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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Here's the old burned out meth lab I was always raving about. Police tape and everything still up and all my glorious chemicals scattered across the yard. *sigh* what could have been what could have been. That broken ass shack door is where I smoked my meth. There's still 100 lbs of copper in there. Also nobody found my 5gallons of muriatic acid and the drum of methanol.

  2. I think it's a clover brought in from all the leprechaun-dressed midgets you fuck in your living room nightly.

    I miss you, bud.
  3. Legalize nukes, laser pistols, open carry for .50cal machine guns. Legal carry for nukes. Legalize space stations. Texas is also a leader in space innovation .......example?..... WHERE DO YOU CALL WHEN YOU Have A problem HOUSTON !!!!!! ANY STATE/COUNTRY THAT DOES SPACE WILL SURVIVE THE APOCALYPTICNESS.

    Space research is next to godliness

    Lots of bible thumpers in texas


    Lots of original space research in Texas. Also the perfect place to build a clandestine space station.
  4. We need more shake and bake threads to get that Google methcook traffic ya herd
  5. The only people here that actually post threads here, that have nothing to do with hating on someone else is myself, sploo, and roshambo, occasionally actro and a few other people but thats very seldome
    I have literally been saying all year that we should all pitch in and work on clandestine space stations I even outlined my contributions with survival discussion, fusion generator rocket time line schematics, underwater durability domes, investor profiles, potential launch sites and I even gutted my old house and attempted to turn a wood stove and water heater into a clandestine space rocket. My power got cut off because I didn't pay it so I simply hacked the line and ran the house on a copper wire hack the width of my thumb. I burned the fucking house down BTW and almost caught an arson charge. Lost a good meth pipe and a pancake syrup warmer and like $300 of insulated copper.

    And you all just blow me off like "oh he's clearly smoking dangerous amounts of pure meth and has lost his damn mind" even though I ran out of my 2gram supply sometime before the house fire in mid NOVEMBER 2015 and haven't done any hard drugs since my house exploded.

    You people think I'm fucking joking about the clandestine space stations and think I'm making it up when I say I can build a CHICAGO PILE NUCLEAR REACTOR clandestinely like Enrico Fermi.

    all i c an zay is its not my fault . i got put in a mental hospital christmas 2014 for my meth abuse and when i got there i noticed a book. This book is where i learned most of what i preach today. Im convinced God or the shadow people servents of meth lord shabu placed that book there so that i could be awakeded to THE NUCLEAR FUSSION TRUTH

  6. 1 hour until the interview. $135 left wish me luck Mr.charmedimtheBill Krozbyler. I'm also getting a gram of meth today. I fucking love life. I'm just salty because I haven't slept and I was awake all night drinking rum and beer and spent way too much on cannabis.

    In one hour I will be getting a PRivate tour of the fertiliser plant and show them my forklift driver license and then its back to the unemployment office to spend $90 on a gram and then I break for lunch and smoke weed and wait for my meth and a call back to see if I got the job.

    Pretty fucking productive for a rainy Thursday if you ask me. The sun isn't even out yet . what are you space niggas all doing today? Homeless really makes a man move and forces one into action
  7. There is a reason there will never be TOTSEchan right?

    Yeah, none of us are that much of a faggot to try and admin a totse based chan site.
  8. I actually have a 3 year old daughter and her mom is literally legally retarded and meets all her boyfriends online and uses her aspie fetal alcohol money to bring felons to her parents house and let's them hold the child. Also I should mention there are no black people where I live so this girl BRINGS ONE HERE and I saw the guy apply at 7-11 one day when I was walking home and I just looked at those two losers and thought "wow what a shitty life they will always have". This is also when I first started smoking meth and she came up to Me and asked if I could give her boyfriends resume to my boss and I just said "sorry I'm gonna go smoke meth in the public bathroom I'm too busy" and just walked away. Fuck females they are all retarded whores ( at least where I live).

    If I lived in the city and not povertyville USA I could probably find a speed freak chick to bounce around with . there are stoner girls and coke bitches here but I haven't turned anyone onto crystal meth YET
  9. I rather get aids of a bitch then from a needle.

    I don't share drug paraphernalia and I've never shot up in my life (IF YOUR GONNA USE A REAL DRUG USE A REAL METHHHOD) tweeker proverb. I guess being a drug user is just another thing I do better than anyone else on this planet.

    i mean just look at this stuff God damn it would make your. Damn mother cry
  10. Sylvia's mother says, 'Sylvia's busy Too busy to come to the phone' Sylvia's mother says, 'Sylvia's tryin' To start a new life of her own' Sylvia's mother says, 'Sylvia's happy So why don't you leave her alone?' And the operator says, '40 cents more for the next 3 minutes' Please Mrs. Avery, I just gotta talk to her I'll only keep her a while Please Mrs. Avery, I just wanna tell 'er goodbye Sylvia's mother says, 'Sylvia's packin' She's gonna be leavin' today' Sylvia's mother says, 'Sylvia's marryin' A fella down Galveston way' Sylvia's mother says, 'Please don't say nothin' To make her start cryin' and stay'
  11. And the outskirts of the internet get more obscure and interesting as the establishment tries to keep up with our technology revolution. What?! Kids order drugs off the internet? No that's impossible
  12. I just wanna be your friend And we can hang out and smoke weed til the very end And when it ends, we can roll it up again Now we gonna be the best of friends, I can tell We're gonna hang out a lot Hot box your car in the parking lot Before we go upstairs, play with each other's hair And when we're done, we can go Watch some crazy movies! The time we spend It really moves me, makes me wanna be your wife Now that it's legalized.. I don't wanna go home, can I spend the night? Can we have a slumber party pillow fight? Can I borrow your shirt? I want to spend the night Can you show me where you shower? I think you're really cool, this is how I am And if you wanna hook up, I'd be down with that shit But until the time's right, I can be your friend
  13. Best response to someone saying post your home address is "I'm a homeless meth addict Alexander supertramp so fuck you pal I live in the shadows come find me bitch"
  14. I can't do much PC gaming in my homeless shack and its raining right now so fuck any attempt at laptops ( wait for the sun to come up and get lunch somewhere with WiFi is how I laptop) I'm pretty sure my 3DS has more processing power than my 4gb Acer notebook from 2009. Super smash bros 3DS with DLC content I've literally had 1 game for my 3DS since I started smoking meth and its still replayable as fuck. Smash Run never gets old

  15. Vote scrawn 2016 sploo for vice prez
  16. I probably won't get the job and I decided I don't want to go anywhere or do anything anymore. I found a few cokeheads down on there luck last night so I'm gonna show up next week with a fat gram of meth and stop being homeless. Sleeping outside sucks. Smoking meth indoors is where its at
  17. Job inter view in 1.5 hours. I just want to get it over with now so I can steal the WiFi from the local unemploy ment office and order some methamphetamines
  18. I have $150 I'm getting a gram of meth and shaving my head. Fuck it. I spent the $40 on more weed
  19. I think about smoking and cooking meth literally every day
  20. Gravity is overated anyway. So what if my bones liquify when I'm up there? Can't we just clone me some new arms in 20 years ? Also if my body changes won't that alter my DNA and evolve me to be better suited for space and so on and so forth for my children? . Also you go blind because of eye pressure changes in zero G. Fuck it I'll be like a space bat using sonar to get around.

    In 500 years when they find my space station and humans think its an alien vessel and research it they will open it up and I'll be in there with elongated limbs and glow in the dark eyes and wire frame bones and a batterypack and claws and no eyeballs just floating there hitting the meth pipe nonstop and I can't even remember or speak english so I just send vibrational rumbles through space. I won't even be human and my 500 years will be like 5000 earth years

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