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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Number13 Also what's the chinese word for cock?


    It's second tone so if you want to pronounce it correctly just stretch out the vowels in a flat tone.

    I learned this word when I brought a phrasebook to work once and got all my coworkers to start saying 'my penis hurts, it hurts here' then someone else would say 'mandian lai' (easy tiger)

    good times
  2. Originally posted by frala

    American confirmed.
  3. Originally posted by aldra lel

    I got a pair of ATH-CKR7s a while back. I never thought I'd buy bluetooth earphones over standard IEMs, but they're pretty good - out of the box they're a bit too light on the bass for my tastes, but they respond very well to the EQ in Neutron.

    They look wired though?

    I have ridiculous bass on my headphones. Some reviews on Amazon said it was too much. I mean I can notice it even with stuff like this:

    which is something I watch regularly

    It bothered me at first but I got used to it. Do wish I could turn it down sometimes.
  4. Originally posted by Narc Did you have a flabby ripple christmas §m£ÂgØL?


    Nope my Christmas was great. Warm house, lots of people who love me, good food, etc. It was a great time, as holidays usually are with my family. Still have loads of tamales left.

    Bought a car right before too as a Christmas gift to myself. :)
  5. Originally posted by Misguided Russian 1) although I have lived in the middle east, it is not "my side of the world".

    2) You don't actually know what that cave paining is showing; you know only what the article tells you. Nobody knows for sure. Thought if they were actively practicing homosexuality then it makes sense why the whole place ceased to exist and nobody from their kind is alive to tell us about the mysteries of the pyramids, or the mysteries of the cave drawing for that matter.

    3) Animals have gay sex? Ok, I am not an animal. You, however, liken yourself to one. This makes me above you weather or not you believe in evolution or creation. Human beings are above animals in all cases, as is demonstrated in most if not all cases of human civilization. Also animals in captivity are not animals out in the wild. Animals can also exhibit abnormal behaviour under a wide variety of situations such as various diseases, etc. For example if you ever see a raccoon out during daylight, it is most likely sick or has some other problems going on. Raccoons are still nocturnal regardless of any behavious that single members of the species exhibit.

    4) Yes its natural for humans to wear clothes; my ancestors lived in a very cold place for hundreds of years before the "mexican race" ever even existed; they could not have survived in most of Europe without clothes of some sort, no matter how primitive.

    5) Driving a car is natural for any person of European descent, as Europeans used metal tools to conquer most of the world. Driving a car is a natural extension of using metal tools.

    6) I am not the one who said that people like you "harm society"; check your athletic abilities. Or are you too caught up in your feminine emotions to actually read things properly? Perhaps anything that contradicts you looks as if it came from me?

    It harms society because humans, especially those who lack critical thinking skills, are very impressionable. They are almost dumb, if you will, almost as dumb as you (not quite). So when young kids who have not yet formed even a quarter of an understanding of the world around them see gays being accepted and paraded, they think that this is a normal human behaviour that exists in nature. This corrupts the undeveloped minds perception of human life and nature overall.

    its good that you are gay though, hopefully you do not reproduce.

    That was in Czechia that they found the 5k year old gay dude. It's not a 'cave painting' it's a burial. You should read before you speak next time, it might help you come off as less stupid than you are.

    Clothes are not natural. They are a human construct made for people to live places where they weren't meant to live.

    Driving a car is not 'natural' lmao. Cars have only been around about 100 years. Commonplace and affordable for even less. And you're not European, you're in Asia. Russia is in Asia. It's not part of the European Union, now is it?

    You did say homosexuals harm society. You've said it before but you literally just went ahead and said it now anyway. Shall I go find the first quote too? "I didn't say I like watermelon! But I do love me some watermelon..."

    And here you are with the unnatural shit. Did I not already list dozens of animals, as well as examples in human history, that shows that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon that has been a part of humanity for all of recorded history? Need I even mention the Greeks or Romans? Or did your 2nd world Russian history class fail to mention them.

    You've still yet to define how it harms society other than 'kids thinking it's natural' (which as I have already proven, it objectively is). But suppose we accept that it is harmful. What harm is it doing. Less babies? The destruction of masculinity (take that attitude to Sparta lmao). Please tell us what damage it does having the 1-5% of humans who are homosexuals exist. Why has society not collapsed already? There were tabletures in ancient Mesopotamia showing homosexuality. Ancient Russia was considerably more tolerant of homosexuality than Europe until Orthodox Christianity came about and your leaders began speaking French.

    According to several reports about ancient Russia, many Western visitors from Europe were shocked or surprised how open and naturally the Russian people dealt with homosexuality. The Austrian royal councilor Sigismund von Herberstein described in his report Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii (Notes on Muscovite Affairs) his observations during his travels in Moscow in 1517 and 1526. He noted that homosexuality was prevalent among all social classes.[6][7] The English poet George Turberville who visited Moscow in 1568 when Ivan IV ruled Russia during a bloody phase, was not shocked by the carnage, but about the open homosexuality of the Russian peasants.[8] Adam Olearius also reported that homosexuality among men existed on all levels of society and was not treated as a crime.[9] There are also reports of homosexual relationships between women.[10] There are numerous other reports which confirm these documentations.[11] Peter the Great's reforms to Europeanize Russia imported homophobia into the country.

    You literally just believe what you do because Christians came and twisted the opinions of your people. I almost feel bad for you Russians.
  6. Originally posted by Fuck Your World You have Medi-cal? I thought you lived in Florida. You live in California, Hydro?

    Originally posted by hydromorphone I live in Baltimore
  7. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Hydro I thought you meant street drugs, sorry if you're in pain.

    Hope the best for you

    She does mean street drugs. She's a heroin addict. In the thread where she asked for money, she specifically said it was for heroin.

    Originally posted by hydromorphone Ive been having seizures and wasn't able to make money for my dope today. I'm very sick. I can pay back 90$when I get my money on the 8th.

    I'm just being honest.
  8. Originally posted by aldra OVERRATED

    As always with apple, you can get higher quality of a similar product for much cheaper. They literally only made them because they took away the headphone jack to begin with lol.

    Also who the fuck would want to have bluetooth ear buds?? I will stick with my over the ear headphones for superior sound

    Sony MDR-XB650BT here
  9. Originally posted by Misguided Russian You say this to me yet you are an adamant homosexual who has sex with men. Men who look like men, nonetheless. You are the one who does not act like a human being; you would not be here today if human beings slept with the same sex the whole time that they existed.

    I hope you are enjoying the perceived protection that you are receiving. You would be summarily executed out in the open in a huge chunk of the world, and this would be a righteous execution.

    Uh, what? Humans HAVE had homosexuality for our entire existence. It's a natural phenomenon.

    Here's a 5,000 year old gay caveman from your side of the world:

    Ancient egyptians also had gay people. This is called Seth and Horus

    A massive chunk of the animal kingdom, including baboons, bison, bears, rats, caribou, cats, cattle, chimp, dolphins, dogs, elephants, fox, giraffe, goat, gorillas, horses, koala, lion, orangutans, orca, panda, raccoon, chickens, emus, penguins, ostrich, doves, swans, turkeys, seagulls, anglerfish, salmon, bearded dragons, geckos, garter snakes, rattlesnakes, water moccasin, turtles, frogs, toads, etc - have all been confirmed to have naturally occurring homosexual populations. There are even some animals where it is commonplace to be gay or bisexual, such as the bonobo.

    How is it that chimps, orangutans, gorillas - our closest cousins, among literally hundreds if not thousands of other species, have naturally occurring homosexuality, but you think humans just... don't? I mean if it's not naturally occurring do you think it's a choice? lmao. Why hasn't society collapsed despite evidence of thousands of years of homosexuality? It used to be encouraged for monks in Europe to have homosexual relations with one another, as it meant they would abstain from seeking a family outside of the monastery.

    And if you're so concerned with only doing what is 'natural' why do you drive a car? Why do you wear clothes? Why do you eat processed foods? Why do you drink alcohol? None of those things are natural. They are all man made inventions. Homophobia is a social construct that can be tracked with the spread of organized Abrahamic religion; a hand-me-down from the early jedis. And there's good argument to be had that it was merely constructed to differentiate between those of Abrahamic religions and those who are pagans, such as the Visigoths, who they thought to be more sexually open.

    And you never did answer my question about how it "harms society".
  10. Originally posted by Misguided Russian I beat two people up who talked shit to me and I did not get into any trouble because the cops themselves dont want any trouble. This was in Israel about 3-4 yrs ago.

    u.s.a is super gay in that the cops actually sometimes try to do their job. How well they do their job depends on where exactly in the u.s. you are, but those fucking faggots actually try to protect hippies, faggots, loud mouthed cunts, etc. when they get righteously knocked out and maybe (who really knows unless you get caught?) hospitalized.

    Righteously knocked out means that they were asking for it, yet the law says otherwise. It should be a law that anyone you talk to has the legal right to break your jaw outright. Choose your words carefully and the world would be a better place. Know exactly who you are, what your place is, and who you are talking to, and violence would decrease tenfold.

    Lmao what a juvenile attitude. Adults who swing first over words are 9.9 times out of 10 total and complete bitches with anger issues who can be riled to violence by drunks and vagrants. You have such a massive ego, but you aren't shit. You're an uncivilized ruskie giving in to primal violent urges like a chimpanzee. Act like a human, not a wild animal.
  11. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    Mmmyes. There needs to be a porn about this if there isnt already.
  12. Originally posted by CASPER One of my testostaronis ran away so now I got 91 n I’m saving goats for my dowry. No one wants a 6’8”, 300lb hairy wife and I’m sad abt that.

    Sounds like weird testosterone filled ravioli
  13. Originally posted by Technologist So you’re saying there’s not inherent differences in men and women? Are you saying society doesn’t dictate what a woman or man “should” be like?

    You have a point but I've seen a lot of women with some dark ass humor before. It's not an exclusively guy thing to joke about death.

    Vaguely related but not really- At my uncle's funeral my dad played a song my uncle absolutely hated and would get annoyed with when everyone would do play it like 3 times in a row or start singing it when he was playing a different song on guitar. Obviously a big joke. This is like 40yrs of trolling him with this song.

    But this time we had a legitimate mariachi to play it on stage in front of 3,000 people.

    "I just wanted to annoy him with it one last time". Nobody in the crowd really understood i think.

    My uncle would've laughed hard tho.
  14. Probably sucks good dick though. Mmmm...
  15. Originally posted by Bill Krozby yes it is hella, he just posted what he thinks is my "pi" like he did several months ago under is other account and its not where I live at all lol

    he's just dumb and obssed for me. He push's the whole rape narritave that has been disproven. The guy literally started cheating on his wyfe and then came crawling back to the land whale.. like lol I can see why he's jelly of me…

    I've never seen someone that is 28/29.. that is such a grumpy old man like him, I even stopped making fun of him awhile back but he keeps coming back for more.

    LOL i though he was 40. Looks old as hell and has no teeth.

    For anyone thinking I'm exaggerating, I'm not. He very literally has no teeth. He keeps them in a jar.
  16. Originally posted by Grylls faggot

    When I was a kid I spent many hours training to go super saiyan

    I succeed, and have been strong as hell ever since.
  17. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country So god only works through the faithful jedis. Not through us goyim.
    When was He on Earth?

    People did lots of horrible and perverted things to each other in the bible too. That doesn't make it all irrelevant.

    who were the two daughters who got their aging father drunk so they could rape him and get pregnant?
  18. Originally posted by Octavian Some cartoons belong in the past bro….

    Watching Hey Arnold and working out is better than drinking whiskey all day. It's also genuinely funny. I can't watch some other stuff I used to watch, like Dragonball Z for instance. But Hey Arnold is great.
  19. Originally posted by Octavian It's almost as if you're shouting your bible thumping serial killer rheotoric across a room.

    Lol I have thought this multiple times. It reminds me of when the church i went to as a kid got a priest from Ghana or something who was always screaming during mass.

    Or like, the westboro baptist church or something.
  20. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i work with someone who goes 6 days a week to the methadone clinic, has to breathe for alcohol before they administer his dose.

    his ole lady quit cold turkey and he was all proud of her.

    on christmas day last year, her grandchildren found her laying by the christmas tree. when they rolled her over, her mouth was foaming. she OD'd on painkillers.

    addiction is a nasty thing.

    i have my friend over as much and we drink on Saturdays, cause the methadone clinics are closed on Sunday so no breath test.

    he is 60 years old and cries because he cannot break free!!

    but at least he no longer shoots up!!

    he will survive because he has friends who care!!

    lol by the christmas tree


    Now they go through trauma every time they look under the Christmas tree.
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