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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop This site's obsession with mmQ and his cat is a little unsettling.

    Four things of note

    1- There's no unsettling a chardini martini can't take care of

    2- She's Chootie with the Bootie, and she deserves her time in the spotlight

    3- plewg's avatar isn't my cat

    4- I'm more unsettled by having to see my stupid face in one of the banners

    Oh and 5- speaking of that, I checked out a bunch of different boards of canadia albums and they all sound almost identical and quite frankly, boring. What am I missing about their talent?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Damn this place is dead.

    said the grave keeper to no one in particular.

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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist OP's full of shit


    He didn't even give you a toimeloine ya bloimey wanka! And with that attytude I wouldn't send a roight propa bloody cent to ya neitha, bell end!
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery The part where he swore to god.

    But really, I said AT FIRST. As in, when I read the word Bumble but not after.

    So just to establish, you read it up until ,Bumble, thinking it was zoklet Bumble, because you hadn't read further, but upon continuing soon realized he wasn't in fact talking about zoklet Bumble like you had initially thought, but rather was discussing the dating application Bumble, at which point you posted and notified the rest of us of your mental blooper mistaking online application Bumble for stupid zoklet whore Bumble?

    I want to get this as accurate as possible for my NIS book.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Ok I found out what the deal with this is.

    Because of people who would get the permit and never bother to upgrade to the license, they started giving permit holders 180 days from date of issue to get the license, or else they lose the permit and can't get another one.

    Problem is, I got my permit in 2012, never bothered to upgrade to the license, and haven't ridden a motorcycle since then

    So now I'm going to have to get a motorcycle, learn to ride it again, and then go take the license test, all without a license to ride.

    That, or take the motorcycle safety course

    There are details missing. Surely you'd be grandfathered in, in that the new 180-day change should not affect your prior arrangement.

    But I guess if you haven't used it since 2012 it would probably be long expired anyway.. So yeah, just take the safety course, or go to the DMV and renew your permit. You can teach THEM if the time comes that you are completely entitled to a permit renewal based upon the 2012 renewal conditions and any attempted hindrance of said previously established and agreed upon renewal procedure shall and henceforth will be presumed as both obstruction of justice and criminal misconduct, both separately punishable by up to death by a firing squad of their peers.

    What do you normally have to do for permit anyway? Here it's always just been passing a written test.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Man, you know you're a hardcore faggot when people confuse you for scron. Rekt.

    People was a one weird sex. Does that even count? Nigga cams up doin 90 down the freeway staring at the phone thinking he's laying in bed or some shit.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop I honestly think trayvon martin was a bitch ass nigga who deserved to get shot.


    Yeah but nobody deserves to get shot by George Crinngerman. That ain't right.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon He looked up from the day
    With a mouth full of sand
    And saw a broken glass

    "And alas the little boy trapped inside an hourglass is free to explore the world"


    "Ahem. My apologies, this just in. The boy trapped inside an hourglass has received multiple lacerations and has been pronounced dead at the scene. Our thoughts and prayers got out to his loved ones. Now here's Tom with the sports!"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I would do things like be a famous porn star or musician. Can we program people's minds to think whatever we want them to think?

    Like if that were the case, I'd go back to say 7th grade and make it so in the middle of one of my classes at school, the 3 cutest girls would all suddenly have an irresponsible urge to come to my desk and start giving me blowjobs and rimming me, and the teacher would undress on her desk and start fisting herself, all the while everyone else in the room is experiencing this as a normal student would, obviously wondering what the fuck is happening, or better yet how.

    Then I'd suddenly have a bunch of clear ovens drop down over the boy's desks where they sit, and slowly heat them up as the boys roast to death, all the while I'm still fuxxin with these 3 girls while the other girls in the class are dumbfounded and horrified, but of course I'd lock them in and after all the boys were dead and charring up nicely (this would all take place over the course of at least 12 hours), I would drive spikes through all the girl's left eyes including the three on my cock, then have everyone in the room including the crisped corpses each have a seat on a long miniature train akin to a kid's ride at an amusement park, taking them to the downtown district and parading my line of mutilated females and burnt males, the teacher and I conducting the train and throwing live grenades here and there, rocket launchers and lasers, breathing massive bursts of fire and causing some to have their bones spontaneously snap and crack at morbid and absurd angles until their skeleton resembled a limp dangly Halloween ornament.

    Then I'd eat a fistful of pure mdma eat a bunch of banana cream pie.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    They have about 100 million users for every one user we have here, so yeah, hopefully their site would be a bit more stimulating. Interestingly enough, for having over a billion users, they still are too pussy to talk about piss balloons.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    *prays for mass shooting*
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Are you today's date cuz babe youre totally 10/13
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Oops I just saw the Pixies and they went hard! Yayyyyy
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Agreeing with your shirnk to see you a few times whjile you're drunk and can tell things better to her. haha

    Sorry I laffd at a thought I had I was think about actor. ACTOR.

    Actor: Im a muistard staind

    me: no, you're butter than that

    psycholgist: ur both need to ketchup with the times

    me and actro: UHHHHHHH

    *resounding silence and cringe*
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Not a bad idea. Just slide it under her door, I'll write it ransom style with magazine letter cutouts, something to the effect of


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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I will start a rival community crocheting group and we can have a gang war.

    Don't think you won't be running into me and my band of yarn crafters, you cro ass bitch.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery I thought there were only two? And the GET REKT one is the real one. It has like 1500 more posts than the other. I don't know why anyone still uses the cock "fred".

    There's 3 now

    Nigga we started this 3 thread shit

    And this the mothafuckin thanks I get?

    It's funny how time flies

    Im just having fun just watchin it fly by
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Enter Either way you want to spin it, you're a moron. That's like saying one of the shittiest character traits there is is to be attracted to other human beings.

    Why are you pretending to be stupid as shit?

    I usually go out of my way to make my points on here very clear and easily understandable to most anyone. Either you're fucking with me or you're somehow not only dumb, you're dumber than most everyone here.

    Here's a real quick breakdown of our exchange. I'll try to make it extremely easy for you to understand what is being said:

    ME: I think it's in poor taste to dismiss someone because of their looks.

    YOU: Liberal!

    ME: If you say so. (So far you haven't taken a stance just called me a name)

    YOU: Typical liberal response! You think people don't judge off looks!

    ME: Not at all what I said. I said that doing so is dumb. Lots of people do it.

    YOU: Well, OK so I have poor comprehension, but you're still a moron. You think it's a shitty trait to be attracted to someone physically.

    To which I haven't yet responded.

    ME: Jesus fuck. It's nothing like that at all. Physical sexual attraction to someone is obviously natural, and even yet you find scores of couples where one is blatantly more attractive than the other.

    Let me say it one other way and maybe you'll get it.

    If you've ever gotten along with someone "weird looking" but avoided being seen with them because of that, you're shitty.

    If you meet some new people and based off physical appearance decide who you might get along with better, that's understandable. If you automatically decide you won't interact with the "unattractive" ones, you are shitty, and dense.

    If you're embarrassed to be associated with weird looking people, that's on you and your low self-esteem.

    If you refuse to try and get along with someone because of their physical appearance alone, that is a shitty character trait.

    What if you were blind? Would you end a relationship with someone who you loved because you later found out they have a bunch of scars and burns all over their body? Not trying best example but I'm trying to help you understand.

    Do you understand?

    You still don't, do you?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Have you tried turning it off and then back on again?
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