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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Bill Krozby is such a piece of shit but so is hikki

    As a good boy, I am conflicted.
  2. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country No one ever breaks their new years resolution tho

    Yeah this is a rock solid plan. Drink up hikki! Enjoy it while it lasts
  3. Another reason guns need to be banned. This guy had a legal firearm. Wouldn't have been able to get one if they were banned.
  4. Originally posted by DietPiano I got a thousand dollars for yelling at my dad

    Pm dads phone number i want some too
  5. Originally posted by G lol §m£ÂgØL used to fuck & got played by a vagabond bitch bahahahaha what a fucking scrub.

    Banged her raw too ?! WTF son you're tampered w/ factor in you've been anally pillaged you're a great candidate for festering illness.

    Hush now alcy. Get back to your bottle.
  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Which version? Who's translation? See it's all made up or edited to control through fear.

    Who is translation? Idk why don't you ask him faggit
  7. More convictions than Nixon in this administration lmao
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Doesn't matter how he says it it won't change your weight problem.

    Don't have one but thanks for caring.
  9. Originally posted by Misguided Russian My great grandfather came to the RUssian Empire as an immigrant from germany before WWI. One of my grandfathers possibly raped german women in WW2, the other one worked in a tank factory (was previously a tractor factory) in WW2.

    I go to the woods by myself or with my wife more often than I go to the range. There are no range safety officers to bitch at you in the woods. Anybody driving past is not going to stop when they see someone in full kit with armor etc.

    Tell me more about this Snoopy character that offended you all those years ago to the point of you still holding a grudge. He was a Serb, yes?

    Lol this nigga wears armor in the woods.
  10. Originally posted by Misguided Russian "you're either with me, or your with the PEDOS!"

    You're 100% right that you're a faggot an all, but youre stretching this whole ordeal a little far by speaking on the behalf of others. I know that this is is expected of fags, but fucking come on with that shit.

    Look who's agreeing with you

    Vinny, who is a pedophile

    Wariat, who is a pedophile

    Their whole shtick is that they can normalize their pedophilia by equating it to homosexuality, which as we've established is a harmless and natural phenomenon. Apples to oranges rather than apples to hand grenades.

    Your opinion is an outdated belief from a religious doctrine that will die in the coming generations. The world os becoming more and more secular.
  11. Originally posted by DietPiano I just opened a bottle of "smooth red" wine and it's disgusting. I don't know if I can finish it.. I guess DRY is another word for BAD

    The only wine I like is moscato and 4loko and I threw up some 4lokos I chugged recently so I'm not cool with either of those anymore for a while

    Try port. You'll like it.
  12. Originally posted by CASPER Yeah Hydro how/why did you get to Baltimore from FL?

    She left days after I left her. Went to go be with her estranged mother who is amazingly crazier and more evil than she is. Like I said, she poisoned her own daughter. If you believe hydro that is anyway.

    Later she ended up trying to get her arrested lol. It was like the only person hydro had though so you can't blame her for trying. But it didn't work out obviously so now she gets to be homeless in the snow.

    It's really quite sad. Only a matter of time before she gets hurt or robbed (again). That kind of life is not sustainable. Sure feels good to have a warm bed and a strong emotional/financial support system instead of "Darnell, I met him a few weeks ago. He begs around the corner on main street. I took him to the aquarium for some dope once."
  13. Unlike you I also took formal classes and learned how to read, write, and speak Chinese fluently.

    You use google translate like a failure.
  14. Originally posted by RestStop Even if you did that’s about as impressive as tying your own shoes.

    Which is damn fucking impressive. well done to anyone who can you are a braver man than I
  15. Communism > corporatocracy
  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL - tried to grab all the guns: failed
    - tried to sell his bogus climate change agenda: failed
    - tried to knock down the borders: failed
    - tried to dupe everyone with his Unaffordable Care Act: failed
    - tried to shove his socialist/communist policies down everyone's throats: failed

    Need I continue?

    Yeah, the massively popular 'unaffordable care act' that even Republicans wont repeal entirely. The one that gave millions of Americans, including myself, healthcare for the first time. That one?

    Especially hilarious coming from a Canadian.
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL §m£ÂgØL is all about the sweaty man love.

    Still waiting on any one of you to refute what I'm saying.

    I mean, siding with a convicted pedophile? Lol. Maybe rethink your opinions.
  18. I think I'm going to go out and buy a bottle of rotgut vodka first thing in the morning.
  19. Originally posted by Misguided Russian You're absolutely right.

    Go be a good faggot and succumb to your natural desires.

    So you admit it. Homosexuality is natural. Thank you for seeing the reason in believing in facts over the senseless religious bigotry of the jedis.
  20. Originally posted by Number13 I only asked because I wanted to know why you had a chinese cock in your mouth lol

    Well you have to ask me in chinese if you want an answer
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