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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Alright, it's already pretty late here and I have to get some work done and go for a walk so I'll get it done tomorrow. Let's keep it absolutely vanilla here. No details. Is there anything you want me to prepare or research, though? Wait, let's just all do it over the secure medium. I guess we aren't in a hurry.
  2. PMs not working is a running joke at this point, guys. There are dozens of threads about it. There's even a parody thread about the issue.
  3. BTW, I posted it here because I don't think my PMs are going through. I don't know why, my inboxes have enough room, although I don't think it should effect sending.
    I mentioned this a few days ago. Lanny hasn't posted since then, so they're still fucked.
  4. Tough tits for the rest of the forum then. TRT is here to stay.
  5. I'll have to set one up first. What's the savest service? We should use that. I'm all ears, though.
  6. I am God. I own the mainpage. Bow to my feet you insects.
  7. p
  8. Can you programm it so it talks to me when nobody else is here? Like that clever bot. Make it so that it starts posting if a certain time without new content has past and make it cool. Make it the little brother I never had.
  9. I want to waterboard you using an old homeless woman's underwear and my nut sauce
    Is this just a general statement or did the part about the purse offend you?
  10. Seems like y'all got a life at the same time. Fuck you. I hate you. Maybe it's collective Amnesia and you all forgot how to post. Hm..

    Has anyone here ever known some someone with Amnesia?
  11. I think Lanny doesn't give a shit... Can we order pizza for everyone instead?
  12. Do you look up to those people because I think I wouldn't even piss on them. Except that girl there of course. She would get it good.

    Is this US Punk nowadays? The dudes from "Workaholics"? Fuck man... dudes here still walk around with leather jackets, safety pin piercings and rats on their shoulders. Violent as fuck, too. SMH.
  13. You will become a beautiful woman but you will still feel exactly the same just with tits and one more hole because you were never "trapped" you are just mentally ill.

    At first I read that the topic title was "Caught a Fish". I wish that was true.
  14. That was a good read overall. Made me laugh and think a couple of times. I think I "understand" the script stuff and cruft but how is this

    "Or consider this 400-word-long Medium article on bloat, which includes the sentence:
    "Teams that don’t understand who they’re building for, and why, are prone to make bloated products."

    The Medium team has somehow made this nugget of thought require 1.2 megabytes."

    even possible? Just that one sentence or the whole article?

    Also, is this site bloated? We have the changing banners but I think they pass the Taft Test.....
  15. I can't post anywhere else but here. I got banned to here.
  16. This site is retarded.
  17. If you wanted to tell people you want to be a tranny you can pull have just come out and said it instead of trying to beat around the bush… errr stump.

    I feel like you didn't quite grasp the concept of the thread... or even what a wish is for that matter.
  18. If you wanted to tell people you want to be a tranny you can pull have just come out and said it instead of trying to beat around the bush... errr stump.
  19. What's the red triangle in the third picture?
  20. That's nothing. My mom uses to be a hardcore alcoholic and she would come in my room and rip down all my posters and kick my TV over, smash some video games and kick me out while it was snowing. She grabbed my hair once and slammed my face against a moniter when I was sitting on the computer and I ended up slashing her hand with a kitchen knife. Shes in AA now and just smokes weed and goes to church and doesn't drink or else she snaps.

    I used to have a PS2, dozen games, GameCube and like 30 games, memory cards, DS, GBA and one time I came home and it was all gone, most of the stuff was acquired throughout my childhood and my dad was too busy smoking crack to notice a dude steal it all. My dad resolved the situation by calling every crack dealer In town and telling them not to sell to this guy who ripped off a 14 year old.

    The guys cousin was my dads girlfriend and he convinced her to ignore him and he even recorded them having sex and sent it to him. We didn't know he was in love with his cousin like romanticlly and because he was cut off from drugs and family he hung himself a day later. The cousin (Chrissy) found him in the basement with a purple head and a stretched out neck longer than her arm. I've never heard a woman scream so loud in agony, I smiled and had a good day.

    I also lost 2 PCs, a D2 battle chest, xbox360 30 games, all my save files, a 12 month Xbox gold acct with 14000GS and 50/50 dead rising, all my clothes, electronics, school supplies, porn mags. I spent 8 months sleeping on blankets on the floor with no TV or vidya after that and started learning how to make explosives and pointing laser pointers into peoples windows and smashing windows for something to do. also we never had food for like 2 years.

    I live with my dad now and sleep on the couch, he chain smokes ciggarete butts which fuck up my allergies and he always watches commercials. If I'm watching CNN he will come out and switch to 2 broke girls and just leave it on the commercials and not turn it back. He also yells at the cats all night for meowing but won't let them outside so I always get woken up at 4am to "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE COCK SUCKER" and a cat in heat not shutting up
    Haha.. the moment when you realize that you have nodded through this whole thing. I feel you, bro.
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