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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. You're right. I suppose it could be a conversation between two granules or something.

    Maybe though, maybe you just have cat shit on the mind?
  2. Well if you're going to see somebody to feel better about yourself and your life, you might as well try the rest of it. All I see is escapism in pizza rolls.
  3. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger I wont argue with you but I will ask, in what way it is flawed?

    Christianity is the construct of man. How can you honestly worship a deity believing that this particular set of books is canon and true, while there are numerous apocrypha which have been cast out. How can you follow the NKJ bible but throw out the NIV? I mean it's ridiculous really. I'm all for believing in deities and all, don't get me wrong, it bothers me none.

    I'm just flabbergasted is all, that there are so many people who don't care about where their religious text is actually coming from. I mean it's supposed to detail the way you should live your pious life, no? Seems pretty fucking important to me.
  4. And hey, I'm sorry if I offended you, but you really should try to eat healthier than pizza rolls. Especially if you're special snowflake level depressed. A better diet helped my depression tons. It'll help you too because I say so.
  5. I encourage you switch to tofu with cheese powder. It's much better for your chakras.
  6. Originally posted by Malice Very good advice, I recommend everybody receive a vasectomy as soon as possible. Having children is one of the worst mistakes you can make and most immoral things you can do.

    Why an immoral mistake? I have nothing against people who have kids.
  7. Man, haven't you ever been to a pet store? They just scoop up crickets all day. Scoop scoop.
  8. Do you realize that everybody who goes to her probably thinks something similar? I mean really. To think you're going to *overwhelm* her? What hubris.
  9. If you're making pizza rolls period you better be max drunk.
  10. Srs tho I have a two published novels. I can't stop writing. Even in my head I write. In the shower, driving work, when I'm fucking my wife. I'm never safe. I keep tons of notes everywhere. This is the result of developing a strong habit to just sit down and write and pump out what is sometimes absolute smut. It's fine to do that. I mean even Picasso drew shitty anime when he was a kid. Get in the habit and it'll all start to come along much easier.

    If you have any questions about publishing a novel just ask. I'll do my best to answer them.
  11. Originally posted by mmQ The theme is 'crickets.' Go.

    "Hey, do you ever wonder where the scoop goes?"


    "The scoop man, it comes in here, it takes us, then it goes. Don't you ever wonder where?"

    "Not really."

    "Well I have. I bet it takes them all to an orchard, or a nice farm at least."

    "Why the hell would you think that."

    "I don't know, why wouldn't I?"

    "The scoop is death, John. You get scooped up and that's it. No more."

    "Oh that's bullshit, there has to be a life after the scoop."

    "Well, there isn't."

    "And just how do you know that?"

    "It's obvious, isn't it? I mean, have you ever met anybody who's made it back from the scoop?"

    "Can't say I have."

    "Then it's settled. There's no post-scoop life."

    "That's not very scientific."

    "And your orchard is?"

    "Look, all I'm saying is that there *could* be an orchard. I never said there was one."

    "Then what are you saying?"

    "Just that, we need proof. Experiments. Hypothesis. Isn't that how it's usually done?"

    "I guess."

    "Well why don't we get it settled then?"

    "What, and go in the scoop? Fuck off."

    "I'm serious. We go in the scoop, see what there is to see, and we try to come back."

    "You're mad John."

    "It sure beats sitting in this tank."

    "I'm quite happy in the tank, thanks."

    "No you're not."

    "Well I'm already in the tank, so there."

    "You know what this means then, right?"

    "Err, no?"

    "It means that writing is easy and all you lazy dumb-fucks just need to start hitting keys."

    "I don't see how that-"

    "It's so fucking easy! Just get shit down. That's the first step. Who cares if it's no good?"

    "John are you alright?"

    "I mean you can always edit it later."



    "Is everything okay?"

    "Yes yes, just figuring out how to wrap up this whole thing."
  12. Originally posted by Discount Whore Alright, but still, why would you hang around with people who would do that kind of shit? Even if you don't tell them you use drugs, vindictive people like that are just no good to be around in general.

    It's also a bad idea to put yourself in bad terms with a co-worker.

    It was not intentional. I'll post a thread about it later.
  13. Although I do wonder what would happen if a mother found out she was pregnant with a boy but wanted a girl and ate nothing but soy

    Today's 13 year old mothers would be entitled and selfish enough
  14. If you're making them in the microwave, stick a glass of water in there. It'll keep the rolls moist and stop them from expanding to a bursting point, as they'll hold the lava better. You can also use this to send some stale bread back in time.
  15. If you're making them in the microwave, stick a glass of water in there. It'll keep the rolls moist and stop them from expanding. You can also use this to send some stale bread back in time.
  16. You all sound like fucking chickens to me. Cuck cuck cuck.
  17. What makes you a special brand of depressed?
  18. I dunno. My toaster oven finishes any bread I put into it within 3 or 4 minutes. I'm happy with that. I kept fucking up my toasters anyway.
  19. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it. I'm just going to be a chippper, plenty of people do it.
  20. Why do you have a toaster? Toasters are inferior to toaster ovens.
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