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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ That fucking ruins everything. It ruins the whole life thing. AMIRITE?

    how fucking amazing, how perfect, how ideal would it be, if you could choose your drug, and just do it, and be that drug, and live that life? I want to roll ALWAYS. I want to just sleep, and when I wake up, I am rolling. Every day, all day, forever. Why can't that be a thing??????

    if meth comedown was just a lack of being high i wouldnt have any apprehension to quitting but no, its feel like shit, tired even after 3 cans of rockstar and 14 hours of sleep, insatiable hunger, depression, instantly hate everyone and everything that so much as attempts to interact with you, mental fog, and oily skin for a week
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    good luck man stopping drinking is hard but well worth it. got 2 more pills left then i have to really unironically quit meth, called a prospective employer today and he said he might have openings in the next couple weeks. local 68 makes apprentices do a test before they start work, so this is pretty much the end of my drug use. i do NOT want to quit but its either this or kill a career before it even starts by pissing hot.
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    every time feminism is brought up its 3rd wave nu age lgbtqia++:) bullshit. "give the faggots hugs ans kisses theyre people too its just loveeeee:):):):" gayshit that nobody wants to hear but they do it anyway. the shit people have to deal with is more the libtard leftie fucknigger women who think theyre entitled to whatever their heart desires and fuck you if you disagree than being equitable in any sense. mfw my math teacher last year bitched about her husbands child support payments... "he only pays 800 a month >:((((" bitch are you serious??? ONLY 800 a month?? ONLY enough to pay rent for a month in an apartment? ONLY enough to buy groceries for like 3? and he pays ONLY 800, 12 times a year?? you mean his child support payments that in the span of a year total up to a quarter of your salary? and the fucking faggot girls who subscribe to that same ideology... "pff what are dads good for anyway?" how about raising their sons? "uhm FUCK YOU women can do that!!!!" well guess what, a man can raise a man in training better than a woman, you fucking chromosome fiend, its in the name

    dad hater girl was also the one who started the "LGBT-straight alliance" club; i dont know why i was even surprised. bear in mind, a teacher had to sponsor it, a grown ass person. an adult, a taxpayer, voter, and likely a parent, thought it would be a good idea to have a fag enabler autism hugbox in a school setting.

    feminism isnt about "hurrrr wymen equality!!" nor has it been since they got the domestic rights that men had over them. now, its nothing more than glorified cuck faggot emasculation brainwashing. anyone who wholeheartedly supports that believes that men should be at the bottom of the food chain. its fucking disgusting that people in this day and age have got gender roles, morality, religious views, politics, society, and whatever other epic hot button buzzword so bass-ackwards that not only do they no longer want men to be the ones to take on responsibility and face danger, but they argue for the "equal and humane treatment of animals" (LITERALLY FUCKING LIVESTOCK ANIMALS) that are already maintained in facilities that would give the 19th century meat packing industry a heart attack, they want to convince everyone that gay is ok, tolerance for everyone, empowerment of ideas and groups that throughout all of history have been the lowest common denominator of human existence, huggies for the sandniggers who want to shoot anyone with a complexion lighter than a paper bag, huggies for every piece of shit bottom feeder who wont work a fucking job, huggies for retarded people, the list goes on and on. i would joyfully brutalize every liberal on the planet until my hands were ground to the wrist.

    thats what """""feminists""""" are. lefties and fuckniggers. all things morally reprehensible make up their constituency and they are the reason things are the way they are.
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    hi mmq lets be pals
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    my rsn is "bushmaster"

    best ways of making money are pretty much slayer and pvm. post 99 slayer with non-trash gear is fuckin bank... im 104 and have over a 100m bank, and thats with 92 summoning, 99 herblore, and 99 prayer. any task that you can kill a boss for (kril counts as a greater demon and minions are also greaters/blacks, kree is an aviansie, qbd is a black dragon, etc) you should do. it will make you even more money and you also get the chances for boss pets. i have the kree and kril pets, and i got both while killing them for a slayer task. also, there is ALOT of money to be made from dxp. buy broad arrowheads while theyre super cheap during the weekend, sell once they stabilize. spirit shards, brews, certain 3dose pots, pretty much anything people are dumping after they get their levels. unfinished potions are also really expensive during the weekends, so its a good idea to clean and make unf pots out of all the herbs in your loot tab and from farm runs for way more money. tanning hides and other item processing methods also become stupidly profitable during those times.

    mining conc gold in LRC with perfect juju pots also makes you a pretty nice chunk of money. all the ores you get combined with all the gold bars that it smelts for you makes for either a pile of free money or a bunch of savings when you need slayer rings for teleports or invention comps.

    gathering skills with porters can also be decent passive money under the right circumstances. for example, magic logs with porters for daily challenges or whatever else is profitable. use proteans whenever possible for smithing or construction dailies, the reward bag items from it are meant to compensate you for the cost of the materials you used. since bars and planks are expensive, you get a nice chunk of money thats pure profit. say you have a daily that would hypothetically have required 1.5m worth of mahogany planks to make all the items you need to complete it. if you use proteans, which are free, you're going to get around 1.5m worth of items from the challenge bag to pay for the inputs, except you didnt have to pay a dime for mats.

    get in the habit of doing a daily shop run at reset (or by reset, at the least, since shops restock at 00:00 UTC). feathers, runes, broadheads, and vis wax will take 15 minutes or less and will make you an easy 1m profit per day. i generally spend ~500k on buying all the stuff from the shops and the ge price for it all is ~1.5m. for daily vis wax combination, see the vis wax forum thread, which is updated pretty quickly after reset and be sure to bookmark it for ease of access. try to use the runes from your shop run if possible as it further reduces input costs.

    do herb runs as often as possible (i do them every 2 hours if i can be bothered to actually do them). at the least, they will pay for your tree seeds and at the most will make you 200-400k every couple hours. i do limpwurts alongside the herbs, its not very much extra money per run, but seeing as it takes maybe an additional 10-15 seconds per allotment for an additional ~30k per run, its worth doing imo. greenfingers aura, magic secateurs, supercompost, and juju farming pots will significantly increase yield and thus make you more money per run, so be sure youre using them too.

    pm me if you want details, suggestions, or general info on anything mentioned above
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    fuck people like that. its just the same as people looking down on dumpster diving. i mean, ive picked shit out of the dumpster/around it like old tvs to scrap, old desks and other furniture, etc. hell, one of my external hard drives came from a broken laptop that i got out of one of them and disassembled. as far as actual dumpster diving, i havent done it, but there was one time where a couple mexicans actually got in the dumpster and started looking through shit, but they left it better than they found it. no trash strewn around, they even picked up some shit laying on the ground outside and put it in. anyone that is desperate enough to look through someones trash more than likely is going to leave things perfectly neat and tidy (as far as a trash can will allow, at least) to save face if not out of common courtesy. i would venture a guess that if your trash is all the fuck over the place that a raccoon or possum got in it, not a brokeboy just trying to find things they need but cant afford
  7. cerakote African Astronaut

  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    drugs taught me the aesthetic value of not being fat... got stupid high and then took my shirt off to de-weed myself in the shower and made the mistake of looking in the mirror. here i am 80lbs lighter and im still a fat nigger but not as much of one
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    toilet actual this is 2-1 standby for butt nuke on your position
  10. cerakote African Astronaut


  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    is it possible to create copies of malice by breeding retarded kids for hybrid vigor
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    die screaming
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    black peepee is aldras preferred woodwind instrument
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    CUModo DRAGon = CUModo DRAGon????
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    >necro self-bumping

    epic dude FUCKING EPIC
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    tfw brandon likes reptile buttvore
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    eh, i dont mind the taste but the smell does bother me as well
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon W E E D B O Y S

    dude weed lmao
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I literally don't think you know what the word "literal" means.

    taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory

    noun: trash
    discarded matter; refuse.

    i fail to see the problem here
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Mothers are constitutionally more capable caregivers though, it seems truly rare that a man should be a better parent than a woman. It makes sense that even if there are some statistical anomalies, it's better to treat women as categorically better parents than men and urge men out of the roles as caregivers as they're less able to fulfill the obligation. Instead we should deploy men in military combat, shooting and getting shot at, that's where their core competency lies. also i am a dumbfuck liberal, i live in california, and im a college student, which explains why i masturbate to cuck porn regularly.
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