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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. That's an argument only pedophiles say because their brains are too small to think outside themselves and imagine anybody not wanting to fuck innocent little children.

    If I saw you on the street, I would kill you. Pedophiles are the scum of the earth.

    And for the last time I am not opening your pictures.
  2. Originally posted by Solstice I had a pair of shit stained panties she had stuffed into the guitar amplifier she gave me but I threw them away immediately.

    I've done her laundry and it was all shit stained

    thanks for bringing up my latent nightmares, I thought the benzos would make me forget
  3. Originally posted by G Whatever gnome we can have a live "belly off" on EZC but then you're 6'1 chiseled latino act would be up lol. Even sweeter we can do it for $ or crypto. Belly cam & live weigh in, holla this week you telly-tubby fuck lol.

    If you could read & comprehend you'd see they were red @ first I bleach all my socks lol.

    Yeah I'm not getting on whatever EZC is. I don't give a fuck about what you think. You obviously care about my opinion though, since you're faking weight pics to try and 'disprove me' lmao.

    I got no respect for fatties like u
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny [1] how many
    [2] whose guns
    [3] what people
    [4] what ?

    im now summoning the god of guns so that he can come here and correct you.

    finny, are you reading this ?

    5 million

    criminals who make their own guns

    see above


    You're a retard chink who wants to be Chinese. Why don't you get off our ENGLISH internet and leave the internet cafe already?
  5. Originally posted by ORACLE Not only is tech a smart cookie she's also a tough cookie who just debunked this republitard.

    she's a fuckin mama bear
  6. street fighter is a massive pile of shit. It's like all the characters are anchored down.
  7. Republicans are dumb as fuck hahahahahahah!!11!
  8. paprika doesn't belong in fajitas
  9. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny *smokeless gun powder.

    and no, we arent using flint locks or match locks these days.

    a lot of the guns people make are matchlock pipe gun types
  10. Originally posted by -SpectraL

  11. G is holding onto the counter to make himself weigh less lmao
  12. Originally posted by CASPER okay its not even 8am n i eating cheesecake. it is what it is.

    When life gives you methadone, eat cheesecake
  13. Originally posted by G To show he would even be attracted to that shit is proof he has shit going for him to pull a regular/average hoe lol. One night stand excusable, but to go through drama on drama ?! that lonely nigga loved that skank lol.

    Wrong again fatboy. You can keep making up what lies you like. I'm considerably more attractive than you have ever been. You look like a pug got into my pube shavings lmao
  14. 195 jesus fuck

    I'm 6ft and 170 would have me feeling fat. 150-160 of lean muscle.

    At 210 you were categorically obese

    At 195 you were simply overweight

    So congrats on hitting 170 and no longer being obese or overweight, but slightly under the overweight mark instead. It must feel great to be able to see your dick again.
  15. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I deleted her number and text so I don't have the logs. She messaged me at 4 in the morning on my birthday asking me for money to buy heroin and that if she ever came to austin she would share it with me lol right…

    she's a very glib person and its obvious after talking to her on the phone for 10 seconds.

    She still owes me money so yeah, this is very believable.
  16. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Well G is right though, she's always been a skin popping slut, i mean her username is literally "hydromorphone"

    some of your stories about her are pretty lulzy but in a way I feel bad that you went through that, she seems like a fucking bitch, so why lie like she does and just admit you were entranced by a junkie.. just be real §m£ÂgØL

    Nope. Incorrect again. Nice try tho
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Who makes the guns? people…who misuse the guns..people.

    Stick to picking tomatoes kid.

    Guns are a weapon. They will be 'abused' to kill people (see:used as intended) as long as they exist.

    I have a gun and its sole purpose is for protection. I hold a license for gun ownership and the gun is registered. None of that violates either the 2nd ammendment or the Supreme Court ruling that the right to own a gun applies only to home defense.

    Nowhere does it say you get to be unlicensed and sell your guns to cartel members without registration of any sort. Republicans want it to be like the wild west because they think they're all cowboys LOL
  18. Lol holy shit how did this yellow toothed scouser get citizenship to begin with?
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again, he's not impeached until it goes to the Senate…Impeachment itself doesn't mean a whole lot, it's just a charge, it's the verdict that counts.

    fun fact, the ONLY 2 presidents who have been impeached up till now, both Democrats.

    Lmao objectively wrong.

    Clinton didn't get removed either. That means he wasn't impeached and didn't do anything wrong, amirite?
  20. Originally posted by G The bitch has always been batshit crazy/unstable, you think you know her true fucking timeline ?! lol what an idiot son, stay tested you're @ risk like a muthafucka.

    Nah I'm not at any risk, boomer. Cute how you're stretching for something tho.
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