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Starting a new forums (lanny et al)
2016-01-24 at 5:50 PM UTCI'm not opposed to learning something new. I'm just going to be a full time engineering / math student so I don't really want something I have to dedicate my life to.
2016-01-24 at 6:14 PM UTCDon't ignore me you fucking faggot. I gave you great tips.
2016-01-24 at 6:23 PM UTCnopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope already made
2016-01-24 at 6:29 PM UTC
nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope already made
What the fuck does this even mean? -
2016-01-24 at 7 PM UTC
I'm considering needing a .edu email to register or something (exceptions will be made).
This may b a dtrnt as far as popl who prfr anonymity and privacy. Of cours you want intllignt popl but do thy rally nd to prov thir worth in th form of an collg ducation anyway? Though on th flipsid on of th most popular wbsits (facbook) in th world originally rquird a .du mail. I guss it boils down to making sur that you hav your sit accssabl to thos you want to us it. Which lads toacademics to discuss shit.
Can you narrow this down? What it sms to m is you ar looking to build 1 of two things (or 3 if you want to combin thos two into 1). 1. A plac whr collg kids com and discuss thir schoolwork and also hav a plac to rlax and sling th slop or 2. A plac whr alrady stablishd individuals can go and discuss things lik thir rsarch and dvlopmnts, mayb vn hav a sction whr thy may host thir publishd articls. Th third option is straightforward but th fourth isnt. You could hav on and two whil also having popl who arnt publishing articls or rsarching convntionally but might b intrstd in th sort of things discussd. Anyway I dont know whr I was going with this but I think my point is that you gotta catr to your marktbas. If you want collg studnts aim it for collg studnts if you want it for rsarchrs gar it n that dirction. Just dont undrstimat how much you will hav to pull popl to th board.
You also hav to raliz th intrnt is actually incrdibly small. I think somthing clos to 85% of intrnt us is mad up of sits ownd by somthing lik 8 companis. Th intrnt is no longr a wastland of standaln sits run out of Som Fucking Guy Jr. running it out of his basmnt. And many isp's dont allow it. Gt th sit hostd in a way that can sustain th load. And think of how you will gt clicks.
Lt m tll you a scrt. Th succss of any wbsit can b boostd by hunting for clicks. How do thos 8 companis gt so many popl on thir sits? Thy attract your ys. A prson looking at a computr scrn taks in a vast amount of information but maks browsing dcisions rathr quickly. This brings us to th impuls click. If it looks lik a link lading to your sit will b of intrst to th usr and dircts somon to you thats half th battl. This is why you will find storis lik "This Is A Thing Donald Trump Just Said. For Real. This Is Real Life." Bcaus it incits a fw motions. First your curiosity "What did h say?" thn ithr angr "fucking trump is a pig!". Also notic how it is nsurd that this is a tru thing by using th word *^^^^^ two tims. Dos this mak sns?
Anyway my ky dosnt work and I dont fl lik adding thm in. Hop this hlps if you can rad it.
2016-01-24 at 7:09 PM UTC
This may b a dtrnt as far as popl who prfr anonymity and privacy. Of cours you want intllignt popl but do thy rally nd to prov thir worth in th form of an collg ducation anyway? Though on th flipsid on of th most popular wbsits (facbook) in th world originally rquird a .du mail. I guss it boils down to making sur that you hav your sit accssabl to thos you want to us it. Which lads to
Can you narrow this down? What it sms to m is you ar looking to build 1 of two things (or 3 if you want to combin thos two into 1). 1. A plac whr collg kids com and discuss thir schoolwork and also hav a plac to rlax and sling th slop or 2. A plac whr alrady stablishd individuals can go and discuss things lik thir rsarch and dvlopmnts, mayb vn hav a sction whr thy may host thir publishd articls. Th third option is straightforward but th fourth isnt. You could hav on and two whil also having popl who arnt publishing articls or rsarching convntionally but might b intrstd in th sort of things discussd. Anyway I dont know whr I was going with this but I think my point is that you gotta catr to your marktbas. If you want collg studnts aim it for collg studnts if you want it for rsarchrs gar it n that dirction. Just dont undrstimat how much you will hav to pull popl to th board.
You also hav to raliz th intrnt is actually incrdibly small. I think somthing clos to 85% of intrnt us is mad up of sits ownd by somthing lik 8 companis. Th intrnt is no longr a wastland of standaln sits run out of Som Fucking Guy Jr. running it out of his basmnt. And many isp's dont allow it. Gt th sit hostd in a way that can sustain th load. And think of how you will gt clicks.
Lt m tll you a scrt. Th succss of any wbsit can b boostd by hunting for clicks. How do thos 8 companis gt so many popl on thir sits? Thy attract your ys. A prson looking at a computr scrn taks in a vast amount of information but maks browsing dcisions rathr quickly. This brings us to th impuls click. If it looks lik a link lading to your sit will b of intrst to th usr and dircts somon to you thats half th battl. This is why you will find storis lik "This Is A Thing Donald Trump Just Said. For Real. This Is Real Life." Bcaus it incits a fw motions. First your curiosity "What did h say?" thn ithr angr "fucking trump is a pig!". Also notic how it is nsurd that this is a tru thing by using th word *^^^^^ two tims. Dos this mak sns?
Anyway my ky dosnt work and I dont fl lik adding thm in. Hop this hlps if you can rad it.
Fix your keyboard. -
2016-01-24 at 7:42 PM UTC
PhpBB sucks because it's rather insecure, now, as is the case with SMF you can tighten security if you know what's up but for convenience i'd suggest forum software that comes reasonably secure out of the box.
Also, isn't discourse like full blown Web 2.0 shit, with a ton os JS and Java and such, if it has Java it should be killed with fire.
Discourse = Js + Ruby on Rails. No java. Yeah, it's pretty web 2.0, which I normally cant stomach, but it actually works and looks good. -
2016-01-24 at 8:27 PM UTC
Discourse = Js + Ruby on Rails. No java. Yeah, it's pretty web 2.0, which I normally cant stomach, but it actually works and looks good.
Ruby on Rails is pretty dank. But alright maybe someting to look into. -
2016-01-24 at 11 PM UTCMemba when I tried to buy the fern
2016-01-25 at 1:10 AM UTCSophie is it possible for you to let me work on the forum in some way, I know html and css and have designed many different forums and sites
all the pedo shit aside I think I can be a good asset
reason im asking is because my forum I made is probably never going to catch on -
2016-01-25 at 4:20 AM UTCI'm sorry, but this thread is an insult to Lanny.
2016-01-25 at 4:34 AM UTCI actually put a forum on my Raspberry Pi about a year ago, it wasn't hard at all. It was BB bulletin. I also own a couple of domain names which is basically just finding and buying.
You'll need a static IP unless you buy from a place like NoIP that'll redirect your domain to whatever IP you have at the time. You'll also need an ISP that wont block ports(you may have to set up some kind of service with them).
It's cheap, but the liability would be the biggest burden. Cost-wise, including electricity to run the server, maybe $100 a year. I've actually thought about running my own for a while now. -
2016-01-25 at 4:36 AM UTC
I'm sorry, but this thread is an insult to Lanny.
I do agree. As long as Lanny keeps this forum running, there's no need for an alternate. It also looks to me like all of the other totse-clones have shut down. -
2016-01-25 at 5:07 AM UTC
Sophie is it possible for you to let me work on the forum in some way, I know html and css and have designed many different forums and sites
all the pedo shit aside I think I can be a good asset
reason im asking is because my forum I made is probably never going to catch on
Nice of you to ask me but you should ask EasyDoesIt he's making the forum so far all i've done is give my thoughts. -
2016-01-25 at 5:08 AM UTC
I'm sorry, but this thread is an insult to Lanny.
I do agree. As long as Lanny keeps this forum running, there's no need for an alternate. It also looks to me like all of the other totse-clones have shut down.
Sounds like totse.
nope already made
For the last fucking time, I'm not talking about making another totse clone. Put your crackpipes down for five seconds and read what I actually wrote instead of seeing Totse everywhere you retards look.
I specifically said it was going to be a place for students to have an academic discussion. I'm not sure what school you dicks went to, but by that I didn't mean a place to talk about how much you like stuffing your brains with the latest thing some dropout made in a lab, how much you hate niggers, or how much you want to fuck little kids. Furthermore, thinking that &Totse was ever an exercise in anything even remotely academia is laughable. Granted it got a lot of us reading and gave many of us a desire to learn, but it seems to be forgotten that Totse's primary purpose was freedom - which has very little to do with academia for those of you who have been there. I mean, did you guys forget...
"Do you wipe your ass sitting down or standing up?"
"How many kintergardeners could you take on?"
"Could you kick your dad's ass?"
"I am Bloody Diaperman!"
"Guys go fap fap, girls go chic chic - you know what i'm taklin' bout."
I'm not trying to say it was a bad place or that we can't have fun, but that's definitely not what I was talking about when I said I was thinking about opening an academic forum. It's not supposed to be your new hang out and honestly a lot of you wouldn't fit in anyway because you're fuck ups. Granted I've been part of this community for a while, but thinking that because I want to make a forum that I'm automatically jumping onto the "let's try to save Totse (again) " bandwagon is asnine.That has never has been the goal of my idea for a successful forum. Furthermore, since even before the fall of zoklet, I always have consistently said that Totse cannot be brought back to life and people are basically insulting it's legacy by having a billion fragmented sites sitting up. I appreciate niggasinspace and I'm not going to speak for Lanny, but I distinctly remember this forum being created out of his kindness on the condition that there will be minimal effort on his part because RDFRN died since because so many people here were freaking out about not knowing what they were going to do with their free time. What I will say that I know is that he has no delusions of ressurecting Totse. Maybe it's because he's one of the few of the people affiliated with it that actually has a life outside of it (which is more than I can say for a lot of people around here).
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but there's a reason most of the best content producing memebers left and moved on with their lives. Niggasinspace is fun, I think about you guys throughout the day sometimes, some of you have interesting stuff here, but this isn't what I was talking about.
Not to be a dick but nothing frustrates me more when I write a very clear and basic message, people ignore it, and then proceed to continue a conversation completely removed from the context of what I actually said. I'll get shit for this but honestly I think some of you guys need to hear it. -
2016-01-25 at 6:50 AM UTC
Not to be a dick but nothing frustrates me more when I write a very clear and basic message, people ignore it, and then proceed to continue a conversation completely removed from the context of what I actually said. I'll get shit for this but honestly I think some of you guys need to hear it.
I hear you on this. I even got a little offended on your behalf when I read that shit.
Then again, you're posting this on what is ostensibly totse in 2016. And you're talking about a forum for open minded academics to share their knowledge; which was basically, as I said, "the best parts of totse". No matter what you say, people here are going to see the totse in it... because there is a bit of its spirit in your mission statement, even if it's not the whole spirit. I'm glad you're not trying to revive totse and you have your own thing you want to do, but keep in mind that what you're recommending could easily be spun as... like... a separation between "church and state" (in terms of totse). With this site representing the retardedness and yours the sensibility. *shrug*
I'd love to check it out anyway, if/when the time comes. I suspect it'd be a better resource than totse ever was, if it were to become successful.
2016-01-25 at 7:11 AM UTCIf I join I'll get banned wich will ultimately lead to the demise of the website/give you PTSD. Hmmm... hard choice to make, bruh.
2016-01-25 at 7:13 AM UTC
Don't ignore me you fucking faggot. I gave you great tips.
Arnox 2.0... Your site is already doomed.
2016-01-25 at 3:12 PM UTC
Arnox 2.0… Your site is already doomed.
"Ignore the boos when they come from the cheapest seats." -
2016-01-25 at 3:39 PM UTC
"Ignore the boos when they come from the cheapest seats."
"When the show is over I'll wait for you and fuck you up in the parking lot, nigger"
All jokes aside, your site sounds like RDFRN without totse. I see no reason for it to exist. I sadly have to deal with academics on a daily basis and I'm glad I don't have to waste my time with them when I get home. Good luck with overcoming failure once again.