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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Anyone ever notice how traps are better pornstars than actual women? Women don't know what turns guys on, they just think they do. That's why they're cheezy and boring as fuck. Fucking stupid CUNTS.

    I've downloaded so many virtual reality porn programs but the technology just isn't there yet.

    And now I'm trying to get off to fuckin' audio on reddit's gonewildaudio sub, but you just know the chicks behind these voices are fucking gigantic hogs.

    I JUST WANT TO FUCKIN' FAP. I have one of the easiest fetishes too! Fuckin' CFNM… so I can literally fap to clothed women, and get off on it if I pretend I'm naked in front of them. FUCKING DUMB WHORES. FUCK.


    shut your whimpering pie hole and post nude selfies so I have something to fap to
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    his asshole floppy-er than a trash bag.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    im calling the bullshit flag on this one.

    dude in the attacking car was hauling ass. compared to the speed of the other cars (timing between passing white lines in road) their speed was almost double.

    its very telling how the pootin'-mobile came to an almost instantaneous stop (bad. thats the worst way to take a hit...all the energy is absorbed by the car) yet the attacking car goes flying for quite a ways. (good. energy is sloughed off more slowly.) the pootin'-mobile must weigh a ton for it to react like that.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    no...your sexual fantasies, you cock loving dick fiend
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    90 year old geriatrics in diapers and a wheelchair don't count as 'milfs' from anyone else's perspective.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    hire a bunch of niggers and illegal immigrants. take away their cell phones and make them live in tents until the shack is finished then kill them all and feed them to the local wildlife.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    you can stop these fantasy threads and get on with publicizing your flagrant desire to get your shit chute rammed by big black cock. it's only a matter of time before the 'enter comes out of the closet' thread.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    …and there was a hot lookin' guy with muscles and a GOOD haircut waiting for his food before me. When the girl behind the counter handed him his food, she was smiling all lustful-like, and basically all over him.

    I looked in the fuckin' window/mirror and compared myself to that guy. I looked like shit. I looked like a fuckin' mongoloid autist motherfucker. :(

    So I say to myself, I can prove it. I can fuckin' prove once and for all that I'm an ugly piece of shit, by observing the way the same girl will hand me my food.

    But then when she handed it to me, she was all over me too! Like with the hot guy!

    It turns out that girl was just a disgusting whore slut… so she wouldn't even allow me to play the victim. :(

    post the location of this burger king...because im going there and fucking this chick bowlegged since you two faggots dont grasp the basic concept of normal male-female relations

    stop posting about chicks and disclose your true feelings about taking it in your asshole by well endowed non-whites...sans rubber.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    no one cares about the naughty things you did to those poor animals at the petting zoo when no one was looking. giving them stds didn't earn you any brownie points in the karma department
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    this is a common occurrence in places like alabama, west virginia, and the middle east

    Q: what does a hillbilly girl say after sex?

    A: 'get off me daddy...youre crushing my cigarettes'
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    post nude selfies and people will dislike you slightly less
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm …

    post nude selfies or trigglypuff

  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    [greentext]>I know all the licenses you need to buy a 10L drum of MEK or acetone. This might seem complicated and insane to the average person but it's all basic knowledge for me. Don't even get me started on pesticide and food products!.[/greentext]

    I can just buy jerrycans full of gallons of hydrochloric acid, MEK, acetone and H2O2, from a local internet shop. No license required. No ID required.

    i dont have problems buying any of that stuff...except h202...i have no use for that.

    hcl: pool chemistry balancing, cleaning concrete, metal, etc. they sell it in 4-gallon cases and ive bought multiple pallets full at one time...delivered via tractor-trailer...with zero issues

    MEK: solvent for various things, such as completely dissolving plumbing PVC to allow rebuilding/repairing it, solvent for various isocyanate paints/caults/compounds, epoxy. ive bought it in 5-gallon sizes with zero issues

    acetone: multiple 5-gallon drums. i use that shit for paint, cleaning paint sprayer guns (fuck you EPA and california...i fill my paint cup with straight acetone and spray it right into the atmosphere until the gun is clean), cleaning PVC before applying glue (cheaper than the shit they sell that is dedicated PVC cleaner...but leaves less residue after the shit evaporates), soaking things in to clean them...gets oil off things i dont want it on (automotive oil changing tools/equipment)

    i do have a hassle getting fucking lye. lye shouldnt be such a pain in the dick to get...its too useful.

  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Whats the most serious crime you've committed? Whats the most pointless crime you've committed? What crimes would you consider doing in the future?

    ive never done ' a fucking candidate for sainthood

    the irony is...the one horrific thing ive ever 'bragged' about with more than enough evidence for a prosecutor to convict i never heard a word about....yet...i get my balls busted for the stupidest shit and shit i didnt even have anything to do with.

    go figure.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm 30 years old next month and its about time for a protoge, whoever wants to be my protozoa will be rewarded in sexual favors and exotic candies.

    post nude selfies for evaluation

    im not a whore. i do it for free
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Zoklet was not the last straw, neither was into sanctuary. But rdfrn was abominable and this is just sad. a 6 man jerklecirc. Who ran rdfrn anyway? I don't care enough about most of you anymore to remember. Lanny? Aldra? Agh. Also if iron john still comes around these parts he's in for a kikefest Also Bill Krozby I heard you're planning on quitting your job at the pizza place, if you haven't already gotten fired, to sell hot dogs. Don't.

    no, you cant join in on the circle jerk until youve posted nude selfies for everyone to judge your qualifications. or more likely...lack thereof.

  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    the judaica are the most underhanded, sneaky, and untrustworthy parasites to ever infest this planet. it is a virtual guarantee that there is some nefarious 'special ingredient' in every product they have their over developed noses stuck into. im not talking about simple things, i mean sophisticated items such as export armaments, complex machinery, etc. i dont know what the exact 'special ingredient' it is, but based on their inability to behave honestly, it is a guarantee. ever heard of 'engineered obsolescence?' yea. juden invention.

    on a technically related note...the company that produces those epi-pens that has been in the news lately was a takeover target for a juden pharmaceutical company. without getting into technical/financial details...the juden are bringing forth their best tricks and sneaks to get a hold of a majority-stake of that company.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Spacecat. Mimosa.

    Finny: I can't afford that time wise and I want a bonding experience with my buddy. I plan on doing the course if I like it, though.

    tandem dive without a chute

    you wont find a better bonding experience anywhere short of climbing into a hydraulic press together and pressing the 'on' button
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Oh, and in regard to the weight issue again, is this a thing to do with the place you'd be sky diving at for like… Insurance reasons/safety rules to cover their ass or a weight restriction on the parachute itself and if so.. Like everything I'd assume they'd make parachutes that would cover more than 400lbs.. Idk.. But its something I am curious to know.

    weight as in how it relates to the canopy size of the parachute. theres maths stuffs involved that ive long since forgotten about but it has to do with jump weight (how much your ass weighs as it leaves the plane) in relation to the parachute size...PLUS the reserve chute has to be capable of handling the weight.

    chutes that are outside of conventional sizes start to get expensive...even used ones. expensive as in the cost of a new car. drop zones rarely get fat people wanting to tandem jump so they dont have giant sized parachutes for the tandem-qual'd instructors.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Dope post, Spacefuck. Would Thank.

    You guys think I'm fat just because I'm heavy but I'm not that fat, ok?! Hahaha… I work out 2 to 7 times a week for fucks sake.

    pics or trigglypuff
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