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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. and my fan blows
  2. just fucking triangle scissor each others logic pussies already
  3. Girls are scary
  4. x^4 means nothing in this context as well. How does cubing x mathematically represent or relate to "average posts per day"? Lowest value retort yet buddy. Good luck trying to explain this one.

    Also δ isnt even a measure of posts but rather a measure of poster value as denoted by a formula I created. It goes something like so,

    Formula: (15 x n) + m where n = number of pages - 1 and m = last page and the constant 15 is the number of thanks per page

    (15 x n) + m = T

    Then divide your post count by number of thanks

    P / [(15 x n) + m] = P/T = δ where δ is the poster value

    Because average posts per day is a function from the beginning of Time. Sδ is arbitrarily defining a posters value from a certain subset of time and Tδ is defining a posters value from all of time. In this case, you are comparing your Timeless δ to my Situational δ, because you are only using the posts I've made since you've started posting for your calculations. Since Sδ and Tδ and incompatible in equating value difference between multiple posters, the only way to solve for this inequality is to use my Timeless δ, which once again puts me at 6.7 and you at an negatively-valenced outlier quantity (above 11).
  5. The best fucking part about this is that I coined δ.

    Yeah but I coined the entire thread
  6. [greentext]>they have not and can not be demonstrated mathematically.[/greentext]

    Timeless δ = x^4
    Situational δ = SUBSET x^4

    Timeless δ = Average posts per day
    Situational δ = Subset of average posts per day restricted to a certain timeframe

    Timeless δ contains all possible Situational δ's and is therefore more objective.

    [greentext]>love value poster.[/greentext]

    Aww you freuded
  7. Timeframes are an arbitrary manipulation, whereas posts per day is an objective number with vast implications regarding the human psychology in the derivation of δ.
  8. The fact remains that in the same timeframe (2/6/16-3/14/16) I had lower forum codependency while having a higher thank count.

    Perhaps, but assuming you stay at a steady state of forum codependency, my forum codependency was low enough at certain points for me to achieve a coveted 6.73. Posts per day is an equally valuable measurement to thanks and posts, because those who cannot operate dual lives are hopeless to ever spread the Totsean lore. If your posts per day at this current point is misrepresentation of your average amount of posts per day in Timeless δ, rather than this specific timeframe, which is Situational δ, you would be worthy of a 3. But this has not been demonstrated yet, for now, the raw data places you at an 11+.
  9. Because all variables are averaged into their steady state for a particular poster. In timeframes a particular variable may be occurring at levels standard deviations above or below the steady state, giving an inaccurate representation Timeless δ, rather representing Situational δ. Situational δ is mostly just fight-or-flight response, because posters can have high Sδ but low Tδ
  10. [greentext]>Your 9 is showing.[/greentext]
    [greentext]>>Made a magic square out of keks in response to a mathematically incorrect statement[/greentext]
    [greentext]>>Objective ratio of 0:0 [/greentext]

    [greentext]>You seem to fail to comprehend the objective fact that in the time I have been on this site I have gotten more thanks than you(me: 117 you: 61) and made less posts than you (Me: 400 you: ~800) in the same amount of time. [/greentext]

    You dismiss post frequency as a psychological indicator of effort without any substantiation, used the same bias fallacy you use earlier when you assumed a 5.9. Effort misrepresents true ability. I don't try as hard as you, so I have more δ, while also being more of a brδ.

    [greentext]>My mathematics and method are clearly of higher value than yours as I bring into account the number of posts and thanks in the same timeframe rather than doing a low value song and dance that incorporates "post frequency". [/greentext]

    Timeframe is just a way of picking a particular slice of posts that best manipulates the data in your favor. Posts per day is an average over time, accounting for all variables in a person's history.

    [greentext]>Literally pseudoscience. Kill yourself for believing in crystal intelligence.[/greentext]

    Neurons are fluid, information from the external world i.e. crystals, is interpreted by fluidity. Kill yourself for not knowing this.
  11. Your biggest fear is quite obviously someone actually caring for you and subsequently genuinely caring for them. Human affection terrifies and confuses you so you do things like breathe rape chicks so they grow to hate you.

    This is good.

    I was thinking "rejection" but same thing more or less.
  12. [greentext]>Any idiot can see that you didnt take into account the fact that you have been posting since September and I have started posting last month.[/greentext]

    That doesn't change post frequency. Post frequency indicates the total amount of nolifing trying to attain 1:1 on this forum. You've tried hard, but what is your inherent ability?

    [greentext]>m is equal to (n-1) + 1[/greentext]

    K K K
    K E K
    K K K

    [greentext]>Let us say in the time we both have been on the site shall determine our poster value.[/greentext]

    It doesn't work that way. Post frequency indicates the amount of time training in a particular field, not the beginning date of posting.

    [greentext]>The important thing is that I have a poster value of 5.9 which is in fact less than 6.7 which makes me the superior poster even if we are using your *magical* solution.[/greentext]

    In that case you aren't applying the formula that places me at 6.7 to yourself, where it places you at 11.3

    [greentext]>In the same amount of time you have gathered 61 likes over more than 500 posts.[/greentext]

    But again,this is not relevant, refer to tenet 2. The amount of nolifing and effort spent on totse derivatives is an essential modifier of ability. There is fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Crystallized intelligence is something that can be learned, and acquired through nolifing a high posts per day ratio. Fluid intelligence is innate, and reflects the δ of a poster in the purest form. If I nolifed as hard as you did, my returns would be far greater. I have higher δ.

    δ δ δ
    δ[FONT=arial] Σ [/FONT]δ
    δ δ δ

  13. You're freaking out. I think I blew your mind.
  14. I don't know about you guys but every time I go outside crack dealers start coming out of the goddamned gutters in their fucking trench coats, I just carry a fly swatter to scare them off while shouting "Crack is whack!"

    Don't you have a kid
  15. I don't know about you guys but every time I go outside crack dealers start coming out of the goddamned gutters in their fucking trench coats, I just carry a fly swatter to scare them off while shouting "Crack is whack!"
  16. This gun be gud

    Page 4 dinosaur
  17. You can't just shut up, can you? So, in case hydro decides to bring this up in court, or she decides to come murder me, I am going to give my piece. First off, Bill Krozby doesn't know shit from shit and has no so-called "inside knowledge," half of what he says is false and the other half is just plain incendiary. I never fucking talk to Bill Krozby and it's hilarious he's acting like he knows what's going on whatsoever.

    To start, for the entirety of my last job I was sending hydro money. Even while her husband was there, I sent money for milk, I paid her electricity, her phone bill, when she had a fire scare I sent her fire alarms, I sent her a solar powered battery in case the power went out; so that she would still have a way to charge her phone and call for help. While I was there I cleaned up, I have pictures of the fucking clusterfuck but I won't post them. You literally were walking through deer trail like paths through mounds of garbage. I mean, there were two ways to get to the kitchen and both were just stepping over the smaller piles of garbage.

    I was always begging them to stop fighting which was a daily happening, Hydro is bi-polar as fuck and snaps at the littlest of things. I've seen her kick her husband in the chest out of nowhere because she found out he borrowed twenty dollars from her grandmother. Twenty dollars. This is a woman who can kick like a horse. They've punched and kicked and screamed and thrown things and threatened. Not to mention the guns. Oh boy.

    There were two occasions when hydro pulled a gun on me and her husband. Both of these times I was just chilling in my room (the only clean place on the property). The first time I was trying to ignore it when I hear "HELP, HELP, §m£ÂgØL PLEASE HELP" and I came out to what looked like a murder in progress with her husband choking her and her smashing against his head. Mind you, this is the day after I arrived. Within the week she pulled a gun again. When I tried to intervene, like "hey, how about lets not kill people" she pointed the gun at me and told me something along the lines of "stand the fuck back, i will not hesitate to shoot you."

    This was the point I realized I'd made the biggest fuckup of my life by deciding to hitchhike to these ass-backwards hillbillies.

    There are some other fun parts. The time she mentioned about her husband "slamming" on the breaks? He was just fucking driving. It wasn't even that bad. But no, screaming match, she got out of the car, started walking down the road for god knows fucking what. This is not the first time she's done stupid irrational shit like this, and it wasn't the last either. When I got out of the car saying "Hydro, cmon just stop, talk to me" I reached out to touch her shoulder (I'm not the type to just grab people, especially not a woman who was pissed off and would and could kick my ass) she turned around and yelled "HELP HELP, SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE THIS MAN IS FOLOWING ME AND I WANT TO BE LEFT THE FUCK ALONE!" To passing traffic. This is the point at which I nope'd the fuck out and turned around only to be picked up by her husband who proceeded to follow her as I told him to just head back because there is no way we were going to get an angry 250lb woman in the car and honestly, why would you want to?

    I tried to stop her because "hey lets stop the raging hormonal bitch from doing stupid shit that'll fuck up this unborn child" but she didn't give a fuck. All of that stress and turmoil has done a number to that kid, between this and the smoking is most certainly why he was and is such a tiny baby. If she raises him, she will instill into him the anxiety and fear and stress that she has instilled into me during the time she was a part of my life.

    I only wanted to do what was right for this child I thought could be mine. I sent money, I offered more money, I was there to help, I did everything I could. The reason I left her home was because I could not stand the daily fighting. Seriously, when weapons are brought out (and believe me, the revolver isn't the only one) I cannot deal. I quit my job because I was tired of supporting her ass while she sat around; only after realizing "hey, this guy isn't going to support me anymore" did she actually get a job. I never once asked to be payed back, nor was I ever payed back despite her claims of having sent a money order in the mail. I couldn't, in good conscious, be making money and not send her some. Fucked up logic, I know. But I was ready to just give up. This would never work.

    She is a drug addict, but she doesn't doesn't use just because she wants to get high, hydro has legitimate pain. She smoked cigarettes during her pregnancy, despite me sending an e-cigarette and juice. She blamed everyone around her, including me, for smoking cigarettes and 'making' her smoke them. You know what? I smoke the occasional cigarette most every time I go out, I don't blame my friends for it. I blame myself for a lack of self control. She quit her job about 6 months into her pregnancy and proceeded to do nothing but borrow money from her grandmother and pawn shit.

    A big part of why she is now facing homelessness is because of her dogs. Sorry, but I don't want a dozen dogs or a parrot that is older than I am... and cats. She told me "you're gonna throw it all away because of a promise I made to my dogs?" her dogs in which she puts above the well-being of her child. She told me "You're gonna throw it all away because I threatened you with a loaded .38 revolver?" Why the fuck shouldn't I? She literally told me "you're the reason I had a heart attack and you're the reason I'm going to die soon" I fucking wish.

    She filed a police report against me for "threatening law enforcement" because she was calling my house for 30 minutes straight, back to back ringing. This is harassment. The police came thinking I had killed my mother. Which is absolutely baffling because even in euphemism I have never said anything of the sort.

    Hydromorphone is a deluded, manipulative, psychotic, dangerous individual and she does not belong around a child or anybody else for that matter. She has admitted to shooting up morphine which she is not prescribed. Her mention of me being suicidal, yeah, in the past I have been. Wouldn't you be too if you had to deal with a crazy bitch like her? However, I never, not once suggested that we suicide together, this was an idea of hers. I'm not suicidal anymore, my life has been VASTLY improved since I cut off contact with hydro.

    I'm so tired of this cunt. I wish she would just go away, a man can only try to help so much. The only thing I want for her is to give the child up for adoption. I was an idiot for ever having sex with her, i was a bigger idiot for not wearing a condom. I was lied to and told that she couldn't get pregnant, given that her husband who had once impregnated her hadn't been able to, I believed her. I made a mistake, so did everybody involved. What wasn't up to me, was her decision to have this baby with a man who was a convicted pedophile and a violent rapist, a man who had threatened to kill her in her sleep, threw her down stairs, choked her, etc. It was her body and ultimately, her choice. She also didn't give the baby up before he had a father listed on the birth certificate. She also didn't fucking *kill* the man who held this baby by the neck and threatened to strangle him.

    I can no longer feel empathy for a woman who has fucked up her entire life and blames it only on those around her. I can't feel empathy for a woman who stayed in a violent relationship for ten fucking years.

    You need to do the right thing hydro and give that baby a home with two parents who wanted a child from the go and will give him a happy life. I am tired of dealing with you out of pure guilt and feeling of having no other choice. Please stay out of the rest of my life. Stop emailing me, stop contacting me, stop fucking making me have to intervene with dumb fucking threads like this just to ensure justice when you inevitably kill me.

    You are the worst decision of my entire life.
  18. Quiet, Dfg.
    Butt hurt much?

  19. [SIZE=16px][FONT=courier new]Antisocial personality disorder[/FONT][/SIZE]

  20. Your bias is: my number was higher, so arguments for why my number isn't actually higher are irrelevant, even though my higher number is actually illusory when all concepts are considered holistically.

    Your score is inflated from your objective post value. Mine is not, and perhaps even deflated. If the sociological implications of being an outlier were to be considered, my post value would be far higher than yours.

    An example of a sociological implication: You average 11.31 posts a day and I average 6.73

    5.9 / 11.31 = 0.52

    Since you have almost twice the community involvement I do, your post value is bound to be inflated by forum codependency.

    If you take a value of 5.9 and divide it by 0.52, your value is actually 11.3

    Now my value

    9.5 / 6.73 = 1.41158989599

    9.5 / 1.41 = 6.7

    6.7 > 11.3

    I am a superior poster.
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