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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    women dont pay men for porn

    fags do

    even ugly chicks can get men to pay them for self-made porn
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    tandem jumps are for fags. spend the extra cash for the course to be able to go solo. it's not that difficult...just annoyingly tedious.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    They also stole all their drug research from the Spanish. I think we have just uncovered more jedi lies and theivery. this is some Iron John tier ZOGing going on ITT.. I'm proud of us all. I thank G*d every day I wake up non ashkernazi.. although I have some VERY yew-ish Ukrainian relatives with a hook nose genetic trait I can't seem to shake.

    and they wonder why theyre the most hated race/religion that has ever existed.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Hmm maybe you don't lack confidence but are in fact homosexual..

    old news
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    this was rape
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    oh i see they aint really equal they part of the disagreeable people who broke off into a smaller pact who were dubbed the hard headed holograms

    somebody translate that to english
  7. infinityshock Black Hole

    i'd just miss out on having the money to buy a candy bar.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    I knocked up my 17 year old girlfriend now she's getting an abortion. I feels dirty like I've pissed over the sanctity of life. Im tainted

    post pics
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    What are you talking about? thanks to Israel we have the Uzi submachine gun, Desert Eagle, synthetic cannabis, and synthetic hormones.

    youre the perfect example of why people shouldnt believe everything you read on the internet. as far as the uzi and desert eagle...those are possibly the worst examples you could have used in a response considering my familiarity with them. i own one of the first DE's produced.

    google both of them...see for yourself.

    the action of the uzi was stolen from an SMG 'invented' by a former-czechoslovakian company

    the desert eagle was designed by an american at an american company. additionally...the same czech company that the uzi design was stolen from produced a pistol with a strikingly similar appearance to the DE.

    virtually every weapons system der juden use...from aircraft to small arms...were designs stolen from other non-juden companies. ill grant them the complement that they have made some modifications to some of them, improving their performance (merkava) but it doesnt change the fact they are deceptive, dishonorable, sneak thieves and the designs were stolen.

    i dont know anything about the synthetic shit but if its any relation to their agricultural technology the shit is stolen too. i remember reading about a lawsuit that some jedi-land company had against it for stealing a hybrid beet 'design.' its almost like the juden and the chinese are in a competition to steal the most intellectual property rights. the grandiose mo-sad is nothing more than a industrial espionage theft ring with a really extravagant public relations angle.
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    another example of why everyone hates der juden:

    those vermin never create anything beneficial...(no, the ideas that are of social benefit they steal then try to pawn off as their own dont count)...everything is something destructive, harmful or toxic.
  11. infinityshock Black Hole


    now post nude selfies so I have a face to go with what I imagine you look like when I'm fantasizing about prison raping you.

    dress in an assless gimp outfit with an apple crammed into your mouth for bonus points.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    She looks like an apparition from the 1800's.

    she is an apparition from the 1800s
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    riser is a total shill, him being an east german, he should know about stasi and their tactics

    riser is not only a shill, but a total cuck too

    he isn't German. don't sully the aryan race like that. he's a bosnian immigrant.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole

    Why would anyone target you like this? You are a pizzaboy in Austin,TX. An absolute nobody. Why would anyone do this?

    not saying that anything he posts has any merit whatsoever...but...ive heard of instances where people were 'targeted' for doing things they dont even remember or maybe didnt even know they did. although the 'targeting' didnt involve stupid shit. it involved expensive objects disappearing...important parts of expensive pieces of machinery magically ceasing to exist...things that shouldnt break getting broken in a mysterious manner that required expensive repairs...etc etc
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    this is all very interesting but nude pics of all parties involved would make it much more exciting.
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    pics or it didn't happen
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    the woman version of rape is when she claims to be on birth control or says she 'cant get pregnant' in an effort to trap a guy. the equivalent for a guy is to verbally coerce a chick into having sex. the other female-on-male version of rape is when she surreptitiously removes the rubber during sex, digs the rubber out of the trash or holds cum in her mouth then squirts that shit up in herself to get pregnant. i guarantee the above situations happen just as often...if not more so...than the conventionally discussed version of rape...yet i never hear about that shit.

    one chick i was banging (ive posted pics of her) would always come up with excuses to not wear a rubber or why we shouldnt wear a rubber. we were in a non-commited relationship and she started banging some other dude and literally a month later he knocked her up. that wasnt odd or anything.

    another chick who i hung out with, that was a virgin...who i didnt want to fuck because fucking virgins sucks...would repeatedly try to have unprotected sex. the first time she did have sex with a different dude BAM she got pregnant.

    ive had several chicks claim to be pregnant by me even tho we always wore condoms. none of them were. one chick who claimed she was pregnant by me had a friend who was trying to hook up with me and told me all the stupid shit she would say and do.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    The "racism" "problem" going on in america is just another way for the jedis to cuck you, your taxes already go to their defense, your money gains them interest and you bending over backwards for spooks will just be another nail in the coffin, they're trying to do the same over here with dunecoons,

    I can use this excuse for why I'm mainly attracted to asians and hide my weebness.
    Honestly though if it aint white or asian it should be shot(or drowned, I mean i don't want to spend and money on these degenerates)

    'they' in the aristocracy...are fully aware that humans require conflict and scape goats. if 'they' dont provide one, (ie, niggers...spics...fake terrorist organizations....etc) the prole villagers will direct their pitchforks toward the they have done since the human race began.

    im not a white supremacist but its a fact that niggers are inferior to every primate on this planet.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    But the best genetic diversity comes from breeding out of your race….

    ...with a superior genetic stock.

    THAT is why niggers try so hard to breed outside their race. (evidence reference: polls taken by every online dating site in the universe)

  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Does freedom of the press include filming private citizens?
    Also obligatory cuck'd

    in the US if someone is out in public they 'have no expectation of privacy'...meaning anyone can film anyone else. that all changes on private property, inside bathrooms/changing rooms, etc.
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