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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You do understand a lump of metal is just a lump of metal…it can't actually kill anyone without a human loading it, pointing it and pulling the trigger (real time or remotely).

    When trying to fix a problem it's always best to go to the source of the problem, not the middle or end bit.

    And the source is guns, yep.
  2. Originally posted by G Son the heaviest I've ever been is 210 so that's a blatant exaggeration lol. I do remember your portly sawed off bespectacled ass in TC begging for people to buy your "book" which was just nonsensical ramblings lol.

    LOL 210. Bet you're flabby as hell.

    I never tried to sell my book to anyone. And that was 5 years ago. You were fat THIS year.

    I know you didn't read it either. Nobody from this community has. I can view the sales in KDP
  3. Originally posted by HTS The gun in that pic is not an illegally imported foreign gun, just sayin'. The favelas are wild.

    Ah. So one gun picture vs the studies which show the majority are bought legally in the US and imported illegally throughout Mexico and South America.

    Got it.
  4. Originally posted by G Your posts in this very thread say otherwise.

    Prostitute whose a mentally unstable vagrant you were fucking raw son. Let's say the light chance of her not shooting dope is true like 0.5% lol. You still made asinine decisions & should be tested for HIV biannualy.

    Nope. Incorrect again. Get your timeline correct. I never fucked her while she was shooting dope or or prostituing. I havent seen her since 2016. I'm clean as a whistle.
  5. Originally posted by CASPER whatever dirt everyone has. Hydro says everyone is lying so seems like shes telling them to share or be declared dandybois.

    Release the logs!
  6. Originally posted by G You were worried if the vagabond female had your seed & the anal pillage is a well known §m£ÂgØL factoid. Don't run from the truth son it will set you free.

    Nope. What you said is incorrect.
  7. Originally posted by Sophie Why would i go to New Orleans for that? Too many nigger children.

    Good don't come here we don't want ur kind
  8. Actually applying to a job at a propane tank filling plant lol
  9. Originally posted by G §m£ÂgØL, seriously you shouldn't have unprotected hetero sex w/ intravenous drug addicts nor homosexual anal sex, they are all high risk activities.

    Uncle G

    I never did.
  10. Originally posted by G 5'11 170 pounds you garden gnome. I got my ID & gate card Friday lol.

    Don't believe that for a second lmao I've seen you spilling out of your chair.
  11. Originally posted by HTS On the other hand, Brazil has fairly strict gun laws.

    Niggas still running around killing eachother with shit like this:

  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I think you'll find 99% of Gang shootings (which happen everynight) are not done with legal weapons…fucking lol

    They come from legal weapons sold illegally due to loose gun control laws. Most guns in Mexico come from Texas and Arizona where you can buy a gun without showing a real ID or getting a background check.
  13. Originally posted by HTS I am being completely genuine. What I said is literally irrefutable.

    This made me laugh out loud
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um are you for real? plenty of countries where guns are illegal..yet people still have them.

    Not any first world nation
  15. Originally posted by G Yes I quit until the end of the year. The trickle down method is the best method, but one must address the underlying reason for drinking. Now I drink to celebrate, not to self medicate therefore it's not a dominant element in my life any more.

    Lol you're delusional.

    Doesn't matter why you drink. You're an extremely fat shit and probably like 400lbs so you obviously gotta quit more than alcohol anyway

    Just lookin out for your health boo
  16. Originally posted by HTS You are 100% correct. If all firearms were illegal, obtaining a legal firearm would have been impossible for this shooter. Sad.

    Almost all shooters use legal firearms. Pretty sad the US is in this state, yes. NZ has had NO shootings since their buyback. Why? People cant get guns. Legal guns put illegal guns on the streets and in the hands of criminals. No supply, no guns, no criminals.
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL They've thrown everything they have at Trump, including the kitchen sink, and failed miserably, but now they think this is it. This is the act which will finally sink their President. Too funny. What are you going to do when this scam also fails? Kill yourselves?

    When it inevitably succeeds, Trump will be in jail.
  18. Originally posted by G I quit often you gnome, this final phase takes place when I leave for a new job. Nothing wrong w/ falling off the wagon for the holidays. You miserable basket cases may say otherwise lol.

    "i quit often"

    Then you haven't really quit now have you?
  19. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I notice we haven't seen a "I'm going to become the greatest X in the world" threads recently.

    Thats because he already became the greatest
  20. Originally posted by G Pretty sure he resolves to do this more often than once per year was the point.

    Nah he's never done this before. I believe in him. Come 2020, he will never drink again. You're just mad because you still drink you pussy! Why can't you quit like a real man?
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