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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Why should I kill myself oplus?

    What do you score? I score a 34. I am an "extreme psychopath", according to the test. The cutoff for psychopathy is 30 and the maximum score is 40.

    According to the autism test, my score is 23, where the cutoff for asperger syndrome is 32, and the maximum score is 50.
  3. undertale?

  4. undertale?
  5. Hooker shit on me accidentally then tried to charge extra for it

  6. This book better just be one page that says "because that's the point, you fuck" and then 665 more blank pages.
  7. Am I the only person here who doesn't want to kill himself? I reign superior again.
  8. clapping = applause

    satisfaction = smile

    There's a difference.

    Yeah the difference is this: a smile is silent.

    You're making noise. Or the equivalent of noise, on a text based forum. Get it? Sitting quietly with a smile on your face is one thing. Shouting about how just it was? That's applause.
  9. Drugs are goooooooood.
  10. Suicide is a permanent non-solution to an almost certainly temporary problem. You might as well just hit the rails if you're going to kill yourself. A man who is not afraid of dying (or fears dying less than failing) is the ultimate weapon and can accomplish literally anything.
    Let's for example say that a loan shark is going to break your knees... Option A is to kill yourself, option B is to do literally anything else, like bailing and starting a new life off the grid as a hobo. Worst case scenario on "anything else" is that you die, in which case that's what you were going to do anyway, right?

    Another piece of advice I can give is to become another mother fucker. Being EasyDoesIt isn't working out for you? Grow a beard, hit the gym, wear cool clothes and become Joe Explosionson. Do a different thing for a few months and see how that works out for you.

    Tl;Dr don't be a bitch and kill yourself.
  11. For a lot of years I had this thing where I'd remember some awkward and embarrassing or guilty moment in my past and just feel terrible about it, which is fairly standard I think, we all cringe at our younger selves a bit, but I developed the habit of responding to memories like that by imagining myself dying. Like I'd be walking along, remember that time I lied about watching whatever TV show my 10 year old friends were talking about and got caught, and in response picture the nearest person to me pulling out a gun and shooting me in the head. Or I'd think about jumping out in front of a car or something. That's kind of a mild example of social embarrassment but it was one of a handful of things that really bugged me for whatever reason, a couple of them actually being pretty grim. I think the logic behind it was that creating as immediate of a fear of death as possible would be enough to trigger some part of the fight/flight response and I'd be able to forget whatever I had just thought, which sounds kinda similar to what you're talking about. I did this from grade school until I was like 21.

    Eventually it occurred to me (during a trip actually) that that seemed really unhealthy. I made a concerted effort, when I remembered something awkward/painful like that, to engage with the memory and be like "yeah, I did that, I'm responsible for that, but I can't change it". It was actually a pretty hard habit to break because it required I acknowledge something I really didn't want to but I found that as I did so those moments of shame or embarrassment stopped being a cause for anxiety. The stupid things I can laugh about now and the worse ones I still regret but at least I can admit to.

    I don't know if any of that is relevant to you, but I think if it is then you're better off engaging with the awful things you're afraid of, even if that's painful to do so, than to be like "well if that happens I'm calling it quits". The stoics had some interesting ideas around preparing yourself for the worst. I think it was Epictetus in particular who advocated always contemplating the worse possible outcomes to a situation so that if it is realized it will be defanged, he thought that our emotional states are fundamentally self-determined and if we refuse, in advance of an outcome, declare ourselves destroyed or crushed by a particular turn of events, then such an outcome won't have power over how we feel. I'm not sure doting on the worst is always the answer but if we place anything as outside the real of "I can deal with that", if we refuse to even contemplate some things, then all we're doing is building it up as the thing that will be our undoing when there's no necessary reason to.

    Your response to that is much healthier than saying "OW" or cursing like you just stubbed your toe... which is what I do.
  12. Ya'll posting in a fail troll fred.
    Lol didn't you run an entire website into the ground by being a petty powertripping faggot? If all it takes to turn you into a dickhole is forum mod powers, something's wrong with you bro.
  13. Ya'll posting in a fail troll fred.
  14. lol k
  15. Once you on the leaf, yo ass is grass
  16. Flick him in the face and then bite his head
  17. Another day I won't remember, another day I wished away.
    Tedious days punctuated by dismay,
    everyday feels the same.

  18. again you're being a huge faggot try hard.

    Again, you're mad as hell that it took zero effort for me to see your girlfriend's tits, lol.
  19. i never said it was hard to quit. i actually havent even wanted to smoke at all. i usually just do because theres that apathy there. like...what am i gonna do tonight? well, might as well smoke.
  20. Yo man, ive been sober for a while now. Want to mail me some h?

    Okay, PM me your home address and full name.
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