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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yes except messing up at your job generally doesn't get you thrown into jail. The stakes are higher, and if you don't understand that and be super extra careful, or still fuck up. And if you choose a lifestyle where you're risking being caught, then you are either too stupid to make it legally or make it illegally while not getting caught.

    If the little kid stealing cookies was, I don't know, going to get throw in a cage for 6 months and utterly dehumanised, then I would call the kid a retard because a cookie is absolutely not worth the risk, and if he seemed it to be, he should have gone about it in a smarter way.

    Of course messing up at your job doesn't get your thrown in jail; it was a goddamn analogy poo boo.

    If you choose a lifestyle where you risk getting caught, that doesn't AT ALL mean you're too stupid to 'make it' (whatever that means) legally, and it doesn't mean you're too stupid to not get caught. WTF? Do you realize how dumb that comment of yours was m8?

    I'm trying to see that sentence without the middle part.

    "And if you choose a lifestyle where you're risking being caught, then you are too stupid to make it illegally while not getting caught."



    That's right Falco. Come at me bitch. I'm in the mood loverboy. XD
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Bill Krozby please don't get involved here thanks
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Wasp Sugar dad, you were never even there. Furthermore, you are in your 30s drinking during the afternoon in the Great Plains.

    I am the clouds. I was and always will be there. Don't sass me. Our entire family is ashamed and saddened and it hurts me to see you post here, in any regard.

    So, and once again you've manipulated me and your mother like always, I am telling you again, as your father, to drag a goddamn knife blade from the stem of your hands to as close as you can get to your elbow crook, and make it deep, and don't fucking question me or I will do it my goddamn self.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's interesting because both sides are correct, in a way. If there isn't a viewpoint such as Falco is taking, then it does very much enable the depressee to remain depressed, getting affirmation from others that what they are experiencing is in fact impossible or extremely difficult to get out of, and thus making the choice to remain in the rut that much easier.

    On the other hand, it's also frustrating from a depressed standpoint to hear the VERY TYPICAL, 'I know you're better than this, just SNAP OUT OF IT,' outlook. That's where, Falco, despite what seems obvious as your best intentions here, shit gets fuzzy, because the longer a person is unable to snap out of it (and that part has to do with the actual illness, the EXTREME difficulty), it makes a person feel even MORE worthless (why can't I snap out of it like Falco says?? I know I'm smart! Why can't I fucking do it?} and as it continues to not happen, it reinforces itself. It is very much a double edged sword.

    I have always thought of treating depression like having to walk to the hospital with two broken legs. Once you get to the hospital it will get better, but you're goddamn legs are broken, and you HAVE TO WALK.

    It's all very fucky, and that's all I have to say for now. :)
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by blackbird Did you even read the second part of my post? I don’t just sit around bitching about my depression. For the last couple months I’ve made some pretty big changes in my life and I’ve been working to be self‐sufficient at something that I enjoy doing. I’ve been happy with the progress I’ve made but I still feel like shit alot of the time.

    It’s not about being a special snowflake. You don’t know anyone’s personal circumstances or their mental state or how they feel inside.

    And “the comfort of it”. What? Apparently your definition of comfort is feeling so numb that you cut up you thighs with a razor or don’t eat for days and you start having panic attacks because you think you can’t breathe. Do you even know what metal illness is? It’s not just people sitting around bitching about imaginary problems because they don’t feel like doing anything like you make it out to be.

    I love falco but he's wrong here. He doesn't get it. You CANNOT get it until you experience it.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist I remember trying to chase heroin with a car lighter, didn't work at all.


    Why do you keep ignoring my question in your confessional thread? Very, very rude. Like 9000 wigwam rude.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RisiR † God was laughing and shaking his head the entire time he created Spectral.

    God created Linus Torvalds immediately after he accidentally created spec.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL That video is just as good as a set of fingerprints on the murder weapon to me.

    Its comments like this (despite a bunch of others that suggest the same) that make me believe you're being contrary for the sake of being contrary, or actually fucking RETARDED. The term has been thrown around a lot here but I have literally STOOD here (because I'm standing) and presented to you all sorts of questions and examples as to why your 'Robbie' tape isn't a fucking smoking gun or a fingerprint. So, if you're in the jury, sure, you see the tape and you have your own personal guilty verdict, or wahtever the fuck.

    For the REST OF US, who understand how evidence and investigations work, not even based on TV bullshit, but just in general, one stupid ass video doesn't discredit all the other evidence to support the contrary. If you really wanted to discuss this you would try to go more in depth than ' but the Robbie video.' You would. The problem is you can't refute outside evidence. "BUT ROBBIE!" MY GOD SPECTRAL. I do believe you are perhaps trolling, and I admittedly have taken your faggot bait. I am ashamed of myself.

    Let it stand, FOR THE RECORD YOUR HONOR, that you would make a SHIT-TIER attorney and get laughed out of the court room when I was done with you. I would call many witnesses, many people, and your cross examination would be 'BUT ROBBIE!' and the Jury would fucking have to do everything in their power to stop and act objective, and they would fail, and laugh, collectively, along with the entire courtroom, and the judge, and court reporters, and GOD HIMSELF.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL But if Robbie Parker is staged, which it most certainly is, everything else doesn't matter.

    No you would have to ask yourself why Robbie was staged.

    You see, a trial is about all the evidence, not just one piece. I already said a rookie lawyer could dismiss his thing as nervousness.

    "I am quite sure that's not nerves," will not hold up in a court of law.

    "You're wrong, look at him, he's laughing and then his whole statement seems rehearsed and phoney."

    "It may seem that way, yes, let's take a look at some OTHER things to get a better idea of what's going on here."

    "No!! No other evidence is to be allowed. Robbie Parker was clearly acting, and we will allow no other evidence!"

    "But your honor I have actual video footage of the kids bei--"

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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Haha every day someone new gets on a roll. Today Resty is killing it. Sick em!
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Fucking GAYtom.

    I don't know what the shit is. I Kill Null Airtime (occasional zoklet poster who lives in my town) always tried to get me to meet with him and try some. I don't like it because it starts with K and I don't trust ANYTHING that starts with K. ;)
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'll just say that the captain FUCKLORD's 'you got caught' is a cringe response based out of pride from those who have never been.

    I get it, I do. It's actually a great accomplishment that you've never done time, at least at those who have lived a lifestyle where you likely should have. Falco, you've admitted you've eaten a pot gummy and that's it, so obviously you've never been in a position to get caught; you didn't outsmart the law ever, aside from never haven broke the law to begin with, and that's fine, that's actually impressive.

    For those of us who HAVE, well, you win some you lose some. I've learned a good share during my times of incarceration, for better or worse. I wouldn't choose to do it again if I had the option, but DETERMINISM doesn't give me that option anyway. I WAS ALWAYS GONNA BE A SLAVE OF THE STATE. lol

    memememe knows. Do a few years locked up, even a few months. I think everyone in the world should, for perspective sake. It's not the end of the world, and it's interesting to see what REALLY goes on on the inside, not what you see on cringe TV shows. Not that it's all rape and shit talk; its generally quite mild, but it's an interesting thing to experience, to see how (often normal) people respond to being caged.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    pretty sure they made my dad's liver fail, too.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Just lay yourself before the altar of the Lord Jesus Christ, come to Him in pieces, and He will make you whole. Amen.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by mashlehash Lanny…Lanny

    I want to write Poetry.


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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Get haircut. Don't wear hat. Get ID'd by beer store fuy I've bought from weekly for the last 2 years. 33 passing for 20. :D
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Bill Krozby'z was better. I've heard the OP vocaroo 9000x.

    Nothing will ever beat your plateau sigma thing sploo. Not even you.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    There are a far many more commands in the Bible than the 10 inscribed into stone tablets.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I fought my dad in front of my crying, shaking, and TERRIFIED 4-yr old sister. We spat blood at each other when we were done and I left and got high with my friends.

    We were all cool later that night.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by saltpewter - - - what about dadfighting

    Dad fighting is a very NORMAL thing. Occurrences between individual father/son relationships will certainly vary (determinism), but the act of fighting your dad, as I believe Sophie has mentioned, is nothing more than a rite of passage.

    Truth be told , it's edgier to have NEVER fought your father.
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