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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My personal favorite part about Pi fear mentality is that Bill Krozbys Pi has been Out there forever and nobody has done anything bad to him, supposedly a very disliked member.

    The sad truth , is nobody really fucking cares. Am I wrong here?
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    ive been freestyle wheelchairing since I was a todd
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie Doodsgeratel(Wish this one translated to English well, it basically describes the sound you hear when there's gases escaping a dead body through the throat/mouth)

    How is it used?

    "As I stood over the still twitching body, the both of us islands in a growing lake of blood, I stared into my daughter's eyes, as she into mine, dropping the sickle to a splash of blood, lightly spattering her distorted little face as I heard her fade away, her final Doodsgeratel somehow echoing through the room."
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL If you're connected to the Internet, that means there's at least one open port. And if there's even one open port, even if it's got a firewall and router on it, it is still vulnerable. Nothing open to the Internet is 100% secure.

    This is why I don't use the internet.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    "I'm PLOWING this new girl, man you gotta check her out that pussy is tiiiight yo, and get this, she's a miner!"

    "..What? A minor? You're proud of this why??"

    "Yeah man that's fuckin rare!I bagged me a female miner! And aside from being gorgeous as the moonlight she can ride a cock like a featherweight champion, my man. Tiny little thing, a goddamn MINER!"

    "Get out of my house Chuck."
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Bro from Progressive
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery I wonder how alive PoC is.

    I'd like to see a news report of him and hrdyo having done the 'love hanging' with the heart shaped dual noose. I know they 'broke up' after that LENGTHY relationship but it would be sure to see them both hanging somewhere together, assuming there's any ceiling in the world that could support that.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock you do realize that every single website collects your IP address…rite?

    Lol at Jill gonna try to instill some tech knowledge on Sophie. Never a dull moment.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I feel like our brains are hardwired for spitballing and approximation for survival reasons, and human culture seems to naturally have evolved in line with this. Since our greatest strength as a species (vs others) seems to be our ability to record and pass on informational data from one generation to another rather than just genetic data, it makes sense for us to, for example, defer to our elders as children, and trust the wisdom of the chief or whatever. This was pretty good in ancient times, when we were walking around naked and didn't know how to wipe our ass. We don't have the ability to process data in that way, we'd be stuck in weird rational considerations all day if we didn't.

    But there's also great potential for abuse in that, as we have seen and are seeing now. It's not even the average person's fault, Joe Sixpack with a plumbing job and two kids doesn't have the time to actually research his political opinions, the best he can do it find someone he trusts and let that be their job. That's what representative democracy is, that's why news and analysis networks exist and thrive. There's no good way around it. Even if you lay the facts before a person, they generally don't have the ability to process it because that rationality is like a muscle, you have to practice it and it gets easier, but it starts hard.

    Well said, and makes sense in hard relationship to why everyone e has their beliefs. There is a lot of pride involved. Joe the Plumber is embarrassed to admit he's WRONG.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist then i would be a very happy man


    Well, get happy. Falco was me this entire time.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra not this time, lol

    I don't even bother, generally. You can write a properly sourced essay but it'll always get drowned out by 'assad gases children' or 'we should bomb north korea YESTERDAY' because facebook only shows the most popular posts by default.

    I guess the real point of that post was that in giving up on 'mainstream' media I've essentially put my trust in certain 'alternative' media which carries all the same pitfalls. I try to get direct sources for important or contested ideas but I'll never have enough time to follow up and unequivocally prove everything I believe.

    trust is bad/trust is unavoidable


    That's how fucked our world is. Your emphasis on alt-media is great, but it seems to have ZERO impact. And lien I used to be like oh man! I'm gonna make a difference o favevokm.

    The other thing is what the fuck. Ya k ow?
    Most people don't, and won't ever care. And that's.. kind of OK? I mean, we can all become Marks and btmns and uh, whoever else died . Are we any of us making a difference?
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery The only post of mine you're gonna be reading is my cock when I cram it so far inside your butt you can see it behind your eyelids.

    Uhhh. The only cock you're gonna be putting anywhere is your butt-cock in the air for me to put my own cock into.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Madman Making small children say the pledge is brainwashing not patriotism. People would get pissy at me in high school because I wouldn't say and I would be like, I don't believe in god why the fuck would I pledge my allegiance to something I don't believe it. I don't see america as anything more than a lesser evil so fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

    Di you ever think that everything we experience is a form of brainwashing?
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What is good?

    What is a soul?

    Are we all subjective rainbows?
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yee 3am for sure is when I have to resist my strongest urges to mutilate and torture my closest friends and family remembers. That's why I try to be asleep by 3 these days. The moon's suggestive strength has been growing on me, darkening me altogether.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My nigga Resty he's a cold piece, son. You ain't wanna hire him yeen might find yo ass filled with lead at the end of the day, nigga. He ain't playin, nigga. This real life, nigga. Got dang, nigga.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Esplender I forgot to mention that you're also supposed to take off the plastic wrapping as well.

    Originally posted by Esplender 1. Remove pizza from the packaging
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Definitely true. Especially the small town churches, rural ones, and just tiny little ones in general. Even though I'm no longer a Christian I can still say wholeheartedly that there are a lot of great churches and congregations that legitimately care and want to do good, their focus having very little to do with profits.

    That's the other side of the coin with this stuff. Maybe it's stupid to buy into religion but even still there are a lot of great and amazing people, religious people, who have little to no judgement and genuinely care for all others. I like those people.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    they also resemble lighthouses from the Underworld
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