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Posts by Zanick

  1. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I don't think I've had family die so unexpectedly or from a drug like that, I can't imagine what his mother and girlfriend must be going through but I'm really sorry to hear it. Did you know him to be using different substances recklessly? Do you plan on attending the ceremony/funeral?
  2. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    There is this thing I have been reading about in psychology-related literature called 'place conditioning', which I understand to mean that doing the same substance in the same physical location, in the same fashion, can cause a high tolerance. I also understand that this contributes to overdose deaths in heroin addicts who seem to have drastically lower tolerance if they shoot up in an unfamiliar location.

    I admit I haven't sufficiently considered the ways this effects me. I do a lot of drinking, homework and workplace strategy from my bed, besides sleep. My life is more structured than ever and it feels like complete chaos because of this. I might have to reorganize my room so that I have a spot for sleep and an area for work.

    I reccomend you….seroquel

    I haven't had Seroquel, but I've had very unpleasant effects from even mild dopamine antagonists.

    You have narcolepsy, IIRC, could you likely get a prescription for Xyrem (GHB)?

    Read this paper when you have time, it's easy to get through and understand, and very good. You may find the effects fascinating and unexpected.

    Even if it's too difficult, if you don't have a good psychiatrist who adheres to rationality enough (That's GHB! There's too much liability, it's abusable and you can overdose!) and is willing to read this paper, it's one of the easiest drugs to synthesize, and very cheap to do so from GABA (very cheap bulk powder available from powder city). This would be a good project for you. Have the archived thread from Zoklet saved:

    Also, have you heard about orexin antagonists? They're a promising new class of drugs that could treat sleep disorders:

    Xyrem is an interesting drug and I've love to have it, but my insurance won't cover it. Besides that, my narcolepsy doesn't present with cataplexy so I doubt my neurologist would cover it and asking for it would possibly result in him not being my script monkey anymore. Personal synthesis is an interesting idea, if it's simple enough I might have to look into that. Thanks! I'll be sure to let you know how it turns out if I end up trying this.

    Orexin A is also very useful for sleep deprivation:

    Last I heard, they were still doing nasal spray trials with monkeys in Germany. Has it progressed to a point at which I can buy it online? That'd be fucking perfect, I've been wanting to play around with pure orexin since I got my diagnosis six years ago.

    On that note, I recall you mentioning having some problems with a modafinil prescription, and I recommended something to you on Zoklet or one of the refugee sites, but you said money was tight and you couldn't really afford to experiment. I've recently trialed this, within the last month or so, and it's the best drug in the afinil family IMO. The vendor is top quality, very trustworthy and knowledgeable, and all products have third party testing:
    Wrote my review here:

    I've been on and off modafinil a few times, but the bulk of my side effects are remedied by taking it sublingually. Something longer acting might be preferable, given my work/school schedule this semester. Even if there's cross-tolerance, I might have to give that a try as 17.88 is barely more than my copay for moda each month and if it lasts me that long, I definitely want to explore it. New Mind is great, I think I've used them in the past for dopamine agonists, -racetams, caffeine/theanine and such.

    Thanks for all your input, I have lots to consider.

    youre fucked if you dont quit man

    My concern is that it'll sneak up on me before I realize it's a problem, do you have experience with this?

    Buy cheap shitty vodka and mix with OJ. Just let it run its course.

    …or switch to weed

    I don't want vodka that's too awful, my friends and family would definitely notice if I downgrade in quality and increase in quantity and there would be an uncomfortable conversation if my use were to increase much more. Can't smoke, I'm looking for promotion and upward movement in my company requires drug testing. Maybe after, if only to celebrate.

    Could be you're sleeping too much. After I had to involuntarily quit alcohol I thought the same thing about not being able to sleep anymore. What do you physically do during the day and what kind of job do you have? This is just speculation but I've noticed I don't need more than 5 or 6 hours a night and I'm fine throughout the day. I don't need 8 hours because I do jack shit physically.
    90 percent of the time I'm either driving a car or in a comfy chair when not sleeping in bed..leads me to believe 8 hours or even more would be pretty overkill. 8-9 hours would probably be sufficient and needed for someone who stacked lumber for a job or lifted weights 2 hours a day but that's definitely not the norm for most people. So most people are sleeping 8 hours when they really only needed 5 and there's no wonder why they can't get to sleep at night.

    I sleep about five hours a night lately, letting my medication keep me awake the next day throughout. Typically I'd need eight hours and coffee to function, but I'm experiencing some sort of episode lately that's likely related to grief and booze and supplementary drugs.

    I supervise in a fast-paced retail pharmacy, so I'm on my feet a lot at a full-time job that takes a lot out of me emotionally and cognitively.

    Why did you stop involuntarily? Did you have an intervention of sorts by family/friends? Either way, do you think it was the right thing when you stopped and do you think you could have seen warning signs before it got there?
  3. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    It's all very confusing, I'm grieving for someone and working too hard to get promoted and juggling full time work with a relationship and family. Drinking is the only way I get any sleep, I work in six hours and I'm pretty drunk but I know I won't get five hours if I don't have a couple more.

    I have this recipe for a get-to-bed drink that includes maybe 2-3 cups vodka diluted in Powerade with a shot of melatonin and one of sublingual b complex vitamin liquid. This routine occurs even when I've spent my day off drinking wine with family and when I see my friends, the tolerance is noticeable. I have to have this every night now and I think vodka is my largest monthly expense now, I'm buying a fifth at least once a week.

    This is just temporary, I think. Has anybody else dealt with what seemed like situational alcoholism? Should I be worried?
  4. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Promethazine was first employed as an early antipsychotic due to its antagonism at dopamine receptors, and this effect while shitty in execution is still evident whenever I take that awful shit goddamn I hate it
  5. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Reminds me of when I had serotonin syndrome. If I remember right, this is remedied by low-dose atropine, which you really shouldn't be taking in this state of mind.

    As dickish as this is, go to a hospital if you actually fear for your life. Doctors will maybe figure out what's wrong with you or at least treat the symptoms, which is good because people generally don't do well caring for themselves when they can't identify their illness, hindered especially by high doses of the drugs that caused them.
  6. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    First I'd like to say that I'm sorry you responded first, because an internet interview is very different from a face-to-face interview in that I have the opportunity to scrutinize your every statement. You might have entered this thread thinking it'd be easier. You were wrong, it will in fact be more difficult. Let's begin:

    You should hire me because i'm a cute little girl from Tallahassee

    While it's early in the interview I think you should be aware that I do not discriminate upon the basis of gender, race, political affiliation, gender-racial-affiliation or developmental disability. However, this information may still be considered relevant to your candidacy.

    i'll follow you around everywhere in my most kawaii school girl outfit and you can call me kawaii desu-chan and i'll call you Zanick-sama.

    My Japanese clients will be glad to see improvement in communication between our facilities, so that could be a valuable asset to our work together. Tell me, do you have experience working with a team?

    I am 11/10 waifu material and up to date on the latest memes and animu, i am fluent in japanese and will cosplay on request.

    Great! I've been wanting another MBA around the office. Just curious - were you in a fraternity?

    I am interested in the position because a girl gotta' pay the rent.

    I'm impressed by your credentials so far and I think you can expect a job offer in the near future. I can't guarantee anything, as you responded quickly to the ad and to make a decision so early in the process wouldn't be fair to the scores of applicants, but I think you ought to feel secure informing other recruiters that you will not be attending scheduled interviews.
  7. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Please include the standard components of the most recent resume model (within 2 yrs), please have references made available upon request.

    Next I'd like a short summary of yourself. Why are you interested in this position? Why should I hire you?
  8. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I'd rather have them not exist, 9 out of 10 of 'Anonymous' fags are just in it to ride the fucking glory. They have divorced themselves a long time ago from what hacking is all about. Which in it's purest form is learning to get things to do what they aren't supposed to. Glory and e-cred is fine, if you pull of an amazing hack and earn it like Phin Phisher and cripple two INFOSEC companies. Hacking Team and Gamma in this case.

    I don't really care if they're the genuine article, I'm critical of that like you are but think it's important to recognize their influence within internet culture as the largest bastion of anarchist thought in the West.
  9. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    on the real, I've bought quality vegan dress shoes that cost half what the nikes in the OP cost and worn them to formal events where they fit in fine like they were leather. when I was younger I bought leather dress shoes that cost less than OP nikes, that bullshit has to stop it's the niggers spending their drug money on sneakers getting a free ride on the taxpayer's coattails
  10. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I'd kill myself if I ever ate miracle whip even by mistake
  11. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I'd rather have them exist than not. Every other group advocating for internet freedom answers to some authority, but this one is beyond control and free to do what public entities are incapable of within the law. Yes, some people will do idiotic things under a collective alias, but that isn't exclusive to anonymous: you'd find that in any decentralized group of radicals.
  12. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    what fucking nikes are you buying that cost $140, I buy vegan shoes made here with all US materials that cost half that
  13. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    If they're threatening your friend you should urger her to contact law enforcement fucking imbecile nigger jeff buckley was murdered by israel
  14. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    One drink on 1mg won't hurt. But as you know, benzos reduce or completely remove inhibitions, so after that one drink, another might seem like a good idea, and maybe another pill, then you forget about those and have another drink, and another pill…and the next thing you know you are naked, being pistol-whipped by an air marshal.

    Sound advice. My sober mind is trustful of how I might act when inebriated, but that's not a good reason to take the risk.
  15. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    If I'd had a program like this in my life growing up, things might've turned out differently for me. Since I can't go back and change that, I'm interested in being that difference for a kid who needs it right now. Anybody have interest in volunteer work with this organization? What sort of training do I have to go through? How long can I expect it to take and how can I speed up the application process? What kind of investment should I expect of my time each month and what should I do to prepare myself?
  16. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I wouldn't drink on etiz if I were you, though.

    When you say drink, do you mean I should abstain from a glass of wine or that I shouldn't go out to bars or take shots? I ask because I drink probably on a daily basis in varying amounts.
  17. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I often hear people distinguish between the two, and it's worrying to me that working 'smart' and 'hard' might be perceived as mutually exclusive. I don't think I've heard somebody who came from little describe their experience in this way.
  18. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    It disturbs me that we have an increasing number of representatives, funded by large corporate investors, who have somehow managed to sell a narrative to their constituents that poor people, minorities, and foreign ideas are the greatest threat to their security by promoting a sort of ignorance that works to their advantage.
  19. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    When I was four I pulled the fire alarm at the YMCA. The building was evacuated, displacing a few dozen people who had to shiver in the snowy parking lot as police and firemen fumbled to reset whatever mechanism had noised its alarm. It took about a half-hour altogether, maybe an hour if you think about taxpayer funded payroll for the emergency response teams who thought people might die. I was pretty excited to see the the badges and one of them shook my hand.

    When I was eight I became a Cub Scout and later that year we had a meeting for which the leaders had organized a Native American powwow (hosted by a group our scoutmaster alleged to be authentic tribal descendants) in the presentation room of the Lutheran church where we held meetings. We all sat around the perimeter of the room to give them room for dancing and sparring. During the rain dance, I saw a synthetic feather dangling from the fringe of an animal skin that looked like it might be about to come loose from the dancer, so I tried to grab it. The chief saw me watching it and grabbed my hand before I touched it and he told me I had disrespected his heritage and the sacred traditions of an entire culture. That sort of shit used to get your face on paper money.

    Lately I find my existence is most impactful in the form of littering out my car window.
  20. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
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