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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    There's just as many white scum as there are jedi scum. Don't be fooled. The white scum just cleverly use them as patsies, so they can continue to fuck the world over with less competition.

    not taking into account racial demographics and the percentage. there are a handful of whites that are dirtbags. the majority of jedis are.

    they are the only society in all of human history that has been so extensively persecuted and its for a reason

    also: the holocaust and slavery in egypt are both myths
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    i just typed out a godamm multi-paragraph thread about my experience with a dealership and it fucking disappeared.

    this is the only site i have any type of problem of this sort with

    thats the last time i type more than two paragraphs on this site

    whomever runs this shithole...fix your shit. its broken
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Because they rat there way into a society turn its people against each other then moniterily gain off there suffering.

    that. and...sneaky, underhanded, conniving, deceptive, and an over inflated sense of self-worth along with a disgusting affliction of masochistic narcissism .
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    ^would you want your kids to smoke and get cancer?

    that is wholly irrelevant
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Does anyone else find those anti-smoking commercials somewhat erotic? That old hag with the stoma...i fantasize about jamming my jackhammer of love so deep into it that when i shoot my load it sprays out her nostrils. While she sings 'wheels on the bus'

    the other bitch whining about how her spawn was hospitalized because she smoked...i want to bend her over that incubator and stick another baby into her...then force her to chain-smoke so it miscarries and she delivers a stillborn slug. then bend her over the mini-casket and start the whole process over. and over. and over...until her uterus falls out. then make the stoma hag be a surrogate mother.

    as far as the male smoking victims...i just want to beat them bloody with a baseball bat as an after-sex treat

    im fairly sure the cigarette companies are behind those commercials with the intention to make them so absolutely fucking stupid people laugh at them
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    someone i heard of went to their first court-mandated AA meeting drunk. they kicked him out
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    the only question i have is why this thread has been up for more than 14 seconds and iron-john hasnt posted in here yet

    true story: i almost got arrested in juden-land after getting into a bit of a disagreement with a juden pizza shop owner after he refused to add cheese and peperoni to my pizza

    something to ponder: why have the juden been ostracized more than any other 'civilization' by other civilizations in all of human history
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    have her draw a nude self-portrait

    post that
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Post pics of your mom
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Today that other girl came over and I fucked her on her rag in the shower/bed table, she came and I didn't, she did my dishes and walked me to school , then went to get her daughter a present for her birthday. Pretty sure she just looked after her kids and talked to her pregnant bff/family on the phone about how great I am even though she knows there's a very bad side to me. I dunno, I'm pretty sure if I just got her pregnant and bounced she'd still do everything in her power to make sure my kid had a good life. Pretty sure she'd give joint or full custody pretty easily. Bill Krozby, what do you think of this?

    pics...or it didnt happen
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    youre doing it wrong

    to keep your blood pressure down when something...or someone...does something annoying you perform acts that cause bodily damage upon them.

    this has the opposite effect and keeps your blood pressure low and satiates your stress hormone levels

    like a stress squeeze ball...only more fun
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Fucking classic. IS I have missed you.

    i missed you too

    who are you again?
  14. infinityshock Black Hole

    that would be your mating call
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Sure you would , sure you would.


    the first time you ever posted anything that was accurate and correct
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    war is peace
    freedom is slavery
    black is white
    ignorance is strength
    black lives matter
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    before, during, and after, beating several chinks profusely with large solid objects, tell them how unwanted they are and if it werent for your imaginary friends stopping you, you would have preferred to stab them to death. inform them that the voices in your head say to kill them and as soon as your imaginary friends are unable to prevent it, youre going to come back and turn them into various pieces of household furniture and decoration using only a potato peeler and toothpicks
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    We'll agree to disagree then, not really having equal footing to debate the subject on. not seeing the benefit of eye-drops vs electronic night vision enhancement. the positive points of NVDs far outweigh those of eye-drops
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    I've been fucking/dating a girl with two kids who's trying to have my baby, to the point of locking in her heels when I'm about to cum when I fuck her missionary. I have no spawn and although she is basically a dumb cokewhore (which I've called her many times, even though she only does cocaine about once a month) I might put a baby in it because she already has the infrastructure with her other two kids to ensure a sort of family thing happens. She's white AF and all her male family members are athletes. I worry about her IQ though, it's probably like 96 although she has a weirdly specific way of recalling random letters and numbers, I bet if you showed her PI to the 9000'th place a week later she could remember the first 100 with like 80% accuracy. Fuck I dunno, maybe I should just kill her

    post nude pics of the chick
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    your link sucks

    i hate niggers more than i hate cats...but i still hate them both. good for the nigger for beating the fleabag. good for the fleabag for pissing off the nigger
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