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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    its because it is more socially acceptable for a chick to be sexually expressive with other chicks. males dig it.

    the media is strongly promoting it and no one is objecting to it
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    im not getting my fair share of all this sucking going on. anyone that wants to donate some of this sucking is more than welcome to provide it to my happy sausage
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    This site gives us delusions of relevancy to something

    no it doesnt
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm in Ohio for the next month. Or you can wait until I get back to Florida to die. Take your pick and I'll PM you an address.


    i will make you into my personal real-life barbie doll. i will name you princess jackhammer and dress you in nothing but assless chaps and a permanent mouth speculum. you will be forbidden to speak except to moan and the only nutritional intake will be semen...from wherever you can get it

    im going to fuck you so hard youre going to be perpetually pregnant
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    anyone that has a night-ops fetish only has to join the military and theyll happily satisfy your craving to the point you will be scared of the dark
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    pics or it didnt happen nude pics of your mom
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Fucking amazing how no one died from the biggest hurricane of all time. Mexican government handled this extremely well and make our government look stupid in comparison to our handling of Katrina. I know Norleans is stupidly designed major city and Patricia slammed the most mountainous area of Mexico taking some of the sting off, but to have 0 casualties for such a massive storm is absolutely amazing.

    there is zero correlation between katrina and patricia. combine that with the fact that the overwhelming majority of damage done in NOLA was due to it being below sea level, your statement has zero validity

    the majority of deaths in katrina were most likely from niggers killing each other...not directly from the storm

  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Mine were completely real With me if a chick doesn't put out on the first date there won't be a second date
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Its better than your technique of slathering your asshole in peanut butter and breaking into the local petting zoo.
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    there is no need for them. that is what cell mates are for
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    At the bottom line, intereference produces a pair of predominant patterns separated by 180o of phase. As a result, reality is perceived to be polarized between good and evil, black and white, strong and weak, male and female, etc.

    Union of complementary opposites transforms them both into a structure of higher dimension. The degree to which you can resolve polar opposites establishes the dimensional scope of your Consciousness. An understanding of hyperspace enables you to answer problems that defy all philosophers limited to three-dimensional concepts.

  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    - a shitload of energy was created and spread over e v e r y t h i n g
    - the energy levels eventually calmed down in their ever going quest to find the lowest energy state to a certain threshhold

    false. nothing about energy is calm. try telling that to the various galaxies colliding with each other. additionally, you fail to mention a variety of variables that have yet to be discovered by modern man, including particles, other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, radiation, and types of mass as yet unknown. in addition to that, you massively oversimplify something so complicated the human mind isnt capable of comprehending it. no mention of mass, time, 'space', as well as the other aforementioned unidentified variables.

    - when this threshhold was crossed, the energy was in a certain advantageous position to use natural selection to mold matter (all the objects on earth) into structures that would speed its distribution

    there is no threshold. that statement made no sense whatsoever. wtf are you talking about.

    - eventually it got really good at molding things and molded humans who then started to intelligently design methods to use energy to their advantage so that they can consume more and more energy themselves thus buying happiness (TM)

    another statement that has zero plausibility. there is no 'it'

    energy is never consumed.

    how does it feel to basically be the used condom of a physics concept?

    when stupid people agglomerate multi-syllable words in a manner that seems to them to make sense to them as well as giving the false appearance of some sort of intellectual capacity beyond that of the average anal discharge from a well-used faggot, jesus kills a kitten.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Instructions on how to be a flaming faggot
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    It felt like it was much longer since this thread had been made.

    And still no one has given the obvious answer I had the urge to give when I first read it: On top of her.

    That would be called 'self incrimination'
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Pics or it didn't happen
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    just long enough to get the duct tape and blindfold in place
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Just based on you're posting style it's apparent to everyone that you are a weak scared little boy living in man's world.


    lets test that theory

    post nude selfies and the address where you sleep at night
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    More people should use vehicles for killing sprees. Imagine a large truck of an armored (modified) truck driven into a something like a parade or marathon at top speed, possibly with something welded to the front, like a horizontal metallic blade, to dismember people, not stopping until it was incapable of continuing to move. You could easily achieve one of the highest kill counts in history if done right, or at the very least beat the mediocre scores the average shooter gets by a good margin.

    modern vehicles are purposely designed to be minimally traumatic (relatively speaking) in a vehicle-vs-pedestrian collision.

    back in the olden days when cars had sharp edges and assorted protrusions a vehicle-vs-pedestrian collision at even low speed resulted in a fatality or worse injuries than if the vehicle had been differently designed
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Another route is methamphetamine. Just do like a 6 month binge and you will be thin as fuck. Its no beach bod but you will lose that stubborn belly fat!

    i can confirm amphetamine relatives are effective weight loss drugs. i know a chick that was prescribed some sort of amphetamine-related drug for some depression or somesuch and she lost pretty much all her body fat (including her ass and boobs) while having zero appetite. she had nice abs, tho

  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    I accidentally stabbed my sister a few dozen times, and then cut her open like fish and pulled out her ribs and put em on the barbecue and ate em with a side of onion rings… it was a complete accident but I know they're not gonna believe me…What do I do?

    ill take the head and the section above her upper-thigh and below her belly button pics
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