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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. N

  2. bellend lol
  3. just shoot itt.
  4. I was DEAD SET on getting meth for halloween but i didnt.. DEAD SET for.. christmas but I didn't. I can probably make new years.

    new years is the tinne man
  5. Originally posted by mmQ In the ND prison we just make you a perfectly cooked hot pocket and sit down with you to talk out our differences.

    Well thats just down right humble, what happens if you fuck up the hot pocket though?.
  6. Nah post pix. I so wish I was in Cali. I'm guna become transnational and claim to be American so Trump can't discriminate against me and has to give me a green card (pun intended)
  7. pew pew ^^^^^
  8. I try to post on drug forums or some kind of other forum but every time I go FUCK THIS BULLSHIT. I'm honestly sick of everything. I play video games.. go on youtube.. niggasinspace.. chemistry...

    Every day feels like the end. I don't know. I'm happy.

  9. I was at work today and this new chick who used to work there came back (im guessing for the holidays). Im pretty low key at work so I internally note a new individual in the building but go about my routine tasks. After about an hour or so this chick needs something, so she goes like "Hey you can you get me some potatoes!" and I look at her and be like "Sure" so I do get some potatoes and come back with them. She then goes like "Sorry that I just said hey you, I dont know your name" and I autistically replied "It would be weird if you did know my name considering I have never met you before" and then this native american homosexual I work with goes "Done even think about it, she aint interested" in his gay feminine voice. And I look at them both and say "I am not interested either. I have a girlfriend.". Pretty sure this is the type of chick who isnt often told that that someone isnt interested in her.

    I think women these days need to be told their worth because a lot of desperate guys just fellate these bitches egos in hopes of getting their dick wet when the woman herself has very little to offer than a couple of (hopefully) wet holes.

    And for the rest of the day she was trying to talk to me and shit as if it was some sort of reverse psychology where my lack of interest and status as an already taken male made me appealing to her.

    Also everyone at my work is a fucking degenerate. I am about ready to go full Nazi on these fuckers just because they are fucking retarded shitheads.
  10. You're a nigger
  11. You're a fucking jedi that does jedi drugs. Fuck you.
  12. How about I ship it to your house and if it gets intercepted prove it to me and I reship.
  13. DERPADEW TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. nice legs
  15. An excuse to abuse substances and get people drunk. on champagan
  16. Post some pictures of some meth you fucking cowards
  17. I black all eyes. My real desire is to gouge them out though but I don't want to go to jail.
  18. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger It is not false that sex and gender are two different things. But you do seem to surpass the obvious difference between the attitudes regarding them. Your sex (or is it gender?) is a product of chromosome combinations and determines if you will be a child bearer or an inseminator. This is the reality regardless of the social construct of gender. Current beliefs of gender are based solely on identity and have no physical or factual basis on a biological level. This is why many are having a difficult time agreeing that gender is even a legitimate thing. Much like others in this thread said, I can run around on all fours, bark and eat dog food I am still a human.

    To put it another way let us say an individual was born in India. They grew up in India and were surrounded by indian culture. We would say this persons nationality is Indian. But in this individuals mind their National Identity is that they are not of Indian descent at all. They, though being born in india, raised in india and surrounded by indian culture, have come to the conclusion they they are an Italian! In our day that is a rather insane thought. To think that you are something by "identity" and expecting others to accommodate you in an identity built of your own perception that wholly disregards the reality and circumstances that are directing your life.

    But no, this Trans-Italians plight is seen and answered. Clinics open up with procedures to dye the skin the color of the individuals "National Identity" and though extremely risky this procedure is encouraged even though "Trans national" rates of suicide are actually higher after the procedure.

    And we cannot forget that these rates of suicide in trans nationals could never be due to mental illness or defective psycology and must always be reinforces that the rate is higher because of their status as an oppressed people. Even though the suicide rates among all other minority groups who face similar levels of oppression are drastically lower.

    And it would be a travesty and outrage when, during the olympic games, these trans nationals are unallowed to compete for the nation of their national identity rather the nation of their nationality. So we would accommodate and say "what is nationality anyway? is it not an archaic social construct? Isnt there a history of oppression surrounding this?" We must move forward and allow the Trans Nigerians to compete for Nigeria and so forth. To not do so would be a violation of our most basic human rights.

    In time it comes to be that nationality as a simple and reasonable system of identification is plain wrong. It comes to be that even being a "nationalist" is something to be ashamed of because it is at its core "transphobic". Nationality is replaced by the idea of National Identity. Some people identify as a Russian though they reside in iceland. A resident of somalia becomes canadian overnight. Others believe that National Identity itself can be too restrictive and therefore become nationals of Middle Earth or Tatooine. There are even individuals who identify as Zeta Reticulations. And of course the nationally fluid must be accomodated, and people from day to day swap their national identity to whatever best suits the time.

    And in the end, when the change is made and we have patted ourselves on our backs for reconstructing nationality as national identity and accepting national fluidity a realization will dawn. A feeling will slowly sink in. When all is said and done no one really knows "who" they are anymore.

    Best post on this site. Archive
  19. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Don't forget that calling someone the wrong nationality, or "misnationalizing" them is a hate crime in a lot of places

    There is actually a section of every police force specifically designed to aid transnationals who have faced adversity because of their situation as a transnational. To misnationalize is only seen as a crime of hate, discrimination and ignorance to which fines or jail time will be mandatory.
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