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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    pics or it didnt happen
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    I want to convince my right-wing father that Islam is not a religion built on hatred…

    don't waste your time and stop being a brainwashed media tongue-hanger.

    have you been to ONE single predominantly Muslim country? no. you havent. now stfu and don't try to make a point that isn't make-able.

    Islam is about hatred, strife, and conflict. based on my own observations in multiple haji-majority countries, this is a fact
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    definition of boat: a hole in the water that you throw money into

    yes, become interested in boating while being too lazy to learn anything about them and you too can be like those two little bastards in florida who knew diddly shit about seamanship and decided to go for a leisurely boat trip

    they still havent found them

    they found the boat, tho

    at least the boat knew how to do boating
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    i was just at walmart and didnt kick the shit out of the car whos driver almost ran me under in the cross walk

    my good deed for the century
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    based on what this faggot 'wrote' in his video and the actual showing of the bumping...hes a faggot who needs to stuff a firehose up that vagina for a good douching. if he werent a faggot he would have used the opportunity to get one or both of those chicks naked and in the lithotomy position.

    the cart hit the chicks car first then ricocheted off it...theres no court in this universe that would find her negligent

    as far as the cops showing up...there are a lot of cop shops that dont respond to anything in a parking lot, much less something with less than $500 damage, much-much less a fucking shopping cart-v-front bumper where there was probably $0 in damage.

    i bet that dude really does have a vagina that his husband uses for fun times
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    when I was 5 years old I went to the bank with my dad, and some lady started screaming about how she locked her baby in her van in the middle of summer, I was small enough to crawl through the window and unlock the door. A crowd had gathered and everyone clapped for me for saving the babies life. The lady gave me 5 dollars and bought me a snow cone.

    you should have told her you wanted a blow job in exchange for saving the life of her sprog. $5 and a snowcone...what a gyp.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    ^what idea? like porn?

    not technically. it was a shoot where a chick who was almost completely covered in various tattoos and piercings did a series where at one end was wearing a wedding dress and had the tattoos/piercings hidden in good-girl mode then evolved into showing the tattos/piercings wearing a goth nearly nude outfit in bad girl mode. she 'mentioned' it to some photographer and he went with it. it's all good...I banged her and although he tried, she turned him down. he's a sub-beta anyway so it's not like I was overly put off.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    What if you could suppress sexuality?

    This is something I've thought about, considered researching. A drug that selectively blocks sexuality.

    it's the opposite...the base-state of sexuality is zero. it is the body producing various sex-hormones that instill the desire to have sex.

    that means any sexual orientation other than heterosexuality is a mental re-configuaration and reinterpretation (misinterpretation) of the naturally produced hormones to derive sexual satisfaction in an unnatural manner. this also applies to the various pseudo-sexual paraphelias

  9. infinityshock Black Hole

    theres a high school on the way home from work and the little bastards that cross the streets suck at walking...then the little bastards that drive suck at driving. im fairly sure highschoolers should be prohibited from driving

    in the time it took me to log in and type this post, this shit site logged me out. seriously...this isnt normal for any site on the web. someone fix this shit
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    there are several 2-mg bars stuffed into my urethra

    youre welcome to have all of them, but there will be significant suction force to remove them. an alternative is some rapid tongue-twisting action at the outside-end of said urethra for long enough of a duration to result in them being forcefully expelled on their own. note: the later method will included a surprise bonus

    ADDENDUM: seriously, two paragraphs? i typed two paragraphs and this shit site logged me out. im beginning to suspect some fucktard mod is intentionally doing this

    im tired of constantly having to log in. im going outside to watch the F22s dive-bomb my house.

    and you fuckers with the black helicopters thought you had it bad...
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    If it was right there and was wrapped up and never directly touched the persons anus…would you?

    not possible. short of a solid, hermetically sealed container, there exists the feasibility of an exchange of 'material' between what is on the inside of the container and what is outside of the container.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    this is one of those indicators that one must consider when considering if one has a problem

    as a public service announcement for those who do have a problem and dont realize they have a problem:

    when an individual considers it not only acceptable, but desirable to consume something that has been in an asshole, that individual is performing under defective operating conditions and should have their broken shit (pun or not...same difference) addressed by a professional for a high-order unfucking because theyre so heavily fucked theyre not going to be able to unfuck themselves in any acceptable manner short of hairy-kairi.

  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    A lot of people here do, I popularized the words "cuck" and "slampig" on this site


    you should stop. neither word is appealing to anyone with any social skills or mental capacity whatsoever

    and...anyone that thinks the random harassment of cops is fun and entertaining should spend some time in the rest of the world and get a look-see on how cops behave. much anywhere in africa...mexico...most countries in s.america...

    i personally saw a carabinieri shoot someone that was running from him when they hadnt committed any crime, the carabinieri 'just' wanted to talk to him

    in s.apefrica cops that need some throwaround money will pull over drivers for no reason then offer them the option of paying a certain amount in cash to the cop or getting a ticket for a made-up offense that involves the payment of several hundred times the bribe amount

    hell...even in an advanced society like russia the cops will randomly pull over drivers and cite them with nonsense for literally no reason other than to alleviate their boredom and there is zero recourse for the cite-ee.

    in certain parts of the world the quality of police service is dependent on how much monetary motivation they are offered by the one requiring their service.

    yes, im all for the public harassment, beratement, and degradement of pigs, but before doing so the berate-er needs to know the difference between a pig and a cop/police officer because unless you can spend 100% of your time keeping your eyes on anyone you care about and any personal possession you dont care about, and are the biggest fish in the pond with the biggest guns, cops are the only thing between you and the bigger fish in the pond that wants something you have.

    so all you little piss ants that think randomly fucking with cops is a good idea, spend some time in a sub-third-world shithole to get an idea of what life is like living with 100% of the police force being pigs. there are more than enough targets that are ripe for fucking with that are much more deserving of the attention...such as niggers. leave the cops alone and go fuck with some niggers. no other species is more deserving of it than niggers.

    ADDENDUM: in the time between logging-in and typing these paragraphs, this fucking site logged me out. if i hadnt cut-and-pasted all these paragraphs they would have been lost and i sure as fuck wouldnt have retyped them all again. there have been several times ive typed multiple paragraphs only to have them lost by this site fucking them up

    someone fix this shit.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    i allowed some faggot to keep his 98.6' body temperature after he stole my idea for a photo shoot
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    If somebody dropped a brick on the gas pedal of a car with a full tank of gas, with some gas cans inside and sent it off the top of a parking ramp in a downtown/busy area

    not as much as you'd like to think
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    cuz everyone from the south is a hillbilly who partakes in incest :)

    you're lucky you're not my sibling or I'd have you pregnant and bowlegged on the first night
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    ive lived in both places and overall, southerners are dumber than northerners...but northerners are more pompous arrogant assholes than southerners

    northern niggers and southern niggers are an equal degree of stupid. northern niggers are more in they dont know their place as well as southern niggers. ive had the great fortune to come across many northern niggers in need of enlightenment

    none of the motherfuckers can drive
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    post pics of your dads girlfriend

    preferably nude
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    that made no sense whatsoever. none. not even a little bit.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    since there is some sort of ass/shit theme going on now in the forums... this morning I poured about four or five cups of 10.5% bleach (normal household bleach is 5%-ish) into my toilet for cleaning and forgot to flush it out. I just took a massive shit into it and now the shitified-bleach is causing some sort of chemical reaction that is probably going to result in the EPA declaring my bathroom a superfund site.
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