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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    i call dibs on the carcass...
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Capitalist pigs can't into military state.

    any instance where women are wearing dresses or heels is full proof that they are not intended to be combat-capable.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    men in society arent capable of being in a combat environment with women. in the future once both sexes have evolved to a better state of maturity, mental stability, and self control, yes...

    ive been on british combat ships where women are present and have been to israel where women are in front-line combat units. both situations had more fucking going on, as well as inappropriate fraternization, than is anywhere near appropriate. my own experience with women on a warship:

    - the degree of fucking was obviously rampant. the better looking chicks (enlisted or officer) tended to fuck the officers while the hideous looking ones fucked the enlisted.

    - story: one night i was going to my super-sekrit hiding spot (it was outside the ship where they stored the motor-whale-boats and very secluded) to do some exercise and opened the hatch on a couple in the midst of fucking. it was pitch black but there was enough light to see the chicks top unbottoned and t-shirt pulled up and both of their trousers pulled down. in my best command-voice i basically told them to (red queen from 'alice through the looking glass' berating johnny depp: 'stoppit'.)

    i didnt give a shit...i just wanted them out of my workout-space

    - story: on a ship the bathrooms are called 'heads.' some fucking genius thought it would be a good idea to make signs saying 'male head' for the mens bathrooms and 'female head' on the chicks bathrooms. there were many instances of 'additions' to these favorite being the addition of a price

    - prostitution on my ship was common enough yet in the category of 'dont ask dont tell'

    - there were many instances of bitches getting pregnant prior to a deployment. ive had first-hand conversations with chicks who said theyve done it or planned to do it. i dont remember the stats at this point but there were records kept on pregnancies and prior to a unit deploying the pregnancy rate shot up something like 85%

    - there were several...entirely too many...instances where i had to have 'come to jesus' conversations with individuals who were getting too careless with their fraternization. my favorite: i threw a container of 'bug juice' at a couple who were holding hands in a darkened room where a movie was playing. i had already made clear several, several times that they needed to keep their shit fully covert due to their job positions but they were still teenagers, stupid, and had zero responsibility. additionally it was known i had disciplined them so if i didnt discipline them after multiple individuals saw what they were doing, i would have been in shit.

    - when the situation is politicized individuals are placed in positions for no other reason than because they are there to fill a political agenda. ie, i know of a female EA-6 pilot whos piloting skills would have landed her in a non-piloting role had she been a man. instead she was allowed behind the stick and repeatedly did stupid shit. landing too hard, fucking up the airframe was the most common...but i cant remember all of the list at this point. what finally resulted in her getting fired was damned near clipping the island after getting a wave-off that she didnt wave-off. i would have fucked 'er tho

    - women want equal rights and treatment...yet they dont have to register for selective service. more evidence that they dont want equality, they want to be treated speshul

  4. infinityshock Black Hole
  5. infinityshock Black Hole

    your farm animal fetish isn't shared by everyone
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    post more pics of your mom...preferably nude
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    In my mind I've referred to women as demonic creatures of sin, incarnations of sin, and vessels of sin.

    well duh...otherwise they'd be no fun

    you think a nun or girl scout is going to let you play hide the love torpedo with her happy holes?
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    cuck lives matter

    if you're going to call me sweetie you better have the lips to back it up
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    This is proof I go outside

    sitting inside holding old pictures of you outside doesn't count
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    post nude pics of chicks
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    it's just a shitty joke sweetie

    no need to bust out the sj dictionary

    it was definitely a joke

    when ignorance presents its ugly little head it must be beaten down...especially where a bunch of impressionable young...and old...virgins are present.

  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    If you value jeroin more than your gf, maybe you shouldn't be with her in the first place.

    ive heard of many chicks to turned to actual whoring as a result of addiction to heroin. the overwhelming majority of the time it was due to a male who essentially forced the chick to do it, and more often than not a nigger was the male who was doing the actual 'pimping'
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    I think the guys talking bad about pimping are just too insecure to ever do it. If you know you are fucking the bitch right you don't have to worry about her belonging to you. And most of them have probably had some other guys semen in their mouths from kissing their girlfriend and she did it for nothing, which is really the definition of a cuck.

    i dont know what the deal is but i do know of many situations where less than ideal looking males had the opportunity to have their way with a model-level female and chickened out

    chicks can be getting dick in the best way possible from guy-A but still have the urge to get a dicking from guy-B for seemingly no reason at all. every chick has her own motivations...same with guys
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Cuz your ugly

    regardless of how i look, im still not as hideous as you. and that outfit your wearing is more atrocious than the worst thing ive ever worn in my entire life...including the sailor outfit my parents dressed me in for family portraits when i was two

    *there were pics of me on the original totse as well as skankery or RDFRN.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole

  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    She's not ugly at all. These gays are supremely mad. You'll hear it too if you ever amount to something.

    pics...or shes ugly
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    well shit, if Bill Krozby thinks shes ugly…

  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    the bible is fiction. that doesnt make it stupid
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    come get it, big boy
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    did he test your prostate?

    with both of his hands on your shoulders...?
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