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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Or the shiite Bolivians
  2. What about the shiite Bangladeshi
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL So you're one of those shiite Arabs now, too??

    Lol because only 'shiite arabs' fast?
  4. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo If he were alive today he would vote for Andrew Yang

    Lolno absolutely not. Hitler removed the actual socialist programs that were in place. Like the railroad system and steel industry, in which every system benefited from. He privatized that shit and no doubt made good money doing so.

    Only about 50% of the populace qualified for National Healthcare. It was 37% in 1910 then shot up to 70% in 1950 after the war ended.

    Hitler was not a socialist by any means. Certainly not a democratic socialist like Yang or Bernie. He was a conservative through and through. Yang is obviously not.

    Socialist just meant 'progressive' back then anyway. It was good propaganda.
  5. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo Women are adult females
    He's dating a man, an adult male.
    Unlike him, I have never had sex with a man.

    You've never had sex with a woman either. Or even held hands with one.

    Meanwhile ghost has had sex with many women. Over 100.

    Who's the gay now?

    Spoiler: its still you
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL BigPharma ghouls' answer to loss of profits to cannabis. Pathetic.

  7. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo There is actual meaning behind that name but I won't bother to go into detail for you

    Was the meaning that you are an autistic loner who can't stop watching anime?

    See my username? It has meaning as well. I am Mexican, and Mexican is the master race. See how simple that was?
  8. How is he a homosexual if he only has sex with women

    I think you're more of a homosexual because you DON'T have sex with women
  9. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo You people are constantly trolling, telling half truths, making up lies.
    I'm supposed to be able to perfectly read you and know the validity of your posts?
    I'm neither autistic nor psychic.

    Sure, your name was just hikkimori-yumi for no reason. You're not autistic fine.
  10. Originally posted by Cheyes If canada has as shitty of "undocumented citizen" laws as us I think im

    Literally not a thing.
  11. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo You think you're insulting me but that was actually a complement.

  12. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo How does that post make me autistic?

    Because you can't tell a joke/troll when you see one. Bill Krozby is half Mexican. You obviously knew it before but took a post in which I called him 1/16th jrpg bird seriously. You consistently fail to pick up on things like this. Its a sign of autism. You take everything at face value. Probably why you're such a conspiracy nut tbh.
  13. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo Y'all are just jealous
    You wish you were as handsome as me

    You look like a polish alcoholic who spends his money on booze instead of food
  14. Originally posted by Jisatsu-Shoujo I'm more ethnic than he his
    I thought he was half mexican.
    I wonder where his behavior came from then, maybe his mom molested him, he never talks about his mother.

    Lol you really are autistic.
  15. Originally posted by AngryIVer I lol'd. He meant Chacobo

    No I meant chocobo lol. I was gonna do Cherokee but chocobo sounded funnier. I didn't even know there were chacobo people
  16. Originally posted by Cheyes Thats not that big though

    What his penis?
  17. In 1929 he visited the US while living in Vienna. Though he could not actually vote, he did register as a Republican.
  18. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Of taking it in the ass

    taking it up the ass is good
  19. Originally posted by Technologist I just let the dogs out and everything has a layer of ice on it. I bet the trees look pretty.

    its about to freeze here. 6 inches of snow last night then rain this morning, it will snow more soon and get below freezing. Im going to go shovel slush. Came home like 4h early yesterday from my plans because I didn't want to drive in the shitsnow storm all the way home. Probably won't do much of anything if it keeps being shitty outside :( wish me luck
  20. Originally posted by Technologist I told them not to bother arguing the meaning. I’ll gladly accept my crown as the best damn industrial grade faggot there is. I’ll wave my flag proudly👸🏼🏳️‍🌈

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