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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    like that time i blew a stack on runescape and then knocked over an entire line of traffic cones on the drive back from the gamestop

  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    tannerite + bullet
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    nice blog
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I dissolved a bunch of xanax bars in spirytus once, blacked out in like 10 minutes flat but unfortunately didn't die

    xanax is the shitpost of drugs
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    your head isnt in the game lad

    but me, im innit2winit
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Why the bars? What a dumb recipe!

    for the flavor
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † I can't sleep when I'm boreed. I have to do something.Something fun. Fucking hell.

    take 25 xans and rob a liquor store
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick Ass kisser…

    more like he has a gay crush on lanny
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Is child labour not illegal where you live? And working you so hard that your feet get to that state, what the fuck, it's barbaric…

    man, you really want to be like infinityshock dont you
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice No, I don't want to work and don't have any real reason to right now. I want to focus on other things.

    these are my feet after 4 days of consecutive shifts of my job. yes, those are friction burns. i had burns like them all over my torso last week (theyre only on my arms atm). i work this job that gives me foot rug burns and athletes foot and dries my skin out until its shiny so i can pay my bills and have fuckoff money. i dont work because i WANT to, i work because i HAVE to. its how real people in the world do things. why should i, a person who works for my shit like any other decent human being, give you, a useless manchild who wouldnt be able to function 2 minutes in real life, my money and enable your fuckshit?

    if human life is so meaningless then on behalf of every taxpayer in america i beseech you to kill yourself and make ours suck less
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist if you can't make a living then you fail as a human being and should just kill yourself. jfc there are teenagers starting businesses and becoming millionaires by the time they are 18. what's your fucking excuse?


    his excuse is autism

    its also his excuse for everything else
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra that's not what this discussion is about you stupid nigger

    MAN im so angry

    i hope you have a wonderful day

  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice I know, right? Why can't he give some to me? Just 5K would be great, that's nothing to him. He clearly barely even cares if I suffer, regardless of how much. I guarantee you he'd be willing to just let me die and state it isn't his problem, while claiming to be a virtuous leftist.

    you are a fucking leech, an absolute waste of a carbon based lifeform

    even if your post was ironic, its still true. i have to work my shitty fucking job (along with everyone else who isnt a scumlord) and have a fat chunk of my money go to useless sacks of shit like you who only continue to exist because uncle sam takes my shit and gives it to you under the pretense of autismbux

    fuck you i need the money more than you get a job you parasite
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    fuck off you apes

    its 2017 no amount of "muh slavery" or attempts to get white apologism is going to make you not trash

    literally every demographic has done heinous shit to another, not just whites

    what about china getting fucked on by japan? what about literally any muslism caliphate? what about rwanda? i dont see you trying to win pity points for the greeks after xerxes took a dump on them, or maybe for the whites that get disemboweled live on tv by sandniggers... wheres your sense of retribution for them??
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock pics or it didn't happen.

    unless it's a Bill Krozby-girl. if it's a Bill Krozby-girl…have mercy, and no pics.

    i didnt take any pictures of it and i deleted her nudes
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra can you borrow money from someone? worst case you can go to one of those payday advance places

    i might see about borrowing 20 bucks from a friend or something
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    yes, why dont we be like the asians! decline in population, extreme poverty in some countries, tiny dicks, communism, and bukkake porn are really things to aspire toward.
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    i have NO money... looks like someone's gotta go to the scrapyard tomorrow. once this shitty week is over and i get paid i will be swimming in money because of all the hours ive worked recently, but im gonna be a brokeboy for a whole fucking week. i have something around 60 cents in my checking account right now and half a tank of gas to last me the pay period. in addition to being out of money, im out of meth, which sucks DICK; the comedown/withdrawal is the worst feeling i have ever experienced short of food poisoning and im gonna be without until payday. cant even get my nicotine fix without having to smoke the blunt cigars due to my auschwitz-tier bank account. i want to run headfirst into a brick wall
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    i threw away my old sketchbook and misc artwork from school and wherever else... i like drawing but im pretty bad at it unless i have a picture reference for the object. i have a hard time conjuring up images in my mind, and especially in remembering details of it. used to be really heavy into it when i was younger, but then drugs and videogames replaced it
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    you are fucked in the head

    i would recommend a trip to the psychiatrist but i think it would be more economical to get help from a .308 bullet
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