User Controls

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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I just would. Plans fall apart. I've cultivated enough knowledge that I could get by on trial and error.
  2. Make thread specifically stating I dont want to talk about gun control but rather why there is no solidarity among people after these types of attacks
    5 pages of gun control arguments





    you guys are faggots you know that?
  3. I was joking,
    good for you!
  4. I didn't read the thread but I'd get my murder on as long as I can. I know a couple of hunters I'd try to kill first to get their weapons. Poison them with drugs if necassery. I'd probably just kill myself to be honest, though.
  5. I felt bad for him many times but then he just keeps being a disrespectful, ungrateful little brat. He never even once admitted having a single fault. He never made any mistakes. Ever. At all. It's always the other people.
  6. You watching/listening to the Liverpool game? I just checked the score, the fuck is going on. Do Liverpool even play with a defence or keeper.
  7. He's going to teach his therapist about all the exotic nootropics he's been taking.
  8. Did you add that Disney gif for comedic purposes or is that an Arnox original?
  9. These arguments always wind up being the exact same thing, so I really considered not posting in this thread. This is not going to win me any friends but whatever…

    The reality is that the US has more gun crime than any other First World western nation, and to chalk that up to anything other than the fact that we have more guns wtih less gun control in this country than any other developed western nation is fucking retarded. We literally have a gun for every man, woman, and child here. I have five guns in my house right now (many of which are milspec "assault weapons") and I'm a poor mountaineer. You can buy an AK for two weeks wages on minimum wage here and, in many cases, you wouldn't even need a background check. When background checks are conducted, they aren't using updated databases and it's very sketchy how well they even work. We don't even have universal background checks, so people easily transfer guns across state borders since different states have different laws.

    At the end of the day, you guys have to make a choice. You cannot sit here on this forum and talk about "how stupid the average person is" yet simultaneously argue "almost everyone in the US having access to guns is not the reason gun crime happens." The average person is too goddamn irresponsible to even drive a car safely, and yet you want them to preserve their "right' to be able to buy any long-gun they can afford as soon as they turn 18 - with no training, military experience, or even a fucking safety class? No shit mass shootings and murders happen. You live in a consumerist society of entitled children. Our newspapers are written on a fifth grade reading level and "big bang theory" or "The Bachelorette" constitutes mainstream entertainment. The people here are stupid.

    The second biggest lobbyist group in the US is the NRA. So they have literally billions of dollars and tons of congressmen at their disposal to make Americans buy more guns or believe anything other than mass gun ownership is the problem. Yet people want to act like guns being a god-given right is just a fact of history and rely on poor understandings of the constitution, like misquoting "shall not be infringed" (That originally meant a militia, not a handgun or long rifle). Wake up and realize that the NRA and other groups successfully launched campaigns to get people to believe that shit. If this was such an honest and genuine assessment of the scenario, these same groups wouldn't be blocking independent groups from publishing honest research on gun crime.

    Americans have dumb, machismo commitments to the idea that preserving gun rights preserves their freedoms. Meanwhile, most of us don't even have fucking health insurance, student loan debt surpassed credit card debt like three years ago and tuition is still going up (over $1,200 per 3 credit class at a state school here), our pornography laws are backwards, you can be fired from your job in some states for almost any reason, our infant mortality rate is the highest in the developed world, wages are stagnant (I have 3 degrees and clean toilets for a living, everyone else working with me has advanced degrees in biology, nuclear engineering, math, etc. Believing we just "don't know how to find work" is a sign that you're old, out of touch, or come from so much privilege you don't recognize it how hard it is to make money when you have none.), the president literally kills American citizens with drone strikes (3 of which were on accident) and under NDAA you can be arrested and imprisoned indefinitely without trial.

    Yet everyone wants to sit here and act like the fact that we've got a fuck ton of glorified toys we'll never use makes us free. If people consistently bringing guns into public places and shooting at random (including elementary schools) doesn't change anybody's mind, then nothing else will. Go ahead and blame "niggers" or "liberals" or the media or whatever else you want - but we've definitely got a gun problem and it's time we admit it.
    The UK has very strict gun control and London is the stabbing capital of the world. Are you saying you would rather be stabbed than shot? Or are you saying you would rather defend yourself and your family with a knife than a gun?
  10. Page 172 wut, get it on the proper PPP.
  12. He is a masterful shitthread creator, though. It's crazy. He does it every time.

    his ttfn was shit too:

    So the site was down for about a day. To the outcry of absolutely no one. But that's alright because I think it's time to make like a tree and leave for good as everyone keeps helpfully reminding me.

    I honestly don't know what to say that I haven't already said a bazillion times before to you all. At this point, you're either going to make it, or you're not. That or you'll rot in obscurity for a long while. But yeah, I wouldn't recommend that option obviously. If I were you guys, I would start bothering Lanny and tell him to get his head out of the sand. You guys wanna be a successful forum, then it's time you started acting like one. Starting with replacing that godawful forum software. And I thought Lanny was supposed to be SO MUCH MORE of an admin than me…

    Lanny, dude, come on. Seriously now… vBulletin 5? Even if it was free, I wouldn't use it. For shame.

    Anyway. I wish this was a fond goodbye but it's really really not. I'm honestly kind of relieved that I don't have to worry at all about you guys anymore. But whatever. What's done is done, and even if I had a chance right now to go back and not start Sanctuary at all, I wouldn't take it. I still would have done it. I learned an awful lot from you all. And I actually am thankful for that. To quote an oft-quoted phrase… I truly regret nothing.

    It's been quite a treat having a front-row seat to totse's slow implosion. But perhaps it needed to happen. I don't know. All I know is, I'm going to be moving forward. Good luck and… TTFN.

    Your lord and dragon savior,

    >implying we want to be a successful forum
    >implying we dont love the broken vbul5
    >implying LanMan isnt SO MUCH MORE of an admin than him

    so many fucking implications its killin me!
  13. He is a masterful shitthread creator, though. It's crazy. He does it every time.
  14. Yeah… Arnox… I have nothing against you per se, but… when I was on your site it didn't feel like home. This doesn't either, but I actually see a glimmer of hope here. intosanctuary was decent, but… I don't know man, it didn't seem like totse. It felt like someone was trying to fill a niche, not support the community. You know?
    That niche Arnie successfully tried to fill was his butthole.

    Let's not forget that he is an avid collector/connosouier of dragon dildos.
  15. That's exaxtly what made me change my mind. Caring about a profile picture on a faulty website called was too much, I have realized. Plus, I actually do like how it looks now, haha.
  16. So far this is the singular true statement in this thread.
    Excuse me?

    "That action could not be completed. Please try again, and if this occurs again please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message."

    I tried to do something."
  17. I hav even much for like such as to how its as if so do an are.
  18. Have you ever really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  19. What chip is this? You didn't see a lot of dual core 3GHz processors in the 90s.

    Considering they weren't on the market until the mid '00s, I think it's safe to say that speckles is going a bit senile. Hell, Pentium 4's weren't out 'til we entered the new millennium.
  20. keked heartily

    quality thread (im totally not shitfaced.)
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