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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Aw damn it. Here I thought you wrote that yourself and I was very impressed.

    I'll leave the thanks because it still made me smile, I guess.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Additionally you can also just not be an absolute dipshit and post the image the same way you've posted other, working images in the past.

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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The only thing you really need to pay cash for these days are street drugs and gambling, both of which you're probably doing wrong if you are down to your last several dollars.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Mopeds are cool as fuck. Nobody has them around here so when you see someone on one you just have to smile and thank Jesus for the good things in life. A moped is like a Chromebook. Efficient, cheap, and can generally get you where you need to go.

    If you ever come across someone who disrespects mopeds and their riders, it's very likely that they've owned one themself and got scorned or ridiculed in some way bevause of it,causing them to harbor a cringe resentment against mopeds.

    My cousin has one and I'm gonna go over there later this week and drive all around town with my big green turtle shell helmet, receive my obligatory cat calls, mingle with the people tell em about turtles and tech and NiS and invite them to join our religious cult of triangality.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    A large cork IS a decently sized butt plug you fucking simpleton.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Phoenix and it kinda stuck, yeah.

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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My air conditioner.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I think my asshole is leeking.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I prefer grocery store parking lots- behind the old faggot granny's backiong out with their mercedes and what not. Just takes a quick little tumble from out of nowhere and a talking to- wanna just pay me off now or make my EXPERT FATHER ATTORNEY have to get involved in this, BITCH?
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick

    Proove it.

    I compensate for my small penis with my Droid Incredible on Verizon Wireless.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop Okay so basically every major tragic and violent event in the past twenty years was staged by the betabet boys? Just wanna make sure I'm getting this right.

    Apparently. If it weren't for the 'betabet boys' we'd damn near be living in a utopia.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Die in your sleep. Thanks.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by greenplastic is that why you all go there?

    I go there generally Saturday night to get drunk with Panny, Trayvon, and HTS. That's usually the only time I go now. Used to go more often when 4j came around but nowadays if he comes he's always blacked out retarded. Haha

    I do have fun on Saturday night/Sunday morning. The goal is to just get dumb and laugh at everything, and it usually happens.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I just wish, despite a couple of YouTube videos someone else made, you'd realize what I'm asking and give me your own answer. Don't link any videos.

    The amount of people that would have to be paid off to make this happen is astounding, and not only paid off, but trusted to never say a thing. Random Jane's and Joe's. Christian mothers and meth addicted cousins. All 'in on it's and trusted by the CIA and FBI and liserds to NEVER come clean. ALL OF THIS to propose stricter gun control? Lol. And the gun control hasn't even happened!

    I'm dead serious. No links or videos.

    Explain to me exactly how thousands of people would all choose to be in on something as ridiculous as this, how much money you propose is involved to pay them ALL OFF, and how they would all be trusted to never speak a word of truth.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Probably FBI or CIA agent. Not the real father for sure. They wouldn't risk letting the real father on national news, even though he'd been fully bought out.

    OK, and now help me out here, why would they do that? There has to be hundreds of people, at least, that knew the real father and son, so would it not be immediately obvious to them that this was a ruse?

    If I were involved in a false flag, and someone other than my mom (but claiming to be my mom) got on national TV tomorrow and giggled and said they were so sad I am dead, so many fucking people would IMMEDIATELY call that out.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    This may be obvious but I'm pretty sure the act of killing oneself is almost always a grandiose thought and a fun fantasy to keep lingering in the back of a depressed mind.

    Those that are SEVERELY depressed, like me, at times, harbor these thoughts in that regard but won't do it. Why?

    For me, I have this thing within me, call it hope. I am lucky enough to have in the midst of my depressive states, had a state of pure happiness, mania some will call it, I'm not convinced it was , but a perfect feeling, for almost a YEAR, of confidence, of extrovertion, of my thoughts more free flowing .

    Some of you may remember thar, the MQ of zoklet, when I could rattle of fictional stories, pages and pages. That gives me hope.

    It's all very confusing now. The faggot doctresses I see always regurgitate the same shit- maybe stop smoking cigs , don't drink AT ALL, try meditating. It's embarrassing to hear their advice.

    I hate them.

    They don't get it.

    What's nice is that I have seen the better side of me, the creative sidez the side that can be something, and that keeps me alive. Maybe it's NOT NICE, it was just a facade of something I can never have again. A lot of life is a double edged sword.

    I want to be SOMETHING. That's all I know. I want that.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Phoenix I've been laying stonework in my parents' garden if that counts for anything. <3

    It absolutely does. Doesn't it feel at least mildly rewarding, or SOMETHING?

    People like us Lucy, when we are depressed we convince ourselves that it HAS to be that way, that even if we wanted to do better, we can't, which keeps us in this circle of depression.

    I know you know what I mean too. It's an excuse, just as much as it is a debilitating illness. It fucking sucks, I know. Trust me, I know. We need to break the cycle. Once we can break the cycle it is amazing the things we can see that were holding us back.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Ah yes the ol 10% interest BJ. Just the tip.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Ho ho I'll totally hurt you bad.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by mmQ Ahhh shit Plunketts Pest Control just pulled up to my building. It's going down.

    oh my fucking god is this a scene froma movie, the guy LITERALLY, and I do mean that, just started spraying around beneath my deck and I feel a sudden spritz of what feels like rain, which is this fucking NERD PEST FAGGOT spraying his hose just all over, with no regard. I have a goddamn open beer (which I will FINISH, REGARDLESS) and me and it were just showered in this guy's pesticides, and I stand up and say WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DUDE??

    He goes, in a legit nerdy fucking stuffed nose taped glasses faggot voice "OOhhh my godd I'm sooo sorry I didn't see anyone sitting up there I'm just spraying for spiders and things."

    "UHHHHHHHH YEAH AND I AM SITTING HERE WITH AN OPEN BEER WHAT THE FUCK DUDE??" and I slammed my stupid sliding door in his face mid sentence. UNREAL.

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