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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Wariat I was also convicted of beating two people up after being attacked first. O does that mean I am a badass also? I am a straight killer with my bare hands. Your convictions or us system is one of the worst in the world. means you're a violent pedophile. Those are both bad things. You're not a badass lmao
  2. Originally posted by AngryIVer No, unlike you I'm able to hold down a job. And see my kid. There's that too.

    Are you hella?

    Because if so, lol
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood said he was gonna kill self on facebook sunday

    last post on sunday

    Sploo says a lot of insane shit.
  4. Originally posted by Octavian I hope my book, "Brave new world" arrives tomorrow. Bored out my fucking skull and always wanted to read it. On a positive note I'm feeling really good mentally. I'm really eager to get back into the gym. Waiting for my bloods to come back so I can start my hormone therapy and shrink this lump under my right nipple.

    I just got a fire 8 hd and its amazing. I can just download books for free. Non amazon doesn't get the cool page flippy effect tho.

    Also Brave New World is one of my favorite books. I would go on a Soma vacation and never leave.
  5. Originally posted by Sophie You're right though The Cartel ain't no joke. How far is Guadalajara from Culiacan?

    Traen mente de varios, revolucionarios
    Como pancho villa, peleando en guerrilla
    Limpiando el terreno, con bazooka y cuerno
    Que hacen retumbar
    El Macho adelante, con el comandante
    Pa' acabar con lacras, todo el virus Antrax
    Equipo violento, trabajo sangriento
    Pa' traumatizar

    Guadalajara is central Mexico so pretty far.

    Lot of crazy shit goes on there tho. My cousin once sent a pic of some vehicles burning on the side of the road. The cartels had done an organized robbing of gas stations and banks. They hijacked a few cars, set them on fire, and also killed a few soldiers who were taking off in a helicopter.

    They don't fuck around. Generally if they stop you tho they'll just want money and you can go. There are some places I wouldn't wanna drive through as a non local.

    Even where my family lives, you don't go out at night alone.
  6. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny banning the ammo is the best solution.

    guns are very easy to make, mass producing low cost, reliable ammo is rather difficult.

    Lol what? It's not that hard. Not even a little bit. Making the gun parts is significantly more difficult.
  7. Originally posted by DietPiano Yeah, I hesitated to post that and only did to kind of play devil's advocate with myself because I couldn't confirm 100%, and like yourself I don't feel comfortable calling it if I can't do just that.

    I got a lot more quality intel in the meantime, and yes he is dead.

    Whats your intel?
  8. Originally posted by Sophie My imoutou is taking a trip to London soon. I hope she doesn't get stabbed by a nigger or raped by a Paki. Her bf definitely lifts, and he's coming with so she'll probably be fine.

    Lol you're seriously worried about London of all places? Bitch come to my bario in Guadalajara or here in chiraq ill show you where the wild things are.
  9. Gay whore
  10. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Someone faked the Facial Recognition with putting a printed up photo and rubberband mask on

    totally faked the thing into believing it was real. or at least last years model did.

    Yeah that seems ripe for abuse. With technology now you could create a 3D mesh of someone's face from video and just print it out. At least fingerprints are a little more private.
  11. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Pretty sure his name is Robert and he's not dead

    That's not what the info roshambo posted says.
  12. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Sploo isn't named John..

    I have his home address. I'm pretty sure its John. Don't make me pull up my pi file
  13. They're all in on the troll.
  14. it sucks ur peepee
  15. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace still waiting
  16. Is Kodi not exactly the same as Plex tho
  17. Originally posted by mmQ That's not sploo.

    Then who is it? I don't think anyone else is bundy binging. How do you know sploo died?

    He posted this morning. In this thread...
  19. sploo literally posted this morning
  20. Originally posted by aldra not immediately, that's the purpose of the creeping legislation in places like California, where they managed to ban stupid shit (like bumpfire stocks and pistol grips on a rifle, which both actually reduce effectiveness).

    There are too many guns in the US already, both legal and illegal for a buyback scheme like here to work. The only way to reduce gun ownership is to gradually ban more and more things to the point where it'll be difficult to buy or maintain a gun at all without getting government approval.

    That said the US loves its guns so much that even if they were banned (and the agents of confiscation don't get shot at), we'd probably just see a boom in black market arms fabrication

    Except that's never even been something that's on the table here.

    bumpfire stocks were banned because they can increase rate of fire. Absolutely useless for any practical purpose as it reduces accuracy. Really great when you're firing into a crowd and don't have a machine gun. It's what the Las Vegas highscore shooter used. People thought it was machine gun fire.

    The pistol grip thing isn't even true. It just puts your rifle into a class which means it needs to be registered as an 'assault weapon' (semiautomatic rifle). It was previously used as a means to circumvent this.

    I don't agree with this 'assault weapon' shit but we absolutely need a national registry and license system for guns and it is ridiculous that we don't already have one. In places like Arizona it's basically like the wild west. You don't need a license or background check to purchase a gun. Your gun doesn't have to be registered. You can open or conceal carry freely. You have to show ID for private transfers but it's not like they actually do anything or check to make sure your ID is legitimate whatsoever. Probably 9/10 they don't even care. There are massive flea markets where you can buy secondhand guns like this.

    Just absolute ridiculous shit that makes it easy for violent criminals, gangs, mentally ill, etc to get guns.

    People like to blab about the 2nd amendment but if we look at United States v. Cruikshank we see the Supreme court says:

    "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second Amendments [sic] means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress, and has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the National Government."

    Then we have US Vs Heller where the Supreme court states there is a constitutional right to keep a loaded handgun at home for self-defense.

    Nowhere has it ever been stated that there should be absolutely no regulation or registry system.

    Funny how Republicans don't have the same view on our right to vote.
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