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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Get a bachelors degree in English from a private school.

    You are killin me!

  2. §m£ÂgØL, you always were an ugly piece of shit.
  3. ^TLN you made a thread a while back asking the same question basically. I replied to you several times but I guess you just didn't care enough to respond. YOU DIDN'T CARE. AND NOW…I'M DEAD.

    I actually feel bad about that. I mean I dont but I regret following up on my own thread. But now you are dead. Who cares.

    But srsly lets get this TOTSE chess team going.
  4. Abstract: The synthesis of myristicin ketone from myristicin has been achieved through conversion of allyl group to ketone. Myristicin was isolated from nutmeg oil. The reaction of myristicin with mercury acetate in aqueous tetrahydrofuran, followed by in situ reduction of the mercurial intermediate by alkaline solution sodium borohydride produced myristicin alcohol. Myristicin alcohol was oxidized with PCC at 40 0C for 90 minutes, followed by purified with saturated potassium disulphite yield myristicin ketone (3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-propanone (68.32%).

  5. mad
  6. Sorry but this isn't a debate. Sploo has demonstrated consistently that he's part of the club of self-proclaimed geniuses running around this site who talk incessantly about their leviathan intellect but have nothing to show for it at all.

    I know he just posts stuff to try and get a reaction of out me because he has no real life, but honestly I knew an old guy who reminds me of him. This guy took an IQ test in like the 5th grade and it told him he was a "genius." He proceeded to fuck around all through middle school, do drugs, barely pass high school, became the town drunk, got a girl pregnant, beat the shit out of her, he went to jail, was like a two time felon, and was constantly fucked up on drugs and alcohol until his late twenties / early thirties I guess. He eventually joined alcoholics anonymous and his new identity is that of an addict, but the reality is just that he's a shitty person. Nobody likes him. His wife hates him. His kids can't stand him. But it didn't matter to him, because he took an outdated test once that told him he was a genius.

    And to this day, in his mid-fifties, he goes around asking "What's your IQ?" It's pathetic, really.

    In both cases, whatever intellect you guys had in the first place has to of been severely compromised by the amount of drugs you do.

    The thing is that the world is full of "would be rock stars" and "almost Einsteins" who waste their whole lives and all of their potential because they're more in love with the image of being a polymath or prodigy as opposed to actually putting in the work and mastering something. Think about it, how many self-proclaimed "polymaths" do you know who spend hours producing "music" that's literally just a bunch of noises? I know like thirteen people like that. Most of them are complete losers who can't even read sheet music, don't really play any instruments because they lack the discipline to master them, and can't write anything that would even be remotely successful (that's why they're not successful).

    I just feel bad for him.

    This backfired. I wanted a response this long out of Sophie.
  7. research the dextromethorphan conspiracy
  8. lol
  9. Learn strong openings and tactics. Every move matters, especially your opening. Really consider the relations between the pieces, which piece is most likely to get taken by which piece? Knowing how and when to use a Knight can be a game saver. Knowing basic strategy to build on. I watched a lot of chess videos a while a go. Everything from beginners to world class players. Study the game, really study it. And experiement. Its not fun or interesting to be a by the book player. Make your strategy unique. There is nothing more boring than playing with someone who does the most basic strategies because they cant think for themselves.

    Develop your own game and fuck the haters.
  10. Im bored as fuck and want to do something but I dont know what. Night ops is out of the question because its sooper cold here.

    Give me your worst ideas (for fun, not profit) and ill see if I can deliver an epic story.
  11. You fucking cunt.
  12. Or if I get some adderall first, save it for when. I get vicodin or just poppy seed tea. I bet thatd be nice.
  13. Now it's bothering me that I don't have a story.
  14. I know this story about me being tired from work, relaxing on a Friday evening with some Crouton and weed but I'm currently in the process of developing the final draft so I don't want to spoil it right now.

    Hmm... I'm trying to remember a short one that's worth posting but I'm blanking out. Sorry.
  15. Rolling
  16. one day, i went to a garage sale, and there was this fuckin old ass smbs cartridge so yeah and it like, didnt have the game label, just a white piece of paper that said; "super merio world" and under neath it said, IN BLOOD "do not play or u will die" obvs i thought "wow hilarious, nice prank bro" so i bought it cause it was totally not evil i went home and played it and the title screen had mario with HYPER REALISTIC EYES and HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD pouring from his HYPER REALISTIC EYES and the title of the game was "super death mario.exe" and it was so scary i almost DIDN'T play it
    but i thought nothing of it cause it was clearly glitched so i clicked play and i heard marios voice go "you're-a gonna-a die-a!" and i obviously thought it was a glitch cause cause it didnt sound like a man going through a plane turbine, like the old bit crushed ass voices. anyway, the first level started but it was all HYPER REALISTIC with HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD on all the HYPER REALISTIC boxes
    so i went further into the level and all the enemies were also covered in HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD and they were also HYPER REALISTICALY DEAD
    i got the the last castle since all the enemies were already dead so the game was super easy but bowser was already dead but he was HYPER REALISTIC like in Superb Smashing Brother for Wii You
    so i walked past him to go to peach and suddenly i couldnt move mario anymore and he suddenly SLIT peaches throat and then he turned to me and said 'you're next' IN A HYPER REALISTIC VOICE so i pulled the cartridge out of the snes and threw it at the wall but HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD poured out when it broke but obviously it was a glitch so i thought nothing of it
    the next morning i woke up to a text from my friend asking if i'd played the mario game i bought i replied "yeh" and he replied "wow ur a fucking stupid piece of shit and also im dead" and then i said "shieeeeet hes actually like dead and shit fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" and then mario appeared in my room and straight up KILLED ME!!!!
  17. OH SHIT!

  18. WOOOOOH! Congrats man! How does it feel to make the 100th thread?
  19. Just read it. Pretty spoopy. I have never had supernatural experience. I have gotten into a little bit of occult stuff tho. Maybe if I worship hard enough I will infest my town with shadow people too.
  20. tldr is it spoopy?
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