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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    im not an attorney...but in my area a practicing criminal circuit judge has to sign such a subpoena. NYC is huge compared to where i live so a rinky dink deputy commish might be able to legally sign/authorize such a document. hell...there isnt even a police commissioner where i live

    additionally...if one of these is ignored all they do is send another one. i dont know of anyone that has ever been arrested (in my area) for ignoring one. if the cops really want the evidence the detectives raid the place they think the stuff they want is located. ive seen several businesses get that treatment...especially during that 'florida pill-mill' fiasco a few years ago.
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    based on what youve said this dude is so retarded your advice isnt worth wasting your time giving him. it should be as simple as saying what you already told him and if he chooses not to believe you he can google it or consult an attorney. no one is liable for child support unless 1. they are biologically proven to be the father or are on the birth certificate and do not object to such or 2. they sign adoption papers THEN go before a judge that validates them
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Anyone ever banged so many different chicks, so many different times, in so many different ways, it became boring and unexciting?
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    I randomly saw someone reference totse on reddit earlier, so I decided to google my old totse name as well as my zoklet name and just found this thread.

    So here I am. Is this where everyone migrated to after zoklet closed down?

    this place is more like a palestinian refugee camp where everyone wound up because no one else would let them in and the only place that wont perma-ban them after the second post
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Infrared has a hot redhead wife now and is making bank in the medical field. He only works 3 days a week, IIRC.

    pics....or it didnt happen

    i remember that dude from totse-1 and he was so full of shit it was dribbling out of his ears by the bucket full
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    when i was a little kid i used to peel off the magnetic security strips from various items at stores and drop them in womens purses, stick them to various body parts, or stick them inside non-commonly-stolen-items and drop it into their cart.

    when my relationship with my ex was going down-hill i used to do the same thing to her.

    as a FIT i stuck a book into a different exes book bag and she was permanently banned from the library.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    it looks like hes getting ass raped by a well endowed stallion andcrying 'pull it out!!!!'
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Why are there so many pics of goats? Is the joke that the rapists were mudslimes who raped a baby goat (kid)?

    death via schlonging is no laughing matter

    nevermind...its fucking hilarious. pun intended

    its nothing funny that mudslimes were involved...this is their typical nigger behavior
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Which one of you nasty bastards did it? pics
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    enjoy your life of mediocrity bitch.

    The only mediocrity in my life is when im taking a shit and thinking how much it smells like your posts
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    What a shithole. No sane person would want to live there
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    We're naming the kid milo Unless it's a girl Then we're naming her Molly

    pics or it didnt happen
  13. infinityshock Black Hole

  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    When it comes to paint the number one 'stuff' you need to be concerned about is your lungs. The prime ingredient in modern urethane paints is some sort of xxxxxx-isocyanate. Isocyanates are about as toxic to the human physiology as anything. You need a respirator that feeds fresh, outside air...not a enhancement Everything else is secondary Every autobody painter i kmow who is 'old' and been using paint carelessly has serious mental issues
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    WTF does that even sposed to mean?

    Its the flavor of the bodily fluid you most enjoy
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    psychomanthis (aka: Sophie):

    1. Totse traitor
    2. Coward
    3. Power abuser
    4. Pedophile

    TheDarkRodent (aka: Darth Beaver, Jedi Moped, Jedi Knight, Yoda, etc, etc…)

    1. Totse traitor
    2. Coward
    3. Power abuser
    4. Extremely bushy eyebrows

    I seem to recall psychomanthis being mentioned on either rdfrn or that disaster arnox create. Here he seems ok

    DarthNegress i seem to recall disparaging remarks on the last two sites and on this site she definitely acts like a repeatedly reused tampon. Degrading her will be that much more mediocre
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    That's all well and fine, but in finding us, you've also inadvertently found Psycho and TheDarkRodent.

    ive never heard of these two even back to totse-1 until recently. anyone care to post a bio for those of us not in the know?
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Don't you have a little piggy to pork pig farmer?

    You shouldn't have posted a pic of your geriatric bikee boyfriend with the weed-wacker hair stylist if youre going to try to use posters' chick pics against them

    Cue the 'depends' and 'geritrol' jokes..
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    It's OK pig farmer. Some of us eat steak and some of us put swine in our mouths. But don't forget to make the pig happy before you rip her off. My God you're life is pathetic.

    Your not selective at long as your putting something in you're mouth, your happy

  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Post what you got or GTFO.

    take your own advice but skip the 'post what you got' part and fast-forward to 'gtfo'
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