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Posts That Were Thanked by Zanick

  1. I am off to work.
    I am ready.
    I got this.

    I do not know if I will post again today but do know I love each and every one of you and believe in you.
    Thank you all.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by mmQ Walter Kronk

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  3. I'm so glad my pops pushed me to earn my Eagle.

    I loved all the outdoors experiences the scouts afforded me, but I by no means was a fan of the paperwork side of things (merit badges).

    I was one of those who ended up completing his Eagle Project shortly before his 18th birthday.

    Through scouts I've canoed Bowron Lakes up in Canada, backpacked twice down in Philmont, NM. The second trip I smuggled a quarter of Hawaiian Skunk for the trip. Got high on Pikes Peak. :)
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  4. Originally posted by Fonaplats Guys. I am a little nervous.
    I am leaving for my new job in less than 2 hours.
    Should I shave?
    What should I pack for lunch?
    What if they make fun of my lunch-box?
    and then I got an interview tomorrow morning too.
    I have a lot to do before I go to work.
    I need to finish my laundry
    Possibly shave.
    Call my PO and tell him I might need to reschedule our appointment next week.
    I have to call my lawyer and see if she can go to court for me so I don't miss work.
    ^This stuff is really going to depend on how they interpreted my recent psych evaluation.
    What should I even pack for my lunch??
    OMG new people.
    I am nervous.

    Dont be nervous. Shave, make sure you put on deodorant, pack a sandwich or something you can make quickly so you aren’t late (adults don’t make fun of food choices don’t worry about it you’re being silly). Make sure your clothes aren’t wrinkled or covered in dog hair. Take deep breaths if you start getting anxious.

    Good luck fona! It will be fona-tastic!
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  5. I had a minute to make the intro. The rest will be filmed in coming weeks, probably near the end of the month.

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  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Only in America does one lie about being a woman, being raped, and there dad dying…

    Smh.. I dont even…

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  7. So my interview went good.
    It took a lot longer than I expected but the people there were very nice.
    I was super relaxed and joked with them and was friendly.
    They offered me 2 jobs today.
    I have to go do an orientation for one sometime later this week.
    The other I can not get to.

    Also I got a call from another company I applied to and they want me to come in for an interview.
    It pays really well and I am hoping to get that one.

    I have a 4th job opportunity but it is a little far.

    I have a lot of decisions to make.
    I am very confident I will be working soon

    I took a drug test and passed it!

    So in summary I woke up and I got super pumped.
    I worked out.
    I possibly saved my friends life.
    Then I made some friends and got 4 job offers.
    Now I am jamming to music and working out.
    I love life today.
    Today is awesome.
    I hope all of you are having great days too!
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  8. Originally posted by Kinkou I can’t figure out why anyone would want to intentionally hang out around their rapist

    Maybe because posting on the same website is not the same as “hanging out” with him.

    What should she be doing instead? Sitting alone in a room with the curtains drawn and the lights turned off quietly crying to herself? If that’s what you think then you have an archaic idea of what a rape survivor is supposed to look like.

    It took her 2 years to get over the trauma of what Bill Krozby did to her, my guess is she’s here now to prove to herself that she doesn’t have to be a victim. And maybe seeing him on here as the pathetic shell of a man he really is and constantly making fun of him might be therapeutic. Plus she’s actually made a couple friends here.

    I don’t know I’m just speculating
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  9. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Originally posted by Enter

    Booking Charge:

    lmfao at the scratch marks
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  10. Originally posted by Zanick Fox Paws, I think we both know you're far too experienced in the art of thanks manipulation to have simplified it in this manner. You have a highly sophisticated system in place.

    ....Just turn around and walk away

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  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thanks economics. I think a "thank" is a measure of social credit. It would be interesting if you could only thank if you have thanks. So let's say a poster has 100 thanks and wants to thank another poster he has to pay 0.1 of their own thanks in order to do so. He thanks 10 people and so loses one of his own thanks setting his number to 99, this gives the thanks more value. And it would ensure posters would post better content in order to make up for the difference. and i would like to call this system "Fractional Reserve Thanking".
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  12. I think most people nowadays will do almost anything to avoid conflict.
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  13. Originally posted by Zanick Good morning, Fonaplats! I took my pills and I feel manic.

    Your thanks situation is very odd indeed. You're doing a little better than 1/10 but this is sharply contrasted by the fact that you have issued none whatsoever. It's almost as though you have declared a tariff on incoming thanks and ceased exports entirely.

    Good morning, Zanick.
    You have a nice thread here.
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  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Centering is already there

    I don't think right is, would be an easy add.

    We had lists for a while but then enter abused them to break the every page on the site lol so they're gone until I fix the parser to make them be not broken.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Zanick It's not penises on the internet he should be afraid of, it's real, flesh penises of sexual predators.

    I find chrome-covered roboplegic wrongcocks terrifying
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  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby source, you fat faggot?!

    so watch me whip whip whip whip so watch me nay nay!

    fuck you you bottom feeding parent leaching, girlfriend beating, rapist manchild[1].

    [1] The entirety of your pitiful degenerate existence and your painfully detailed chronicling of it on the internet over the last several years.
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  17. I love them both, but Regina Spentoe for me.
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  18. RestStop Space Nigga
    I once sent a fb message something to the effect of "I wanna fuck it, like we was in Nantucket" followed by her never speaking to me again.
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  19. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Absolutely. For almost two years straight, my wife was in prison, and I was in prison also. We wrote each other. That was the highlight of my fucking day. To get a letter from her. I read every word she wrote over and over, haha. So yes, I poured out my love for her in some of those letters. We're happily married today, and those times are just a weird, shitty stain on our past. That isn't us now. So yeah. Wrote my (at the time) fiancee almost daily, full fledged love letters.
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by benny vader that sounds rather un-totse in spirit.

    besides wouldnt it be better and easier for you if you keeps no ip addresses so that if and when your being compelled to show them by the LEO you could just show them youve nothing to show ???

    are you required to keep ip adresses by law ???

    I'm not required to keep IP addresses. It's true that I could avoid turning over IP addresses if LE subpoenaed records by not recording them. I can be compelled to start logging IP addresses without telling anyone I am however. As a result me saying that I don't log something does you no good because you'll never be able to trust me. In fact I would tell you I was logging IP addresses even if I wasn't because it turns out some people take me at my word even if they should know better. I want you to act under the assumption that I am keeping IP logs in case you're dumb enough to rely on my statement that the opposite is the case.
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