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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    global warming is a myth
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Enter I look intimidating, and everyone says when I'm angry I'm scary as fuck. And yet I still don't get respect from a lot of people because they know when I open my mouth I just say goofy shit. They think I'm a joke.

    How do I come across as more intimidating? For one, obviously, I'm gonna stop saying stupid stuff. What else.

    a hare lipped window licking wheelchair bound retard wouldn't consider you intimidating.

    make sure you always have a dick in your mouth. that'll keep you from saying stupid shit.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Ill fuckin do it. Ill rek u.

    its a deal, as long as i get dibs on your orifices on your unconscious/dead body
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    I hear Palestine is nice this time of year.

    it was nice when i was there.

    as a matter of fact...the palestinians were nicer than the juden.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    And I think i may go with them. My father is an ordained minister in longview texas the same church that the movie "burnie" is about.
    Israel is a lot like america and i'd love to go visit. They also have a lot of vape and hookah shops and weed is semi legal there. Has anyone here ever been?

    dont go. now is a bad time since the hajis are going around randomly stabbing, shooting, and bombing, people.

    im not sure what the status is on the hajis raining home-built mortars and missiles on assorted locations in jedi-land, but last i heard its a regular occurrence.

    ive never seen weed being legal and there are hookah shops everywhere...the middle easterners are into that shit.

    hopefully you dont like pizza. it is literally illegal there. some juden pizza maker called the cops on me one time after we were in an argument about him making me a regular pepperoni and cheese pizza.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    So I've been sticking to my weight lifting routine for a little over a month now.

    Ran into a guy I haven't seen since right before I started the routine. One of hte first thing's he said to me was, "You've been hittin' the gym, haven't ya?"

    I was like "wtf yeah man wow, you noticed?" and he goes "yeah I can definitely see your traps, shoulders, chest, etc are bigger".

    Yesterday was my rest day, and I hadn't worked out today yet, so I did not have a pump. It was just my natural body.

    it really made my day. I thought I hadn't made any noticeable (to anyone else) changes. I was getting a bit demotivated, but this changes everything.

    Very happy. I should be lookin' sweet in a few more months.

    no straight guy would ever break into the discussion of physical features of another guy

    another cry for help in admitting to what everyone else already knows: rampant buttfuckery and flaming faggotry
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    [FONT=&quot]the girl i was seeing for awhile never got it. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]after i left her my daughters mom, my gf, and some other girl all claimed they got herpes in the same week. the doctor told me it wasn't a big deal and to not worry and just take valtrex, i took it for awhile and never refilled the script because its expensive at that was like 7 years ago[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]My gf 3 years later, said she went to the doctor and the dr said she doesnt have herpes anymore. I went to the doctor for my prostate problem and the doctor told me i definitely dont have herpes.
    whats up with that? it seems like herpes is a beneighn std just like the clapper and the gonnareaha, but is sensationalized by the jedi pharama companies just to make money. just like how you don't need as much laundry detergent to wash your clothes as it says on the bottle.

    the myth is that doctors have a clue about anything. setting bones...patching lacerations...they can handle that. anything more complicated than something called 'first aid' and theyre on the same terms as an astrologist or palm reader.

    …but is sensationalized by the jedi pharama companies just to make money. just like how you don't need as much laundry detergent to wash your clothes as it says on the bottle.

    true...der juden pharma is nothing more than legalized drug pushers. they have the same tactics.

    the amount of laundry detergent is completely dependent on the actual item being washed. wanna see a neat trick? wash your clothes. dry them. then wash them again and in the wash cycle while the machines tub is still full of water, take a look at how sparkling clear the water ISNT.

    speaking of washing machines...those HE ones are a scam and junk. theyre not worth the melt value of their base components.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole

    like they are so delicate and shy little pussies and don't know how to dance, and are not into rap music… It seems like that white man is about to get cucked!

    the makers of that video specifically selected a stereotype white person to appear. i guarantee that if they had selected someone who wasnt a full-on-bottom it would have been different.

    every get-together ive been to with blacks has had the blacks in a role where they acted in no bullshit ebonics, theatrics, or shenanigans.

    theres a difference between niggers and black people.

    where i live the niggers are a whole lot less uppity than up north. hell...their local naacp office has an unlisted address because they know if the rednecks find out where they hang out theyre likely to get spanked.

    how niggers here are treated:

  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Living near an ocean sounds gay as fuck.

    not when its time to go to the beach...surfing...jet skiing...boating...chicks in bikinis...
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    ^i already saw this coming and many people still went to disney world knowing it would be sensationalist event, thinking they'd be the only ones…

    wow… a media hoax came out of florida who'd of thunk?!

    I saw this shit happen in 2004 when I worked at HEB, and nothing happened. just a bunch of idiots acting like idiots..

    when a real disaster strikes.. there will be little warning..

    now shut up and touch your toes bill the cat and let me fuck that cat ass!

    what the shit are you yammering on about? its a hurricane...theres no hoax or possible way to turn it into a hoax. its a natural event.

    you wouldnt know what to do with an ass spread out right in front of your face. youve spent your entire life as a catcher...theres no way youll ever figure out what it means to be a pitcher.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    this whole situation has become almost comedic.

    if there is ever a natural or unnatural disaster that isnt announced a week ahead of time...people are FUCKed.

    the store shelves are empty of basic foodstuffs...the hardware stores are empty of everything relevant to a 'disaster'...gas stations are all closed due to running out of gas...the only reason i can say its funny is because i already have everything i could possibly need. the annoying part is being around people who have zero preparation skills and spool up at the last second over shit they need but cant get.

    i was on a 'barrier island' at someones house, doing hurricane shit, and the cops kept driving with their loudspeakers blaring... telling us to 'mandatory evacuate.' the newspapers are reporting all the bridges are closed but that isnt true because i drove over two different ones several times (back and forth) up until about an hour ago. there were news choppers everywhere...i dont know what the fuck they were doing.

    i wasnt there but someone told me about how they were in a hardware store buying a generator and some woman tried to tell him to take the one he had (the last one in the store) to her car. then some nigger held his cart and tried to verbally strong-arm him into giving the nigger his generator. this is what i mean about IQs dropping exponentially when storms are in the vicinity.

    anyone have access to the original totse files from back in about 2004 that would have a post i made about hurricanes?
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    shes already tied up... the most difficult part of sex is already taken care of. you don't even need the roofies...
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Ooh, judging from the first page results, although, then again, headlines do tend to be sensationalist due to consumer demand/human stupidity/to attract more views, so an adjustment may be needed, a good unbiased source for weather news, it's supposed to fuck up Haiti something fierce.

    I hope it still packs a wallop when it hits the US. Killing niggers and the massive destruction it causes to their far weaker buildings and infrastructure is always fun and very good, but I do love it when a developed first world country gets what's coming to them.

    No edges. Just think back to how much great footage the Japanese tsunami brought. Ah, I remember staying up late into the night when it occurred.

    its only going to be a cat-3 when it hits florida. in relative terms...thats not bad. most of the sane people have concrete houses and since the 2004 hurricanes the building codes have changed, strengthening requirements for everything.

    most of the damage is going to be from trees falling on something...or someone. or people that do stupid run a generator in their bedrooms...or go for a stroll and a tree falls on them. any damage to mobile homes doesnt count because anyone that lives in a mobile home in hurricane or tornado prone areas deserves the karma.

    im not looking for ward to the power outages. the power goes out with the normal wind storms. the electric companies around here are cheap fucks and refuse to secure the lines under ground. the last hurricane when power went out at my house...and i loaned my generator to someone...i stayed with someone who lived in an area where their power lines were underground and never lost power.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Anyone else on the US east coast about to get spanked by matthew?
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
  17. infinityshock Black Hole

    stfu and gtfo

    and post nude selfies
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    You may be too beta to even qualify as…

    the only classification that fag qualifies for is 'bottom' and disqualified for the term 'he' or 'him'
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    is this a great idea or what?

    worst idea. ever.

    you have absolutely no clue on how the whole 'pimping' thing give up before one of your prospective 'hoze begs you to fuck bowlegged her then when you go balls-deep in her she buries a shiv hilt-deep into the side of your skull.

    when the cops show up, they let her go because you were raping her and it was self defense. and she has proof from the communications that she saved.

    and...there is no such thing as anonymity on the internetz.

  20. infinityshock Black Hole

    this article goes to show how utterly and completely this so called society has become.

    someone explain how a man out in public...horrifyingly dressed as a woman...using the little-girls any different from some assclown dressing up as a clown and going out in public.
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