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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Thats not too immoral or anything is it? I think where you wipe your semen on her body is what determines your character.

    of course its immoral. its a moral imperative for every male to take full advantage of the situation by making use of every orifice to the fullest of their abilities as well as being a good male and calling up every male and lesbian friend to partake of the spoils. having a naked chick in front of you while doing nothing more than wacking off is worse than being an internet porn addict and indicative of inherent homosexual desires

    the orifice you use to deposit your happy sauce is irrelevant, as long as an orifice is used. pics
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Any diet or work out tips? I used to do a bunch of drugs when I was younger but now that I've quit and eat a lot drink beer I've gotten a belly and I'm a skinny guy. I know the obvious first thing is to cut back on beer. But what else would be some good tips?

    some people are biologically inclined to hold fat in certain places regardless of their diet/exercise. for some its their abdomen, for some its their 'love handles', for some its their ass, etc etc.

    does your father/grandfather/male-DNA-relative-that-looks-like-you naturally have a stomach 'pooch'? if so...thats a decent indicator that its a genetic predisposition instead of a dietary/lifestyle one. if not...your fat-assedness is due to your own life choices.

    if its a diet issue, just stop eating foods that convert easily to fat, eat often enough so your body doesnt want/need to store as much fat, and do ab exercised to tone and increase the size of your ab muscles. note: someone can have the biggest and strongest ab muscles on the planet but if theyre a fatass the blubber is going to cover them and hide the six-pack
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'll probably just get an AK-47.

    now you just have to decide from one of several dozen different types of AK-47s which one you want

    they range in price/quality from some used shit-box chinese version to high-end ones that are as of high quality as any decent firearm
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    I actually think Animal Farm was his best work. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yadayadayada.

    All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    I know you're not talking about me considering my posts are more on OP-topic and informative than every other post in here combined
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    It was actually a white guy with a gun who almost shot me because i pointed a rifle at him.

    thats understandable. Im not a fan of guns being pointed at me either
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Why do you even try? display your lack of any analytical prowess or ability whatsover

    do yourself a favor and swan dive into a wood chipper
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    I give off a natural fuck off vibe so no.

    you wont once the batteries run out in that dildo you have stuck up there...thatll be the end of your vibrating.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    The only problem with your post is everyone here knows you are the totse2 faggit that has been talking about ass sex for the last five years. You need to up your game skippyskippy.

    sounds like a date. your place or mine?

    bring your own lube unless you like your colon reaming dry

    and...original totse, you bottom faggot
  11. infinityshock Black Hole

    You have the observational capacity of a rock.

    you would be the resident expert on the capacity of rocks, considering they are your intellectual equal
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    In my country guns are illegal but even i know not to do the things you mentioned. I did one stupid thing once though, i pointed a live Berretta Cx4 Storm at a nigga' at a range. I was like: Breh… It jammed.

    thats tragic. the illegal guns and it jamming after being pointed at a nigger, that is
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    wholly on topic...

    i just ate two 7-oz blocks of feta cheese soaked in oil and herbs/spices.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Oh me and the rock aren't together anymore. I met a really nice boulder who accepts me for who i am. Me being morbidly obese i just sometimes paint myself grey and lay next to the boulder pretending to be one of his kind. It's soothing to me just laying there, the wind slopwly carressing my stone-like surface.

    hopefully you have plenty of lube

    that sounds like a recipe for severe chaffing

  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    dont look at me

    none of my victims live to take the witness stand
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    In 1991 I was old enough to fuck your mother and make her like it you shit stain excuse for a nigger lover.

    the only problem with that theory is youre a raging bottom-fag whos only sexual proclivities involve large and peculiarly shaped foreign objects being forcefully inserted into your southernmost orifice

    sans lube
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    they do it because they want attention

    i give it to them

    on a related note...a few years ago about three or four blocks from where i live some old guy yelled at some punk kid for playing his car stereo too loud and the punk kid shot the guy. i have sexual fantasies about meeting the same sort of punk kid
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    20-lb sledge hammer

    vindication will be yours
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    That would be midly insulting if it were posted by someone I respected.

    you prove my point

    that wasnt intended to be insulting. it was intended to be a factual observation

  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    yea but i really can. not saying im the best but im better than average

    'average' isnt saying much

    i could go on all day about stories of dumb asses with weapons that are 'average.'

    dumb nigger with a full-auto 5.56x45 'forgetting' to release the trigger and filling the overhead bullet-traps with rounds until the belt ran out. same nigger muzzle-sweeping an entire range of shooters. moron trying to shoot .380 rounds out of a 9mm then when chastised about it stating 'but they fit.' moron loading a magazine with the rounds in backwards.

    even above-average isnt really saying much. i recall an argument between myself and a CCW instructor in front of a class about how glocks dont have hammers
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