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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Anyone else think of this song when seeing this thread toitle?

    Me either.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Workin on our mash moves

    Tryin' to lose those teenage awkward blues
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dargo This is an interesting idea. I suppose that if an innocent person is charged the idea is that they will eventually be cleared by the court, thus resulting in minimal damage.

    It doesn't solve the case though, of bitches randomly saying "He raped me 20 years ago even though I don't have proof. I never made a report or anything, just take my word for it now." While such things may or may not happen from time to time, giving women the power to utter such devastating accusations without offering a shred of proof is too much.

    Yeah I think a lot of it boils down to simply hoping the majority of people are humane and decent enough to refrain from lying about such things, and for the most part I think we are. Like for example, framing people is not a common crime, even though it's relatively easy and extremely effective as a form of vengeance. Guy pissing you off at school? Plant drugs in his locker and tell the authorities. That shit seems EASY. What are they gonna do- same thing anyone else does in that position, say they don't know how it got there and it isn't there's, then the cops laugh and take you away.

    As inhumane as we can be, there still lies a massive level of decency as it relates to fucking people over like that, which honestly surprises me.

    As far as people claiming rapes or sexual abuse many years after the supposed act/s, it's a bit convoluted in terms of what counts as evidence, and I think in many cases it boils down to witness testimony and corroborating stories, both of which can be easily fabricated. That brings in a whole other dynamic to how we treat 'evidence.'

    Witness testimony is usually treated as factual basis, which is interesting in and of itself since a witness's claims are no more founded than anyone else's. Then again I'm sort of guessing and I don't know exactly how witness testimony is treated.

    What the fuck am I going on about here? Lol

    Now I want to know if witness testimony alone can be used as evidence to convict someone of a crime. I also want to know how often these years-later accusations happen without public knowledge, like it's always a celebrity or something that you hear about, but basic statistics would then indicate that it happens that much more often for those who aren't celebrities, but we just don't hear about it. The celebrity ones it's easier to chalk up as women trying to cash in but in private cases there wouldn't be much incentive for people to make false rape claims many years after the fact.

    Come to think of it, I don't think I know of a single person other than someone famous that has dealt with such allegations. Is that coincidence or a reflection of the TRUTH? Just like most of us don't frame our enemies, perhaps the false rape accusations are also just as rare and it's not nearly as big of an issue as we're lead to believe.

    Also, turtles and things and stuff.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by SBTlauien I'm aiming for 135lbs by February of next year. I have a photo shoot coming up in April/May and I want to look good for it.

    Encourge me.

    See if you can get 135 total THANKSES by the time you weigh 135, for every thank you have to lose a lb. and on January 31st if you're at 134 thanks and 136 lbs I will give you your 135th thank and you will reward us both with your weight loss success, followed by an irl meet up with loads of heavy petting and red flag touches. K go.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dargo fixt

    Both are correct, but the former is more grammatically efficient. 2 of something can also be all of something. :)
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It'll be interesting to see how his comedy goes when and if he comes back from 'taking a long step back' as he said. Uncomfortable sexual humor is a pillar of his style and it's fucking hilarious, but how do you keep doing that after this? I hope that after a little time he goes with a 'fuck it' approach and comes back with a new level of sexual humor that nobody would've expected.

    And yes, the jacking off sex tape would be a perfect thing to release a few days before he returns with his new tour, which he will call 'Sorry I Asked (Next Time I Won't)'
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Ideally (maybe), our innocent until proven guilty premise should provide more anonymity/less info until an individual charged with a crime, any crime, pleads guilty or is found guilty, thus protecting their right to a presumed innocence and a certain degree of dignity as it relates to public judgement and association to criminal activity.

    At the very least, the notorious criminal charges which carry the most potential for personal damage to the falsely accused need to offer these protections. Your rape, sexual assault, murder, child molestation, and the like.

    That would really change things and I don't honestly know how,but it would be interesting. The one big thing that comes to mind is how those protections would weigh against the public's right to information. Instances where charged offenders make bail and are released to the public, who do we decide to favor? I guess it makes sense on both sides to a point.

    Now this anonymity wouldn't have to be an issue at all if the court of public opinion wasn't often so pessimistic as the district and state attorneys who so often presume guilt before innocence. That shits always perplexed me, prosecutors losing trials to fair and honest evidence and testimony and they are UPSET that they didn't get a conviction-- on a person just found not guilty! They should be happy they didn't just further ruin an innocent man's life!

    Last thing I'll say is of course the statistics are noteworthy as it relates to all of this, in terms of our conviction rates and the idea of blanket protection to those charged with crimes that have extremely high conviction rates.

    Its pretty fucky really. Like you say, false rape psycho broads are definitely out there and can singlehandedly ruin a man's life, and we need protections for them. On the other hand, a bunch of actual rapey rapers are out there, and though the guilty may make up 90% of those accused, our innocence protections would have to be extended to them as well. So, fucky.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist what these dumb bitches don't think about is if they get caught out making a false rape accusation, they have then just made themselves a target for real rapists who now know that nobody is ever going to take any future rape claim they make seriously. this shit should be pointed out more often.


    There should be a public list of names and locations of all false accusers, printed DAILY in every newspaper and online at
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Kreepy is a good testament to why you should probably never masturbate in front of strangers.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That would've been fucking dough.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Mash is going to try cock once and end up liking it so much that he converts to be fully gay.

    Not sure if insult or general observation.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle

    Louis CK: M...May I perhaps masturbate over here while you stand there?

    Yeah idk, I mean I'm sure there's some level of conduct applicable but this was all like, early 2000s no? He's never really been an above average attractive guy and so what the hell, you ask girls if they'll watch you jack off.

    Like you said glamorous, if that's weird just say 'no, that's weird.'

    Of course who knows what all the different tales are, like he mistakingly apologized to a woman for shoving her in the bathroom but apparently it was a diff woman.. that kinda makes a guy think of how many little 'happenings' took place.

    BUT THEN AGAIN, the rumors don't seem to go much farther than the voyeurism requests so, clearly nothing too traumatic happened, and if an adult is traumatized by another adult requesting such things, well, I can point out the victim.

    Eat a bag of dicks, ladies!
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    mmq banner thread below did eye trix on me read this one as slo mq cumshot

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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 So you are saying that syntax is correct in his sentence? or his grammar?

    This is me politely asking you to stop posting quotes you're replying to at the end of your posts. I politely accept your decision either way. Thank you, kind sir.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    1. greenplastic
    2-15. TBD
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery 2111. Where are you? What are you doing? Are you an beta or an Epsilon?

    Are you thinking of 2101 maybe, in reference to a century later than the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center?


    I'm talking about the attacks from early November, 1901, where 11 attacks were scheduled but only 9 took place. There was some wealthy czar talking shit like a badass bout to 'kill us all from the inside out' followed by 'and I ain't e'en fuxxin' witchya son, dat American ass bout to get rekekekt!' and the U.S. orchestrated 11 planned assaults to ensure his demise, but it only took 9, and that was that.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dargo Yee, I have one:


    His companion a cat, small and sweet,
    With dainty white tips decorating her feet.

    Aside from Chootie, he is all alone,
    Except for when his mother calls on the phone.

    Like his faith, his father is dead,
    And often he struggles to get out of bed.

    He turned to the internet, to fill these voids,
    And henceforth joined a community of mongoloids.

    We see him now, preparing to post,
    Deciding which thread he likes the most.

    Although he laughs, and says it's good fun,
    It's clear there are troubles he's trying to outrun.

    Hearing a ding, he crosses the floor,
    And hands a 20 to the man at the door.

    His diet is simple, pizza and booze,
    Despite there being some pounds he should lose.

    Taking a swig, he starts his ride,
    Trying to mask the fact that he's dead inside.

    Hours pass, and activity slows,
    As his mood begins to sink to new lows.

    Staring at the screen, he lets out a sigh,
    Perhaps it is time for him to simply die.

    Early the next morning, a call is placed,
    And to his house the paramedics all raced.

    They find him there, cold and still,
    His final note left on the window sill.

    And that is that, the last of mmQ,
    A miserable soul through and through.

    You left out all the good stuff. :(

    But not badly put together. Hints of accuracy but mostly sensationalism and disdain likely stemming from being personally offended by my casual mockery of Christianity, but you'll get over that :)


    Soviet Russia born and raised
    Saw America, became amazed

    Chose to move across the sea
    An expert in psychology

    Just like me he lives alone
    But didn't have a friend to phone

    And with no friends and with no pets
    He had to make a decision yet

    It didn't take long, he jumped with joy
    Got himself a little boy

    Our Christian pyschologist, Russian born
    Adopting kids (but not for porn!)

    That's mostly all there is to know
    Aside from that he's same as most

    Had funny posts for quite a while
    Now Bill Krozby bashing is his style

    But despite his harsh words on this site
    He's a true and honest man of Christ
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie "I need to examine your vagina"

    "B-but doctor, you did that twice already today!"



    *Gets done examining vagina. Stands upright, takes off glasses*

    "Well, Ms. Anderson, she's looking and running good down there, so I'll see you in 6 months."

    "Well thanks Doc!" *Starts getting up to leave*

    *Doc gently pushes Ms. Anderson back down*

    "I need to examine your vagina."

    Repeat 3-10x
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I remember one time me mom drove me to my uncle's house on a whim and I want feeling good my stomach hurt and I had been throwing up earlier. She let me in and then just took off right away. Sure enough it wasn't just my uncle it was all 6 of them and they were wearing robes and chanting, basically they tied me up and for the next few hours took turns.. WAIT JUST A SECOND ! AHA!!
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Jars of formaldehyde is where I soak my dick

    Put it down your throat so you can taste my sherm stick

    Soon you'll be laughing as you're begging me for more

    But sorry I am thirsty so I'm going to the store

    I'll be right back
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