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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    charge her rent.
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    you absolutely should kill yourself

    ill give you a peanut M&M for your carcass.

    its not like youre going to need it anymore
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    i know someone who fucked with a dumbass nigger drug dealer one time.

    the someone needed a certain unconventional pharmaceutical and dumb nigger kept bringing odd ball drugs that apparently he was digging out of random peoples medicine cabinets in a desperate attempt to make a sale. the someone had some degree of medical experience and pointed out what the actual drug was that dumb nigger was bringing.

    after the 4th or 5th attempt the someone was making up drug names and purposes for no other reason than to fuck with the nigger. once boredom set in about 3 hours later dumb nigger stopped coming back.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    It's the best that I can get in a semi automatic handgun

    Hot-loaded 10mm might surprise you

    Edit: I suppose I could convert to .460 Rowland or .40 Super but I'd rather not completely compromise my ability to follow-up in a defensive situation against humans just for a one in a million chance encounter against a bear

    yes, 10mm is good and i would prefer it to .45 in a 'regular' pistol, but unfortunately it is too much of a 'niche' round with minimal to zero support in the pistol accessory department. if there was a sig- or HK quality, with commensurate magazine capacity, pistol in that caliber id convert to that as a primary carry pistol. .460 rowland is almost as bad, but at least it has a good selection of .452 bullets that can be used as compared to .400 bullets. in both .460 and 10mm the issue i have is using bullets designed for the lower velocities then having them 'splode when hitting a target at the unintended higher velocities. yes, sometimes that can be good, but there would have to be extensive testing done to figure that out. having a bullet 'splode in some fatasses blubber layer without penetrating to something important is never a good day.

    i dont know why the fuck someone hasnt come out with a 10mm PDW/carbine. jesus christ...its ten times better than all these shitty 9mm hack jobs that are a dime a dozen.

    and...there are several 'high power' pistol calibers in semi auto: desert eagle. i said...there is no 'normal' pistol round that is even marginally dependable against bears. if youre worried about bears, get a rifle or shotgun with slugs

    and...if you do decide to use any pistol against a bear...keep in mind: dont use hollow points...use FMJ at least. wadcutters or even better, truncated...then empty the magazine into it. just keep pulling the trigger until you hear click and pray the bear-adrenaline isnt as strong as the bullets making some important part of said teddy bear go tits-up.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    eat sugary breakfast cereal with heavy whipping cream instead of milk for every meal.

    i tried that before to gain weight. it worked but it was pure fat...useless fat.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    I just changed clothes behind an apartment building due to excess funkyness caused by a heat-index temperature of 109 degrees. they were attached to my ass for approximately 5 hours. my underwear is currently sitting on the asphalt of an apartment complex drying out. hopefully no one steals them.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    that is fucking disgusting.

    firstly...i dont wear boxers...i wear briefs. secondly...the longest i normally ever wear them is a work-day long. as in, when i get home from work, i throw them in the dirty laundry. if i do something ridiculously strenuous, like paintball, they go right into the dirty laundry after im done. if im on a roadtrip and am unable to conveniently change...and dont get nasty...ive gone about 36 hours straight before changing, but if i even had the slightest inkling of impending nastiness i would find a truck stop to shower then change. at worst, id take a 'shower' out of a 1-gallon water bottle or with wet-wipes behind a building somewhere. there are several times ive taken a full shower from a garden hose while wearing shorts, then changed into clean/dry clothes.

    the longest i ever went without changing my drawers in a funk-inducing environment was about 48-hours straight while in the military, but that was due to necessity. i always had two pairs of socks, tshirts, and underwear so i could wash then dry one set while i was wearing the other.

    as a public service might not be able to smell yourself, but i guarantee other people can. i know plenty of people who dont realize they reek...but they do. some guy i know constantly smells like wet dog because he sleep with his mongrel and goes days without doing laundry or taking a shower.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    I get banned from Facebook on a regular basis. it's always because of the commie pinkos reporting me for some ass-bag bullshit that hurts their feelings. I only use it so I can make comments on news sites, otherwise that site is the biggest waste of bandwidth ever. and the people who voluntarily give up their PI for free are fucking stupid.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    I switched from .45 to 10mm because I saw a bear in my back yard one day

    neither of which is appropriate bear medicine

  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    try harder
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm sitting in a dark room illuminated only by a cellphone. I'm not sure if I can follow your thread but there's a dude in here who agrees with you.

    get out of the closet.

    it's not like everyone doesn't already know
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    ive noticed that in every country with these thought-crimes type things...its always white people that are getting the charges brought against them for stupid shit...yet the handsome and well tanned individuals literally make literal threats of violence and get nary a notice.

    jedis and their hate-speech invention.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    third thread with almost the exact same title...
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'll probably have to become 120 with dementia to understand your senile brainfarts.

    no...just reach puberty
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'll lick Lanny's asshole and play with his balls before I shove my fat cock in his asshole and fuck him till he comes like a fountain and begs me for more.

    post pics
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    stop elevating these subprimates to positions reserved for humans. they're vermin. they arent worthy of the same terminology.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Marxism for sure. 9/11 was just Murican gubmint but theyŕe basically the Juden tool in the west.

    Gas the kikes, lynch the niggers, BUILD THE WALL.
    [size=7]RACE WAR NOW[/size]

    wars are for humans.

    eradication is for vermin.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    technically it doesn't matter what side you're fighting for as long as the end result is dead mayo-headians.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    I have a facebook page that is a juden name and pretends to be a juden. with it I go on several juden sites....haaretz (or however the hell it's spelt)...Jerusalem post...all the mainstream US media outlets...they ALL have incessant grubbing for money, or donate to this jude cause or that jedi needs money (pollard should have been killed. I know the info he jedied-out and it's ridiculous he wasn't tried as a capital offense) and they limit the number of articles you can see before you pay. anyone notice all the jediified media outlets are 'xxxxx times'...and 'times' backwards is....? my juden facebook page is constantly getting bulls hit ads about donating to some jedifer cause. in all my years of life, I have never seen a juden doing manual labor. the closest I've seen is a nurse/RN/CNA/etc...and they're always whining about how rough their job is or how many hours they have to work. judes are the perpetual victim mentality.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    what everyone else they're deceptive and sneak thieves. the infest every level of a society, starting with banking/finance, then various levels of government, then education. they steer policies into directions that favor their own interests at the expense of others. example: check out how much the US gives to jediland in the middle east. additionally, there is a project they have called 'iron dome' which is virtually completely US taxpayer funded...yet the US isn't allowed to use any of the technology related to its development. virtually every weapons system in their military is stolen technology from another country (fun fact: they had a fighter jet called a 'kfir' who's name when pronounced is a derogatory term for nigger) or paid for by the US taxpayer. theyre, as a whole, liars. they harp on being slaves during Egyptian times yet there is zero archaeological evidence. they harp on the holocaust incessantly yet there is plenty of evidence supporting the fact that it never happened. if it was such a sure thing, why would the juden in Europeistan make is a crime to deny ir? I remember back before I realized what vermin the juden are, seeing a news piece of some white supremacist ranting on about jedis and I thought the dude was a crazed nut job. now I think otherwise. he just had poor delivery
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