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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Think about how before you were born and you were experiencing nothing then... If I seriously beleived that if when I died that would be what happened,
    I would seriously right now go lay down my head on the train tracks right before an amtrack goes by. Or I would Put a loaded shotgun in my mouth, set up
    some mirrors to make sure it's angled right, and blow my brainstem and head for that matter to peices. Or I would etc etc etc... But life is bullshit, i'm old enough to
    realize that now... it ain't gonne be that easy, if it was I wouldn't even be existing right now...

    Actaully, whatever fuck it i'm gonna go ahead any try anyways fuck all you I hate you your all fucking assholes and goodbye
  2. It's uh

    summing all the consecutive nonzero integers, with a start point at 0 every time, that occur between 0 and the final integer

    I wonder if it has an actual name

    40 =
    1 + 2
    1 + 2 + 3
    1 + 2 + 3 + 4
    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

    and so on

    every diagonal goes "1, 2, 3, 4, 5....."
  3. My high value answer was correct both times under the parameters set by the equation. Essentially I ended up doing the right high value math with the wrong numbers

    kek spelled backwards is also kek
  4. Lets say if you had 40 birthday candles. And each birthday candle was assigned a value 1-40, the total value of the cake would be 40 + 39 + 38 + 37....+ 2 + 1. If you had 40 birthday candles, it would be your 40th birthday. If you wanted to find the total value of all the candles from every birthday for your entire life, the number 40 would only occur at the age 40, the number 39 would occur at age 40 and 39, the number 38 would occur at age 40, 39, and 38. And so on.
  5. [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]Proof:[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]This is silly in many different ways. 1. why would you go into a cemetary for no reason? 2. Why would you be too scared to go a year after when the trip last 12 hours? 3. Why would you be afraid to find your own grave when you are and have been quite obviously living your life? 4. Why do you allow such a powerful experience be seen as negative? 5. Why do you not take this experience as a new understandign of death? Jenny is a fucking retard.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]This is hilarious because 1. the CIA has experiments literally medically documenting the mind expanding effects of LSD and 2. any drug dealer that sells acid wouldnt push you towards it if you obviously dont want to do it. Your bad trip will fuck up their bottom line when you tell your friend about it. 3. Drug dealers are motivated by profit. This is true. But the best way to attain that profit is to have the drugs that people want on hand. Not to be a pushy asshole saying "TRY THIS DRUG!". They just want you to buy your shit and get out. Or stay and smoke a bowl. They probably dont really care that much what you do.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]This is actually true. If you take a shitload of heroin you will die. If you take just a bit you will feel great. The problem is people think of "poison" in such a terrible and evil way rather than realizing it in its medical pharmacological sense of being a substance that affects the natural function of the nervous system or other aspects of physiology. People have willingly poisoned themselves for recation for thousands of years. Its not gonna stop now just because some website says "DRUGS ARE POISON!".[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]Here is my favorite quote from the page:[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]"LSD users call an LSD experience a “trip,” typically lasting twelve hours or so. When things go wrong, which often happens, it is called a “bad trip,” another name for a living hell."[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]This one misleads the reader into thinking a bad trip will last 12 hours and that it is indeed a living hell. This is inaccurate especially if you have a good trip sitter. You know how you end a bad trip? See it at its come on. Talk to the affected. Be light hearted and jovial. Say something like "how ya feelin?" they will say "bad" or something and you say "Oh man you just got the 15 minuet jitters. Oh what? Its been 10 minuets? It will be over in 5 mins top friend". Then move the conversation away from the bad trip and towards good stuff. Guaranteed to end a bad trip if you do it right. A 12 hour bad trip is highly improbable with adequate trip support and fair mental health status.[/SIZE][/FONT]


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]My post was objectively better than your post, but your post is more likely to receive a thank. Why is this? Because you tried really hard and people don't want you to feel lonely. I summed up your entire 500+ word thought process in less than a sentence, but the fact that I was able to simplify the thought process into such an elementary principle could be dismissed as "shitposting", because lower IQs are not aware of all that is entailed by "Scientology", they come with the presumption that longer = more comprehensive, and they think a giant post means high IQ, when in fact, the best principles are the most concise. The contrast between the average IQ of this website and my IQ creates thanks that are lost in translation. I would have a poster value of AT MOST 4.00, if only I huffed more starter fluid and became less attuned to the quantum shape space.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. My argument was that you only have a higher thank to post ratio because your IQ is closer to the median of this website's IQ a.k.a. lower than my IQ. I proved this in the OP by the formula that you would have never thought of, ever, and due to the fact that you couldn't even use it. Your rebuttal is that my formula is flawed, but I then point out the additions of parentheses add clarity, which nullifies your argument, and thus supports the end conclusion that my thanks to post ratio would be objectively higher if I wasn't a million standard deviations above the mean.
  7. P / [(15 x n) + m] =

    Multiply 15 by n, add m, and then divide P by the result


    P / 15 x n + m

    P is divided by 15 multiplied by n plus m

    Which one in clearer
  8. This is silly in many different ways. 1. why would you go into a cemetary for no reason? 2. Why would you be too scared to go a year after when the trip last 12 hours? 3. Why would you be afraid to find your own grave when you are and have been quite obviously living your life? 4. Why do you allow such a powerful experience be seen as negative? 5. Why do you not take this experience as a new understandign of death? Jenny is a fucking retard.

    This is hilarious because 1. the CIA has experiments literally medically documenting the mind expanding effects of LSD and 2. any drug dealer that sells acid wouldnt push you towards it if you obviously dont want to do it. Your bad trip will fuck up their bottom line when you tell your friend about it. 3. Drug dealers are motivated by profit. This is true. But the best way to attain that profit is to have the drugs that people want on hand. Not to be a pushy asshole saying "TRY THIS DRUG!". They just want you to buy your shit and get out. Or stay and smoke a bowl. They probably dont really care that much what you do.

    This is actually true. If you take a shitload of heroin you will die. If you take just a bit you will feel great. The problem is people think of "poison" in such a terrible and evil way rather than realizing it in its medical pharmacological sense of being a substance that affects the natural function of the nervous system or other aspects of physiology. People have willingly poisoned themselves for recation for thousands of years. Its not gonna stop now just because some website says "DRUGS ARE POISON!".

    Here is my favorite quote from the page:

    "LSD users call an LSD experience a “trip,” typically lasting twelve hours or so. When things go wrong, which often happens, it is called a “bad trip,” another name for a living hell."

    This one misleads the reader into thinking a bad trip will last 12 hours and that it is indeed a living hell. This is inaccurate especially if you have a good trip sitter. You know how you end a bad trip? See it at its come on. Talk to the affected. Be light hearted and jovial. Say something like "how ya feelin?" they will say "bad" or something and you say "Oh man you just got the 15 minuet jitters. Oh what? Its been 10 minuets? It will be over in 5 mins top friend". Then move the conversation away from the bad trip and towards good stuff. Guaranteed to end a bad trip if you do it right. A 12 hour bad trip is highly improbable with adequate trip support and fair mental health status.


  9. Your cranial nerves are showing.

    [greentext]>Implying the parentheses aren't there to make it easier to read[/greentext]

    Are you even 23?
  10. Well yeah they want people getting high on cults not themselves
  11. You could have never created this formula
  12. I am ostracized for my profound giftedness
  13. Ah fuck didn't realize I messed up some of the syntax though. There was no reason to have m in parentheses.
  14. Lol you fucked up the math and had to re-edit. You didn't even create the formula, you just applied the formula and still messed it up.
  15. What's cool though is if you're 40 and for every year you've blown out a candle for how many years old you are, it's 40 x 1, 39 x 2, 38 x 3, 37 x 4.... for total number of years contained within a birthday cake. Is there a name for such a sequence?
  16. [greentext]>"I'm not a junkie"[/greentext]
    [greentext]>Username: Hydromorphone[/greentext]
    [greentext]>Giant fucking wall of dysphoric text[/greentext]

    Hydro is the new IWD
  17. Your voice melts my heart like a kilogram of pure methamphetamine melted into liquid and mixed with isopropylbenzylamine to double the weight

  18. Bill Krozby, if we can manage to be civil instead of just shit throwing Id enage more. Im not a junkie. I take T-PAIN for my chrinic pain, I used to be prescribed vicodin and percocets along with a poopoo platter of other shit years ago when I could actually afford a docotor and had one willing to write me pain meds. I have gone through a phase of shooting pills. Before the other day I hadnt shot up in a very long time. A friend of mine ended yp selling me a few pills for dirt cheap and I shot up after Id have them in my possession for a week. I still have two pills left- Im hardly a junkie. Junkies dont hold on to shit like that for a day muchless a weeek. Im saving the last two I have for when I got to move some heavy ass funitutre and get out of here, which wont be tooo much longer. Im in pain,Bill Krozby, everyday of my life, and it hurts, and makes everything just10 times more miserable than it should be. If I didnt have pain medicine, Id be bedridden 90% of the time. Even with this shitty stuff, I have days I cant do like I should be able to and have to figure out inventive ways to get my baby out of his playpen when I cant pick him up. I hate being like this- I wish, so much, I wasnt in pain all the time. Pain, chronic, never ceasing pain is an awful thing. Some people dont realize I suffer as I do because I get up, I try not to bitxh about it and I grit my teeth and go on with life. Im not a violent peraon by natire- Im a caring peraon. I try to take care of people I love, try to make them happy, try to do right by them. The incident with the gun, it reaulted in a combination of stress, horomonea from being pregnant (I was vomitting all day everyday wgile prego), and just feeling backed into a corner and unable to rid myself of this rapist pigwho wouldnt go and leave my house, who wouldnt stay out of my life. §m£ÂgØL stayed with us and slept in our bed 99% of the time here and one reason I liked it so much was because I didnt havr to fear being fucked in my sleep and waking up feeling like I was violated. My husband slammed on breaks one day shortly after he came down, hurting my back, so I got out at the stop sign and was determined to walk to a homeless shelfter (probably trying to hitchhike since it was like 30 miles away) and I was grabbed by Gollym on the sidewalk when I repeatedly told him to go away, leave me alone, I was leaving. I got scared becaaue Ive gone to leave like that before and was grabbed and thrown in a vehicle and driven home before. I forget what I said to him, but it was along the linea of fuck off Im going to scream in the atreets for help if you dont fucking let go of me. I was stalked by them for two houra, where evwr I went thwyd poat up aways andI not wanting to be followed kept changing directions. After all this hell I said fuck it and finally hitchhiked hime I was so tired and fucking beat down from thia stalking from my exhusband and §m£ÂgØL- Im guessing he was afraid Id report him for abuse and rape is why he kept trying to stop me from leaving. It made it so hard to get away from this asshole and I really believeed at the time §m£ÂgØL was involved with the shit especially since after telling him to leave me alone, go away and not touch me, he came up and grabbed me on the street. I was really desparate to get away from this situation. I never, ever was violent toward §m£ÂgØL after that incident with the gun again. I hold a lot of guilt for it all. I didnt want to hurt anyone, if I did, I would have…. I wanted to get out of this hell of a relationship with my exhusband. I even talked to §m£ÂgØL before he came back about the fighting, about the hell I was in… I didnt try to keep it a secret about the shit. One reason §m£ÂgØL didnt stay with us was because my husband and I faught ao much and I plannned and did have the baby at home. §m£ÂgØL did help me when I couldnt cash my pell grant check and I was going to pay him back the money but was told 'no, if you do I wont ever talk to you again'. He also helped me get electric and paid it a few time when my grandmother shut off the electric after my exhusband left. I give credit where credit is due and §m£ÂgØL did offer many times to help me when I was struggling but I said many times, No, I didnt want the help I wanted to show him I could do it myself. His biggeat fear of being with me was I was trying to use him. I wanted to do it all myself so he coykd see I wasnt looking to be with him just for money, Iwanted to be with this person I loved and cared about and felt so ckose to. I wanted tomake up for that one awful night, I wanted to be a better person than I had been in many years when I was surounded by toxicity. Ive always struggled with depression and sucidial ideations, even making serious attempts many, many years ago (PoC can vouche for atleast one of those). Its hard to keep going when there is no hope in sight. §m£ÂgØL, by coming down here, by being with me offered me that hope that kept me going. Id planned, before he had asked if we could try, to just go until it fell apart and I ceashed and burned, much like I have now. I still struggled evem when things werent so bad, but this is something Id been working to change that had been this way for well over a decade. i told him that people dont just heal over night, nobody, dealing with the sort of shit Id been dealing with just heals and fixes everything over night, it takes time and Id made big improvements in the short period of time (a few months) since my exhusband left. Id been accused of trying to keep the baby away from him,trying to use him and all this shit… of not wanting the same life he did so much, but I kept my head up and tried so hard to keep going and not letting his feara deatroy everything like they kept trying to do. §m£ÂgØL gets scared and irrational a lot and when he doea his mentality is to trash everything. Hes been suicidal a lot aswell- his plans were always to order buturalfentanyl and kill himself. There was one time we both were suicidal, but he wanted to see me a last time and proposed hed order the shit and we would suicide together…. I wish so much, his fear hadnt ruined it all, and that that awful time hadnt ever happened to bring thoses fears to fruit in the firat place. Things could have been better than all this. Also if you want to bitxh about paragraphs, Im on a phone and cant even see the text I type as I type it-deal with it.

  19. Go to your thanks page. There are 15 thanks per page. I have 9 pages of thanks, so it was 15 x 8, plus the amount of thanks on my last page.

    Formula: (15 x n) + m where n = number of pages - 1 and m = last page

    (15 x n) + m = T

    Then divide your post count by number of thans

    P / [(15 x n) + m] = P/T

    P/T = 1261 / 132

    1261 / 132 = 9.56

    My official poster value is 9.56
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