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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny EMV (chip and pin) is a lot more secure than swipe and sign, a lot of countries (although not the US) have shifted fraud liability to merchants on EMV transactions. Skimming is infeasible because the challenge/response nature of the algorithm. I think it's just an equipment thing at this point.

    it is, thats what i mean. some mom and pop places have a different policy than your local valero, but for the most part its because the valero has a nice verifone card reader and the little shops have the dumb gay ones from office depot or some shit
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    literally the opposite of a normie
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Hahaha you massive faggots. Or should I say faggouts? I say petrol one time…

    Fargo North Dakota . Fuck off.

    Gas station. OK. Is that better? I said petrol ironically . Do you not know me? Jesus.

  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone do it, faggot. It'd be a mercy killing and do PoC a huge favor in life.

    oh boo hoo quit feeling sorry for yourself

    get yourself and your life together. if §m£ÂgØL's posts were true you need to get right the fuck on fixing the shit going on in your world
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    we have hydrocodone syrup too, its basically upgraded lean
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    your perspective would more than likely be different if you were in fact a billionaire, seeing as a billion dollars is way more than id be able to spend, much less something like a couple million. youd have to have a small palace for a house, a bugatti collection, solid gold toilets, your very own fighter jet, etc etc etc how the fuck do you even spend a billion dollars (without using it for investment or other business)
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Still the same drug. Promethazine doesn't make it good. The only people who drink that shit are wannabe rappers.

    true, but its different in that its not consumed in a dose like a drug; its a beverage. think beer but with a weak opiate and sedative combo instead of alcohol. its also really good tasting... the sprite's carbonation, flavor, and effect of watering down the syrup leaves you with a really sugary, slightly thicker, grape-ish sprite. you dont just sit and kick back bottles of it though, the sweetness is a little too overpowering to just chug, so its best enjoyed by sipping (why rappers nig out about sipping it) or taking small swigs periodically. you dont need to be a trill nigger plug gang fam to drink the shit either and once you try it for yourself you realize that. its not something special, but its one of those things youd want every once in a while if youre the type to enjoy it.
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra it's not common for americans to say petrol as opposed to gas

    in my experience, pretty much every instance of the word "petroleum" being used is in reference to the whole field of products/employment/business rather than gasoline, but that could be because im in texas and there is a huge amount of petroleum related industry here
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist who the fuck signs credit card transactions these days? chip n pin has been around like 15 years now.


    not every point of sale is able/willing to take debit transactions due to theft related fraud, lack of equipment, etc. the jiffy lube i got my oil changed at today only took credit, which is pretty dumb imo
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist oh, i know this one.

    things a faggot would say?


    ok ok yes i will agree with you its a huge waste of money BUT provided you had literally no other use or application for the money you might as well. shit i know i wouldnt blow 600 fucking dollars on a pair of shoes unless they gave me superpowers
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    my cats enjoy being smacked (as do ALOT of cats), so its not really a viable method of discipline/reprimanding them for something unless my demeanor lets them know im aware they fucked shit up and im about to be on their ass. i generally just yell their name and "no" or "stop" or whatever and they are well aware of their names so one wont freak out because they think my outburst is directed at them. i never really could get behind the idea of punishing pets for things seeing as alot of the time its because theyre just animals and they dont know theyre doing anything wrong
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    well, they're that much for a reason. suede and velvet for maximum comfy, they look dope as fuck, and you get to pretend youre business magnate or something and talk shit on the peasants
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    in middle school i dug through my old papers until i found a field trip permission slip or some shit and kept it in my bag for times like that lol

    sucks they take discipline more seriously in high school, otherwise i wouldve been king bullshitter for anything negative requiring a signature. lucked out on them not caring about signed report cards/progress reports, so i just trashed them and scrambled to get my grades up if the time for one came around and my dad wanted to know how i was doing in school
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    malice, i dont know if this occured to you, but the whole point of buying designer/luxury/high fashion wear is because its a display of wealth, not simply an article of clothing. a $600 pair of versace car shoes or a $150 supreme hoodie or whatever else are purchased because you want to stunt on people and show them your wallet is fat (if youre filthy rich i guess you can say its more about the build quality). wearing fake shit is scumlord tier and youre better off just shopping for apparel like every other human being.

    if you value the utility of clothing and not the normie hype, then do what i and many others (usually poor, i just value the economy factor) do and shop for clothes frugally. goodwill, salvation army, clearance racks, coupons, deals, and seasonal sales. bought my first ever suit at goodwill; pronto uomo suit that retailed for well into the $300-$400 range, for $26. bought my work jeans that lasted me nearly 5 months at my current job and way longer than that before the job for like $6. new shoes? magellan hiking boots that are basically rugged hightops (i got the pair that looked the least like dad-wear) for $30, and they are holding up like a tank. all of the collared shirts in my closet came from goodwill (except casual/formal wear but needed it on a case-by-case basis and no brokeboy options were available). a good portion of my tshirts are from my dad, who no longer was able to wear them because he also enjoys eating and doing fucking nothing, which get worn regularly. dont keep a huge wardrobe either as there isnt really a point. ive got a black and a mendhi pattern tie, khaki and black slacks, a suit jacket, and a white dress shirt, which covers pretty much all business casual and formal needs. maybe 10 or so tshirts, 3 pairs of blue and 1 pair of black jeans, and then sleeveless shirts/basketball shorts for everything else.

    you seem like the person to value functionality and utility above all else, so im sure you understand this. i tend to be pretty minimalist and organized, so i was nothing short of overjoyed when i started both losing weight and getting taller/bigger framed so all my old shit didnt fit anymore and i could get rid of it. i dont struggle for clothing variety, and even if i did i damn sure wouldnt buy fake designer shit to fill the need. just sell blowjobs until you can buy the real thing if you want to look like a real nigga
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    you know aldra i really like these home cooked sandnigger maymays youve been posting theyre top quality
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep My bf got a bunch of morphine pills once, we tried to iV them but they all goopy and gross looking, it has that protective thing on the pills now. So I just plugged them, it was the best way imo. Trying to IV it made it feel like a waste because that coating just ruined everything.

    CWE the morphine out (if possible) and bang it then. its how bongers do it
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    depends. if i agree to /fuckass/, am i on the giving or receiving end? do i get to sodomize girls?

    if i have to get the shitty fuckass then ill take the other one since i can just wash my face and be stupid. hopefully stupid enough i wont know that im stupid, so it wont matter
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    just rob someone and give them drugs as reparations
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    well in all fairness i dont think girls want their tushie slapped unless youre their bf or fornication associate
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock in the context of the reply to the post I replied to the wording of my statement was accurate.

    niggers are specifically bad because nothing that they do, have done, or ever will do is considered good by anyone with any semblance of sanity.

    well theres niggers and then black people

    if youre having trouble seeing the difference, one has "people" in it
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