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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    …and/or i have anxiety

    do a 'bruce jenner,' get imprisoned for a long-term sentence, and become the wife of a big nigger
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Really? Odd taste.

    Unfortunately it seems 100% helium tanks are harder to get, they started mixing in 20% air due to a global shortage. The Party Time helium tanks were cheap enough and easy to get online, some stores may have had them as well. You could always try party stores IRL, or even wedding stores. Other inert gases are also an option. Nitrogen seems to be the main recommended alternative, which you can get at welding supply stores, maybe some brewing stores. There's also this online option:

    It's really incredibly easy, the other main things you would need are large oven bags, which I already have, bought them for my heat gun vaporizer setup, and tubing, I already have silicone tubing, but I don't know if it's the right size. The first you can easily get from major stores, the second is also readily available from hardware stores or some sections of major stores, the pet supply section, for aquariums.

    argon...or cheaper, argon mixed with CO2 or helium

    not cheap, but itll do
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    idk gun vocab and shit but statistically i can probably shoot better than 4/5 of these ppl. at least a rifle.

    everyone can do everything better than everyone else on the internets
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Go with an old classic. Browning Automatic Rifle. If you can afford one that is. Hahah. Or if you're somehow uber l33t buy a Beowulf.

    not as a first 'real'
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm wiser than …

    ive scraped unidentifiable masses of glop off the bottom of my shoe that are wiser and more intelligent than you by several orders of magnitude
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    I don't really talk in public, so it's not really an issue. But I guess I can start learning so that I get better answers.

    What are the benefits/cons of an AR 15? AR 15 vs. AK-47? What's some of the basic terminology?

    it isnt just about making a bad impression as a noob-wannabe...its also about needing to know at the very least some basic fundamentals of firearms and their use. for one thing, calling a magazine a 'clip' is a dead giveaway to being a wannabe-noob

    AR15 fires a 5.56x45 / .223 remington round which was designed to kill bunny rabbits and other small furry animals. There are locations where it is illegal to use as a hunting round for certain sized animals due to the inadequacies of the terminal ballistics of the round. Its benefit is its more accurate...both the caliber and the rifle. the AK47 fires a 7.62x39 round. The AK round is more 'powerful' but less accurate, and much cheaper
  7. infinityshock Black Hole

    98% of the posters on this site werent even born in 1991
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    how much are you looking to spend?

    …a powerful rifle.

    there are no such things as powerful rifles. the round the AK fires isnt particularly powerful in terms of other calibers for that matter. its about a middle-power with .22 hornet at the lower end with a .460 WBY at the upper end. you should never use the term 'powerful' when discussing a caliber around people who are familiar with firearms.


    not very accurate. most 'assault rifles' are not very accurate with about 3 MOA being the average. 1 MOA is required to be a sniper rifle or hunting rifle.

    …a Heckler & Koch HK416

    no. theyre overpriced and their reliability and features dont anywhere close justify the costs. the magazine costs are absurdly ridiculous

    …extended clip, etc).

    you should work on your terminology some more before you say something embarrassing in public

  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Nigger lover

    that would imply i love you

    i dont

    at least not yet

    spread your ass cheeks and change my mind
  10. infinityshock Black Hole

    You love nigger babies.

    if i ever alliGAYtor hunted i probably would
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    I have already determined I would literally sell my soul for 12 million so…there is nothing I wouldn't do for a dollar past that amount.

    how much to simply rent out the various orifices attached to you body? pics
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    got $5?
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    I have two girls coming back to my place to stay the night

    pics or it didnt happen
  14. infinityshock Black Hole


    whites used nigger babies as bait for alliGAYtors in florida and louisiana back in the olden days
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    It just infinityshock. No point in putting any real effort into annoying him.

    that would be the only correct thing youve ever said. nothing you say annoys me. if anything i get a light chuckle...maybe a guffaw and how much of an imbecile you are
  16. infinityshock Black Hole

    youre just mad your mother lets me do things to her asshole that she wont let you do because of the assorted STDs your multiple boyfriends gave you
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    This is a response to bill the cats thread about the latest shooting. Is mk ultra really real? Is there a legit reason besides jedis that all these shootings have happened recently? Or has it always been like this and if it always has why is it just now the media is covering it, a form of control just strictly done by the media. It's kinda scary

    first thing...anything involving niggers has nothing to do with non-nigger societal events of this type. theyre inherently more impulsive and violence prone while lacking self control and advanced thought processes.

    second is/was really was officially admitted to and payouts from lawsuits awarded.

    third thing...the media of all types is the same, from movies to 'news' to television to newspapers to internet web sites. it is an agglomeration of propaganda the likes of which orson wells would piss in his pants with envy. anything appearing in the media does so to further some sort of agenda

    and last but not least...100% of 'mass' shooters over the last few years have been prescribed some sort of mental-process altering pharmaceutical. key word being 'prescribed' as in an individual who passed through nearly a decade of indoctrination into the medical field and all its political implications intentionally directed someone to consume. back to the previous paragraph, the media is complicit in aggrandizing these shooting sprees and glorifying the shooters to encourage copy-cats
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    an excuse to watch small children?

    no...darwin and his iron fist of inferior genetic editing
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    I don't mind the cold at all, matter of fact I just broke out the thermal underwears today. Pics incoming.

    the best reason to live in florida:

  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    i enjoy unlubricated anal loving from well endowed stallions after theyve ODd on viagra]

    you suck at the internetz
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