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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Sleeping is for plebs. The shadow people can walk through walls and gain photosynthetic energy allowing for space travel each time you witness a rotation of the sun
  2. For a lot of years I had this thing where I'd remember some awkward and embarrassing or guilty moment in my past and just feel terrible about it, which is fairly standard I think, we all cringe at our younger selves a bit, but I developed the habit of responding to memories like that by imagining myself dying. Like I'd be walking along, remember that time I lied about watching whatever TV show my 10 year old friends were talking about and got caught, and in response picture the nearest person to me pulling out a gun and shooting me in the head. Or I'd think about jumping out in front of a car or something. That's kind of a mild example of social embarrassment but it was one of a handful of things that really bugged me for whatever reason, a couple of them actually being pretty grim. I think the logic behind it was that creating as immediate of a fear of death as possible would be enough to trigger some part of the fight/flight response and I'd be able to forget whatever I had just thought, which sounds kinda similar to what you're talking about. I did this from grade school until I was like 21.

    Eventually it occurred to me (during a trip actually) that that seemed really unhealthy. I made a concerted effort, when I remembered something awkward/painful like that, to engage with the memory and be like "yeah, I did that, I'm responsible for that, but I can't change it". It was actually a pretty hard habit to break because it required I acknowledge something I really didn't want to but I found that as I did so those moments of shame or embarrassment stopped being a cause for anxiety. The stupid things I can laugh about now and the worse ones I still regret but at least I can admit to.

    I don't know if any of that is relevant to you, but I think if it is then you're better off engaging with the awful things you're afraid of, even if that's painful to do so, than to be like "well if that happens I'm calling it quits". The stoics had some interesting ideas around preparing yourself for the worst. I think it was Epictetus in particular who advocated always contemplating the worse possible outcomes to a situation so that if it is realized it will be defanged, he thought that our emotional states are fundamentally self-determined and if we refuse, in advance of an outcome, declare ourselves destroyed or crushed by a particular turn of events, then such an outcome won't have power over how we feel. I'm not sure doting on the worst is always the answer but if we place anything as outside the real of "I can deal with that", if we refuse to even contemplate some things, then all we're doing is building it up as the thing that will be our undoing when there's no necessary reason to.

    this used to happen to me, except it would usually be knives and needles filled with drugs. it was pretty weird when i realized it was happening
  3. my sleep schedule has been fucked up ever since i joined the military like 8 years ago (ive been out for a few years now). i wake up between 4 and 6 every morning, regardless of what time i go to sleep. due to this, i usually try to go to sleep by like 10 at the latest so i can hope for a good nights sleep. in fact, if i stay up a little later one night, i seem to wake up even earlier the next morning. after i wake up i cant fall back asleep.

    a lot of days i am really slow, because i got shit sleep. i cant function as well or do anything. like today, i was trying to do homework but im so retarded from sleep deprivation that i keep mixing numbers up and writing the wrong ones down, and its just a total drag. my reaction speed is quite a bit slower. if i get like 7 or 8 hours im good but when i start getting under 6 i start to feel really fucked.

    it sucks because those days i cant really be productive. ive lived like this so long that i cant even imagine how it must be to be one of those people who sleeps well every night, or at least only gets one night of shitty sleep a week. its like a different reality to me. i have a hard time believing that people can really do that
  4. lol this thread, first of all you're supposed to put the sound track to your thread at the beginning of your thread. second I tried to give that song a chance, but couldn't stand it when the lesbo started singing.

    But yeah, I think sploos advice is the best so far, minus the biting the head. Getting flicked in the face and not doing anything about it would make anyone feel like a real smacktard. Plus It's way more legal.

    But really you should probably just leave him alone, he did get one up on you, thats why you're so frothy and considering acting like an ass clown

    she has the voice of a goddess, you just dont know good music. but yea good advice about the flick. its probably a good idea and lulzy to boot. and no he didnt, someone fucked his girlfriend lol. you cant get one up on anyone in that situation. besides its only a matter of time before he goes to jail for some dumb shit again or has another bitch fit and ill get another one up on him
  5. One of the nitties set off the smoke alarm and came down with a belt still round his ​neck.
  6. Post here when you start getting either or both errors.
  7. no just no…

    You're too cute, bro, being mad doesn't suit you.
  8. lol grow a beard, you give out some really half assed advice.
    You can also shave your beard. This suggestion now makes my advice full-assed. QED.
  9. still don't believe you. a couple months ago when you came into tinychat and I outed you for asking for nudes, you denied the whole thing, because you're a fucking pussy and a cuck.

    I know for a fact that he didn't OD on heroin and you're full of shit. pwp knew he was a heavy oxy user and thats how he went down. Dude you're such a fucking liar faggot
    You don't need to believe me to be mad about it. If you want further convincing, consider how easy it was for "Quicksilver" aka MegaKush to get you to send your dong in a PM, under my guidance, just because you desperately thought that a girl was actually attracted to you.

    I denied the whole thing because I had no beef with you and of course, who wants to be told their girlfriend sent nudes to a complete stranger? What purpose would that serve except to create beef? But now you're pretty mad so I'm telling you the truth.

    Here is how it actually went down; your girlfriend was coerced into sending us nudes, and she did it like a dirty slut. They were gross. I then called her a whore and she realizes that she had been played. She subsequently lied to you about it because you are apparently a possessive jelly roll.
    You didn't know anything, smugly acted like you did and now you don't like the truth and are blithering like an idiot, struggling to come up with a comeback. That's about the long and short of it.

    Also Mark died of heroin OD because that is how I killed him. Proof for anything otherwise or gtfo faggot, lol.

  11. Mark banned me from Zoklet, and you banned him from life. Nice.
  12. Who???
  13. 35 on the psychopath test, not unexpected as I've killed 77 people.

    26 on the autism test.
  14. captain falcon makes me yawn
    Everything makes you yawn. No doubt because the drugs have further trashed your already deficient brain.
  15. I think these are basically fair points.

    The only thing I would say is that "running away" isn't a very viable option because your problems will follow you. Even if you went to a monastery in Asia Minor to live solely on alms as a monk, your greater issue of anxiety and unsatisfaction with life will follow you. In fact, even your debt will follow you.

    I would have already sold everything I owned and started a new life somewhere else, but it sound better in theory than in practice. Namely, you have to have a support system waiting there to catch you when you jump, otherwise you're going to have all the same problems plus you'll be totally broke and homeless.
    I'm not saying you have to run away, just that if suicide is an option, then so are a fucking massive number of other things, including but not limited to running away.

    When I was deployed in Burma with the Somerset Light Infantry, I came into bad gambling debt with a man named Bakchoi Kyarr-Pout, who was basically in command of all major criminal operations run by the Myasai Nagarr syndicate roughly within the area presently known as Tanintharyi Region. Our division had to deal with him for logistical reasons and he could basically waltz into our camp as a result, to make sure that we remembered that we were still there under his blessing. Marshall Reigan, a superior officer from the next platoon had gone missing one day under similar conditions as the one I was in, and all that our high command told us was to deal with it because we could not afford to run the wrong way on Bakchoi's blade.

    Being a mere infantryman I did not have anywhere near the resources to pay back Bakchoi, and the reality was that he did not need my money more than he wanted the pleasure of skinning a sepoy in front of his men. My options were to magically conjure 48,000 kyat from nowhere, kill myself, or let them torture me. Or so one would think. Nobody found out, but what I did obliterated our unit's position in Burma and caused a huge logistical nightmare for our high command to deal with. But Bakchoi's ankles washed up on a nearby paddy one flood season, tied together by chicken wire, and the rest of him floated inside a local farmer's pigs.
  16. captain falcon makes me yawn
  17. If you see conscious existence itself as the problem, then a permanent solution is exactly what you want. I was able to rationalize suicide via so many angles. The sense of self may be illusory, there are problems with the concept of the continuity of consciousness, which would imply that ultimately you may not be losing anything.

    You're basically saying "suicide is a great idea if you don't want to live anymore", which is well, no shit Sherlock. You're technically correct but it's still useless and pedantic. In other news, driving is a great idea if you want to operate a car and shoveling is a great idea if you want to use an instrument to dig a hole in the ground.

    In practical terms, most people contemplating suicide don't just want to not live anymore for the sake of not living anymore, there is some temporary problem that serves as the engine for that desire; financial woes, self image issues, depression and so on. At the end of the day, you're going to die anyway so I don't see the point of hastening that due to something as dumb as money or issues with self esteem.

    You can launch yourself in any direction if you are willing to completely cut ties with everyone and everything that you love or that loves you. If you're willing to leave your house rent unlaid, leave your dog starving, leave your parents grieving... Then what's the difference to the rest of the world between jumping off a bridge, or just selling everything and running away to Tibet to live as a goat herder?
  18. pix or didnt happen captain faggot, you're the biggest cuck on this website who creams over internet girls. Didnt you actually have a failed zoklet relationship with a manish looking woman?

    Sorry bro, your girlfriend's tits are gross and not worth saving. You can ask HampTheToker about it if you trust him though, he might have kept them for posterity.

    Also, I'm still in a very happy relationship with my cutie AKA HelloClarice.

    So don't be mad, you cuckold faggot, you know your bitch would be gargling my nutsack if I ever decided to come to town.
  19. You should reply to my rebuttal in the bundy withdrawals thread, also, take the test I posted.

    Why the fuck should I want to kill myself? Are you insane or retarded?
  20. Bump
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