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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by Malice Anyone that would have a falling out with you because you use drugs is pretty fucking lame.

    I mean if you had a falling-out over something else, and said co-worker went and told on me for using drugs to get back at me
  2. The danger of semen is blockage. You really should piss relatively soon after cumming as to clear all the gunk out of your junk. But realistically the danger that you will get an infection is pretty low.
  3. Maybe pissing cleans the residual semen in your dick/urethra and stops an infection if it was only semen?
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL Do you have any cash or valuables, property or bonds,

  5. Fighting a noose.
  6. Originally posted by Merlin Yeah the friends you make when you are young are the only ones I could ever fully trust, the only ones who I know there back story, who I've met their mother. Fuck that's depressing, I guess I shouldn't write those people off even if I don't hanging out with them most of the time. They are still the realest fuckers I know.

    Well, out of those 3 one is a friend from a decade ago, the other 2 I only met about 18 months ago but we've been through shit together. When they had no place to go I gave them a bed. When I had no place to go they gave me a bed. They changed what my definition of a friend is and made me realise the people I used to consider friends never were, cos when shit got real they were nowhere to be seen. But a couple of people I barely knew bent over backwards to help me out. Fuck all of them
  7. Originally posted by Lanny I don't talk about drugs with people, everyone knows antisocial drug use is best drug use.

    *TRUCKS !
  8. Originally posted by aldra you banged her boyfriend?

    Well technically he banged me.
  9. Grim lad. You'll end up being a father to one of his kids
  10. We're all in the same boat. Tbh I have about 5 people I consider to be real friends, altho I don't speak to 2 of them that much anymore. So I guess 3 active friends. That's more than enough. I know they have my back and I have theirs. Everyone else I used to know and used to be friends with can go fuck themselves, fake motherfuckers
  11. Join a club.
  12. Don't bother, friends are overrated
  13. Originally posted by Sir slappy the sea turtle Didnt you make this post months ago or am i just having deja vu

    Its just that time of the month.
  14. I don't entirely agree with the left-right political thing.

    Like, I have left wing beliefs but I also think transgenderism is a mental illness and the Holocaust didn't happen, both beliefs would get me lynched by the left.

    Altho "belief" is the wrong word for something which is true
  15. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger There is actually a section of every police force specifically designed to aid transnationals who have faced adversity because of their situation as a transnational. To misnationalize is only seen as a crime of hate, discrimination and ignorance to which fines or jail time will be mandatory.

    And if you're a business in new York you can get fined 250k for not using someone's preferred pronouns

    Someone could say they are to be referred to as supercalifragilisticexpialidociouself and if you refuse you lose 250k for "gender discrimination"
  16. I'm spending Christmas day by myself so I'm guna get high as shit. Couple g's of weed, couple boxes of dhc, couple bottles of wine. I don't know what I'm guna eat tho, might buy myself a nice curry
  17. Ill be sure to fill that ASAP. Theoretically it could jump start the dissolution process. I dont have a sensory deprivation tank handy though which would really bring it to another level..
  18. Dr Reject prescribes you 600ug LSD, stat
  19. bullshit work
  20. Its gotten to a point. I am not going to be able to sustain this self much longer so its in my best interest to kill it an form a new one. Killing my self is a conscious rejection of certain undesirable traits or behaviors and thought patterns. A new self is then constructed by consciously accepting certain desirable traits behaviors and thought patterns.

    Basically I hate who I am and need to change that. What I plan on becoming is something much more capable and much of what makes me hate myself are perceived inabilities and deficiencies in certain areas. This means dedicating more time to expanding my capabilities and minimize my time that isnt quite beneficial to my self.

    My main concern is the killing of the self. There are a number of things I have grown accustomed to that I must consciously reject which if I slip up on that conscious rejection I will have to start over from a phase one. I believe once this self is killed that I will readily adopt the traits and thought patterns associated with the self I will be forming.
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