I can't move, and I can walk around fairly normally, but everything flanges, I feel like I'm on a permanent nitrous drip. It doesn't even feel very much like a high anymore and more like a distinct antidepressant with some psychedelic effects. When I take 400mg in a day I get a stimulant effect, music sounds choppy, smoking a cigarette trips me out, and my muscles are relaxed, my personality is different, reality feels textured, everything is compressed, but it is not overwhelming. I can function as a normal human being without my parents suspecting anything. This is a drug that has more interesting effects on human behavior and personality when taken in high doses at utmost regularity.
  16. Better than any of you because when I was 10 years old I lived in a burned out crack house in -40° north Dakota glory in the dead of winter with no power and I ran extension cords from across a street under the snow to power a TV and super Nintendo. Nowadays I cook shake and bake meth in the woods and hold several patents on zombie apocalypse nuclear fission generators and I can do chemistry even in prison or a mental hospital (making wine). Survival is easy if you live a life of intellect and poverty and trust in god and Satan and the forces of capitalism
  17. Scenario
    Let's go with the blizzard

    We've got a decent amount of canned food actually. But not enough to last more than say, a month. We have no water saved and we use city water, so if that went out, we would dehydrate. Though, being a blizzard, we could always go outside. We have plenty of propane to boil water and food with if gas got shut off. Our house is very heavy set so with enough jackets and blankets, the cold really wouldn't be a health problem.

    As for going and looting, there's a very good selection where I am at but there's also a lot of people. The big name places would be raided pretty quickly and I don't know that we'd be able to get away with much. Most of my family would probably be too scared to do anything like that and we'd only go when the prime picking have been picked.

    As for weapons, all we've got is a bow and arrow which nobody is good with in the first place. Finding wildlife to hunt in my area would be hard but I could probably make a snare and catch a rabbit here and there no problem.

    We've also got lots of basic tools and household construction stuff like saws and drills and nails, etc. Enough wood to build a shed. Not many trees or anything to cut down for fire, our firewood stockpile wouldn't last more than a few nights.

    I don't have any special skills really, I know more about survival than the average person but it's not extensive. I know a lot about the local wildlife so as for the rabbit thing, I know where I'd put a snare. I know where the deer in the local forest bed at night. I know how to discern bird calls for robins, cardinals and red winged blackbirds *very well* to the extent that I can tell where they are chirping and at least for cardinals I can discern age and gender. This is not very useful but if I were in a survival scenario it would help to know when somebody was coming.

  18. I felt bad for him many times but then he just keeps being a disrespectful, ungrateful little brat. He never even once admitted having a single fault. He never made any mistakes. Ever. At all. It's always the other people.

  19. what was that al-lad source from canada someone posted a while back

    I think this place is canadian, they're pretty popular. They have a few lysergamides. Not sure if this is the one you were looking for but look em up, they're trustworthy.
  20. This thread is a fucking loneliness and autism support group.
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