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Posts That Were Thanked by Zanick

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    >makes a thread declaring himself a rapist
    >I'm not a rapist! What the heck are you guys talking about?
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  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    so after all the denying you finally admit you're a rapist Bill Krozby. Good on you for realizing you're a shit human being who can't get laid without forcing himself on a woman.

    You've made progress but the next step is the hardest: killing yourself
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  3. Originally posted by mmQ The the Hodge podge of variables is too great. 90% of us make up the peleton of the great thanks cycling race.

    We need a way to have every post decided as a shitpost or not so that our stats may reflect it.


    Total posts: 9000

    Total posts thanked:4
    Total shitposts thanked:4

    Then we'd know. Karen not only gets thanked merely once every 2,250 posts, but those thanks have never been accredited to Karen's actual attempts at decent contribootion. Karen is a fuck.

    I want a diagnostic breakdown behind every members posting history .

    Time of day, substances on, mood, phone/computer, erect/flaccid, etc. I know Lanny has the logs.

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  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Juicebox All of my social behavior is calculation and mimicry. It seems that the only emotion I'm capable of feeling is regret

    Although looking at pictures of Alina Văcariu makes me believe that maybe the capability of love is still there, its just…atrophied I guess

    It sounds to me as if you're clinically depressed bruh.

    ONTOPIC: Weirdly enough, i distinctly remember my father being sad at my grandmas funeral. He is as cluster B as they come, but i guess his brain didn't go all in on the 'anti-social' part. Probably something to do with his own mother, who died tragically when my father was young. Now his father was cluster B as well, and i guess without the mom things got pretty wild.

    Of course these are also my grandparents, it's just that i never met them. My grandma on my father's side was dead before i was born and well, my dad and his dad weren't on speaking terms.
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  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Enter yeah, and nothing has ever had a more profound effect on my life than oxygen, but i'm not constantly debating with people on the internet about the makeup of that element

    you know what i fucking mean nigga

    I mean if you want a real answer then the reason I study and care about things like political theory (and I use "study" and "care" very loosely here) is mostly that it's fun to bullshit about. I know I'm never going to live in a communist state, and that no amount of critique here or in any other venue is going to change anything but at least it can be stimulating conversation.

    But I do at least believe the things I say (except when sarcastically communist-posting), even if I don't think it will change anything, and on some level it's easier to accept and deal with issues in our society when you look at them as product of a coherent system instead of random acts of god or physical laws or something.

    Originally posted by Sophie The shit you attribute to capitalism is actually what you get when you have capitalism + government.

    It's not capitalism's fault governments exist and corrupt everything they touch.

    Well that's exactly my point. It's not communism's fault that dictatorships of the proletariat often operate on immense and violent political repression and fail to transform into real communisms either. You're making the exact same argument as the "not real communism crap" you mentioned earlier.

    I'm down on capitalism as a modern institution a lot but I do appreciate that there's a beautiful model of decentralized resource allocation in free markets, and I think in contexts that aren't nation state economies it's optimal. A very non-serious but I think interesting example artificial economies like those in video games where there are no real externalities and systematic restraint of extra-economic activities (e.g. you can't establish a monopoly, or there are mechanics to mitigate monopolies) it produces really interesting and efficient economic configurations.

    The problem is this isn't how real capitalisms work. Externalities do exist, monopolies can be formed, market participants act irrationally all the time and aren't purely self interested.

    And even if all you were saying were correct, i would still rather live in a real world capitalist country than a real world communist country because we all know how the USSR and Mao's China turned out to be. Oh and Venezuela don't forget glorious communism in Venezuela. If you want about to talk about empirical evidence.

    I mean I agree that I would much rather live in a western "democratic" capitalism than the USSR. I see the point you're making here, and it's true, it's better to live places that happen to call themselves capitalisms than those that call themselves communisms. But the USSR was never a communism, not even a deformed or poorly functioning one, it satisfied none of the criteria that define communist states. I think it's reasonable to argue that the USSR is further from a true communism than, say, the USA is from a true* capitalist economy. But even if it's not, you'll notice I never criticized some failing of an actual system that's casually called capitalism as a fundamental issue with capitalism. You were the one that made a claim about how communist societies are organized that was simply untrue, even with respect to "real world communism" as there was no real world system being talked about in which "the party" exists.

    * taking true to mean the ancap formation of capitalism I assume you're defending here.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    ITT: a pace set to break zanick's 1,000 post meat bread. Guy's killing it.
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  7. Hey it wasn’t a “little” thread. All right? We’re talking about THE premier discussion on the morality of eating meat and animal rights. Probably gonna be featured on NatGeo pretty soon
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  8. And now its Spectral's turn

    Originally posted by -SpectraL I am sorry too Lanny. I am so glad Fonaplats talked sense into us
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  9. Lanny appologized

    Originally posted by Lanny I am sorry Spectral for being so mean to you and everyone else
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  10. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock I'v felt that sensation during the elections.

    But trust me… Russia isn't going to be our friends. They want to divide the USA along with other nations.

    I've lived in America my whole life and I have no family and no friends. Nobody likes me and I've been pushes out of society.

    Russian could be my friend. Iran as well.
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  11. I miss Zanick’s threads. Most of them are in getting-to-know-you-chitchat type format and are kinda gay. But sometimes he posts some intellectual/philosophical shit that interests me. Am looking forward to the next batch
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  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    Zanick is fine imo.
    Sometimes insane, sometimes smart as fuck.
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  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter BeigeWarlock, what does Beige Warlock mean? Why is that your username?

    Also, what does your girlfriend think about Jeff Hunter and Totse and stuff? Does she know about Niggas In Space?

    Beige Warlock because if I had a chance of being a good witch or a bad witch I'd probably be grey but grey warlock sounded weird so I went with beige (sort of a mid tone)

    She was offended by the name of it..

    I'v used it in my teens as a term of endearment but then again I had different ethnic friends who basicly taught it to me. how would I of learned it.. no one used it on tv back then and it wasn't used much in public.

    but then she saw a post of Infinityshock and walked out. and she has a lot of friends who are buddhist who many are African American. so Thanks InfinityShock for being you just the way you are (sarcasm). I don't keep things from her. She has a hard time with conveying shit properly but Im guessing she will convey InfinityShocks comments to her friends well.

    One of her friends thinks I'm racist because "She never calls that friend anymore" and called to accuse me of hating black people.

    This is not the reason.. this is because that friend was asked to lunch by Me to treat them.. not once, but twice. I said she was flakey for not showing.

    Being tied into this fucking site will just make that lady's point that much stronger. LOL story of my life. But fuck it.. I'm accused of lots of shit. Just used to it. People who know me and take the time to know me know the real story. so I give little shits.

    But I found out from my girlfriend that her father is a well known 60s activist guy and author of the counter cultural movement. "Dad this guy is totally haten on black people" I can see it now.

    why did you pick Enter and not Exit for your name :/
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  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Haha! It ain't gonna happen. Sit back and watch some slice of life anime.

    This, oh man, this.

    2000 years of philosophy, the greatest minds in the western world seeking indefatigably the answer to the question once posed "what is the good life?" and today it concludes.

    What a journey, man. What a crazy crazy ride when the answer was there all along.

    Socrates: What is the nature of justice?
    Cephalus: Telling the truth, and paying one's debts!
    Polemarchus: To pay one what one is due!
    Thrasymachus: The will of rulers!
    Glaucon : The will of the mighty!
    Weedsmoker: Chill brah, just sit back and watch some slice of anime

    all them greek niggas in unison: damn...
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  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, the US does seem to have a particular problem with bullying in school. Of the countries I've experienced K-12 education in the US was the least physically violent but the most socially divided. Like no one gets bullied by the big dude threatening to beat them up or whatever but the in group/out group dynamic is pretty significant and I feel like there's much more stigma around being part of the out group than elsewhere. I'm convinced this is also what gives rise to the selfie phenomenon and obsession with documenting every social gathering, it works to vouch for your social status to those not present.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    donald trump only shitposts on twitter because he doesn't know how to make an account
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  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus like one guy who wants to find meaning in the world will resort to philosophy to make unfalsifiable theories and delude himself into thinking his work has more truth then a schizophrenic's paranoid rantings

    Funny choice of words since the entire notion of falsifiability as being the demarcation criterion for science emerged from academic philosophy and accepting it immediately commits you to a philosophical position.
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  18. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    White sharia > jedi subverted degeneracy
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  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by infinityshock lengthy post trying to insult lanny

    If you want to complain about my moderation you can make a thread about it in B&M. If you want to just generally waste your time trying to offend me you can do that there too. You will not do it here. Posts in this thread will pertain to the topic of the morality of eating meat and related issues. That goes for everyone.

    If you would like to continue posting on this forum, you can simply stop replying to this thread. Or reply in some sort of way that constitutes discussion of the topic.

    Originally posted by Zanick

    Wow, every word is the same as the last time you posted it, but I feel even dumber than the first time I read it. You are truly an innovator of stupidity.

    Lanny, I really wanted this thread to hit 1,000 posts at one point, but over the last dozen pages or so I've come to realize all the serious posters are tired of it, and only the idiots keep coming back. Would you be willing to lock it?

    This thread will never die.
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  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thanked for the nice words, even though you plagiarized that last part.
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