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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind No, I don't agree a spirit is in and of itself supernatural. I don't believe that would discredit spirituality because as I see it spirituality is a deeply personal and subjective thing. As a metaphor, someone with an unusual fetish might find a regular everyday experience to be sexual. A person without that fetish would not agree that it is sexual. That does not mean that one of those people are wrong, or stupid, rather they just view that experience differently. Similarly people who view an experience as spiritual are not necessarily wrong or stupid, they just view it differently.

    Mq, would you label the experiences you refer to as spiritual? Why or why not? Do you think people who have spiritual experiences have differences in their brain?

    I would say that calling something spiritual is no different than calling something profound or awakening. Obviously the term spirituality has many different perspectives and is commonly used in a religious sense or with things like yoga and meditating and all that jazz. I wouldn't personally say that I've ever had a spiritual experience based on my aforementioned statement. I don't know what a spirit is or a soul is or if they exist, if you know what I mean.

    I feel as though it's simply a label for an unordinary experience but doesn't by any means conclusively demonstrate that there in fact were 'spirits' involved. Growing up a Christian and well into my adult life I have certainly experienced moments with God that at the time I would've absolutely claimed them as spiritual under the preface of spirituality as it's associated with those religious beliefs. Looking back I can now see that I was creating the illusion of something that likely wasn't real. My experiences were real, of course, my feelings were real, but it was nothing more complex than experiencing those feelings and giving that experience a label.

    Like I said, I don't think spirituality is well defined enough to where you could ever see someone else experiencing something and claim to know or point out that they are having a spiritual experience. You can only claim it for yourself and when you do so you are deciding that what you've gone through pertains to something unnatural. I can say that I'm having a spiritual experience right now while I type this but it doesn't mean anything and it doesn't make it true.

    I don't know if that makes any sense. In short, spirituality is ill-defined and can't be conclusively demonstrated as an actual supernatural experience. If you want to call a moment of enlightenment a spiritual experience that makes sense but doesn't mean there is truly any spirituality going on even if you feel as though there is.

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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Oh girls go wild for a good singer especially when he's good looking. I don't think that's anything new. I used to sing solos in a church choir and I'd have bitches dropping their sopping wet panties for me after the service was over. Just a festival on the altar of sucking and fucking, rippin' and tearin', swangin' and bangin'. We'd get trashed on the blood of Christ blaspheme the Holy Spirit to all HELL. Cutting each other up, smearing our wounds into one another, defecating on the crucifix and rolling MEGA CONES from the Bible pages. Then I'd go have brunch with my grandparents at the country club.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I fucking hate vegans. I have no vegan friends or even acquaintances. I sometimes overhear people discussing it and I do whatever is in my power to rip out their tongues so it stops. Sometimes I go to the public parks where they hang out and dance and yell out 'VEGAN DO THIS THE EASY WAY OR THE HARD WAY!' and I plow my car through their group before they have a chance to respond.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I love vegans. I actually have a large circle of vegan friends who text/call each other on a regular basis and just discuss all things vegan. We hang out at public parks and dance around with ribbons just shouting 'VEGAN DANCE IF WE WANT TO! VEGAN LEAVE YOUR FRIENDS BEHIIIND!'

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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Slunty twunts, the lot of you. Stop acting so pubish ya cromulent niggermonicons.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Don't use computers.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by HampTheToker I just had my first dose of caffeine five mins ago blood.

    Let's get weird Hansel. Go answer my mquestion in your court bread.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    How'd you get pulled over in the first place?

    Here in ND if you get charged with a driving under suspension/revocation you actually get 60 days to get your license or a work permit and they will dismiss the charges. Obviously if you're indefinitely suspended this makes no difference as you can't get it back either way but it's a nice thing that has kept me from a DUS charge.

    Anyway fuck tha police I bean driving without a license off and on for years and only have one driving under suspension charge. They automatically take your license away for a drinking charge but you can get any other drug charge and get to keep your license. Makes a lot of fucking sense. Revoking a license is one of the shittiest things you can do to a person, making it that much more difficult for them to get to work, stores, etc. and putting them in a tough spot where they often times become forced to drive anyway and eventually get busted again and have to pay more fines which involves more work and getting places but you can't drive to do it and it's all just fuckery. They should just give you loads of community service or something, just not take away your ability to drive.

    Yeah a guy like me brings it on himself when he chooses to drive drunk but even a punishment of having to check in and take breathalyzers for a while gives a guy the ability to retain driving rights and not make his life that much more difficult. There are consequences for actions but the consequences in place wind up keeping people caught in the system and that, to me, is sad.

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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Malice This is the descent of madness of a man who may be entering a hypomanic stage due to the effects of Prozac. From my autistic trans-dimensional memory I recall his description of his sole experience with SSRIs beforehand many years ago, which gave a strong impression that if they continued to work similarly, which they very well could, would lead to a similar experience.

    Don't be afraid to take higher doses, MQ, I want to see where this leads if you are indeed a hyper-responder.

    I like it when you're pleasant toward me. I really do. No coffee at all today so this is a good sign. I'm gonna brew a HEAVY BATCH now and see where things go.

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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The best thing about kids is you can have as many as you want and then choose which ones you like and want to spend time with. I'm going to work on correcting my depression issue for the next few years and by the time I'm 35 I'm going to churn out 6 or 7 babbees and rank them based on preset criteria, then have a type of playoffs where they are ranked (2 of them will have first round byes) and compete with one another to be the prized child. The rest of them get tied into potato sacks and tossed in the river.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Isn't a spirit in and of itself supernatural? Does it not discredit spirituality to suggest that it can be attributed to feeling ANYTHING just so long as you're not lying about it? Again I ask why can two people experience the same feelings and one claim to have a spiritual awakening and the other claim to have simply had a really good time?
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What's a genuine spiritual experience? What's a non genuine one? I have felt one with my surroundings on drugs and not in drugs, at church, at concerts, or alone. How could someone ever have a spiritual experience where they decide it was more than just a good experience and something supernatural? How can you know something is spiritual any more than you know that your dreams are natural despite the non-natural aspect of them?
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Zok actually is the soccer player. Truest story.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm taller than my mom proverbial /Bill Krozby
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Moreo Oreo please and sanks. Tequila shots with eggnog chasers sound just delightful. Tis the season to be jolly.

    My downstairs neighbor was just outside with the cops for the last half hour. I saw them searching her car but I was inside so I couldn't really see what was going on. She ended up not getting arrested but she may have been with someone who did which is what I'm thinking. I know she has a BLACK BOYFRIEND so SURELY he had some CRACK COCAINE in his possession. Either way she's downstairs now rabbling on about it to someone loudly because I can't ever hear her through the floor normally. I think I'm gonna call the cops and file a noise complaint just to help her out. XD Oh dang I forgot their number guess she's safe.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Oh gee the different neighbor's smoke alarm is beeping intermittently because he doesn't know how to fucking change the battery. This is a guy who spends all day loudly hacking up shit and dry heaving. He also has this routine when he jacks off (yes I know his masturbation habits) where he will go on and on in some foreign language and make these wild moaning sounds, sometimes for a period of over half an hour. I will actually try to record it tomorrow if I can and share it with a vocaroo so you can hear how crazy it is. I have NEVER made a sound when I jack off other than maybe a little moan or grunt when I cum, which I think is pretty standard. This fucking guy sounds like a woman climaxing over and over which really makes me curious what he's actually doing.

    My running theory is that he has a swivel chair and surrounds himself with TV and PC monitors all playing different porn vids and he spins around like a the tazmanian devil, talking to the different porn stars and pretending that he is the center of a RL gang bang, building up his speeds and strokes until he wildly paints his walls with a SHOWER of cum.

    That's what I think about it. My neighbor's walls being curtained with jizz.

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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Name's Officer Down Syndrome, meeted to please yew herpa dee dar.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What if you were a cloud and she was a cloud and you could both float around together and when you were bored you could float into each other and become one super cloud experiencing each others cloudiness? What if that happened? Huh?
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    kreepyk as a higher power, now THAT is rich. I wish I had the pictures of her and litemex gakd out of their moinds hovering around each other like a two-headed monster weighing a collective 150 lbs. That's not a slight on her she's certainly picked herself up from then and is doing very well now. It was just a really funny time and I can't ever forget it.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I know. I was there.
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