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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Splam They didn't make cigarettes illegal, they recognized the dangers of them though.
    Pot is only illegal in the rest of the world because the USA pushed their propaganda on the rest of the world.
    People wouldn't think twice about pot being dangerous if not for the USA.
    Why would you need to smoke pot in Nazi Germany? Your time would be occupied working for an improved reich, and your free time you'd spend raising a family and building a house. Which the government ensures you, as a German citizen, are able to support yourself and future generations.

    They made tobacco illegal...

    Weed is not illegal because of the USA alone lol. There was legislature against it long before the US pushed its dick around
  2. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz They're a lot worse for you than pot but you've already posted that you disagree with this common sense. Germany has a long history of using medicinal herbs. In Germany often-times, a doctor is likely to prescribe herbs for things like high blood pressure, rather than being a glorified drug dealer the way american doctors are.

    Cool wild speculation faggot. I'm sure hitler was a stoner.
  3. Originally posted by mmQ The only thing you punch is the spike bowl at the bar gay.


    Similar to Bengay

    Much to ben's disdain
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I bet her ass smells like red lobster

    Red lobster smells good

    Her ass did not smell good
  5. She's too busy eating lobster
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL A frontal lobotomy should always be a last resort, after a dorsal lobotomy and a rooftop lobotomy.

    Shut up
  7. Originally posted by Solstice Of course I did, a can of Four Loko is literally the same thing as drinking an entire bottle of wine, especially the 14% versions (which come in the Sour varieties too, not just the Gold) for what, $2.50 or so? The sugar content and resulting stomach pain from consuming one is fucking brutal though.

    The 12%, 16 oz, $1.70 canned margaritas I drink sometimes are almost just as brutal but they aren't quite as syrupy/sickly sweet and still get you pretty decent at ~3 drinks a can. Though slugging down 2 of them back to back still results in me writhing around in sugary agony more often than not. Probably just the whiskey-induced ulcers.

    Tbh I just never looked it up. I thought it was more like 4 drinks??? Maybe i just forgot. Its been a long time since I had one but I just slugged one back within like 15min or so
  8. How loko is he?

    1 loko?


    2 loko?


    3 loko?


    4 loko?

    Ohhhhhh yeaaahhhh
  9. Originally posted by Solstice What you mean? Once you have a little tolerance that's like the perfect amount for decent sedation without RLS and it's just enough to enhance your pre-sleep orgasm enough to assist in knocking you out.

    I didn't take any DPH at all last night for the first time in like a month+ and ended up passing the fuck out in my work clothes and slept fairly decent aside from my single 4 am wake up session so maybe there's hope for me yet.

    Idk any perceptible amount makes me feel uncomfortable and heavy. I get tired but not sleepy, and my mind starts more easily hallucinating.

    But like I said, I hallucinate anyway, so maybe that has something to do with it. 200mg or even 100mg would have my parasympathetic nervous system shocking me awake at imaginary door slams.
  10. Originally posted by Technologist No Mq,
    He’s actually very smart, but he’s country folk, and they tend to avoid doctors as much as possible. My Dad was the same way. He had 2 episodes of chest pain but went to work. He had chest pains and left work to go to our family doctor. Not an ER, but a family doctor. Our family doctor did an EKG and told my Dad that he had just had a heart attack, and he was going out to call for an ambulance. My Dad left and drove himself to the hospital, he wanted to save an ambulance fee🙄. But that was his first and last time to be in a hospital. He wasn’t even born in a hospital. My father and husband are similar in many ways.

    Capitalist dystopia
  11. Originally posted by Fox It’s the same thing with designer brand names, there’s only a couple huge corporations that own them all, and different brands are all manufactured in the same couple of factories in China

    I wouldn't say 'couple' but yeah. Its honestly ridiculous.

    In much of the world you're essentially supporting the Chinese government by smoking. Chinese Tobacco is state run and they are huge tobacco exporters. Quite disgusting. Its why i stopped vaping or smoking
  12. Apretado isnt really right either. That's more like 'crowded' which could work in context but really this is a weird ass question
  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny suelto o apretado ¿

    Lol this is not the 'loose' you want to use

    This sounds more like

    "was his ass a free spirit or was it tight"
  14. Originally posted by Fox I know I was just kidding. It’s definitely a market that should be regulated to some degree, however an outright ban as has been proposed recently is the result of blatant fear mongering and most likely also political lobbying from Philip Morris et al to destroy the competition

    You are one of the only people I've talked to who understands that lol. People think its big tobacco lobbying against vaping. No. Its big tobacco lobbying for big tobacco. They are like Purdue, sell the disease and the cure. I think its phillip morris which has like a 30% stake in juul. Might be another tobacco conglomerate tho.

    Its funny how when you buy cigarettes there are dozens of choices but really you're only choosing between American Tobacco, Phillip Morris, and like, two or three others.
  15. Originally posted by Solstice I find it's hard to sleep on life. I was up at 4 am last night cybering with some random woman on discord because I forgot to eat my usual nightly dose of 200 mg DPH

    Dunno how you actually get sleep on that.
  16. Originally posted by Octavian Anyone find they sleep more when they're depressed. Also these headaches are more and more consistant. On my left hemisphere and down to the back of my neck. I honestly believe my brain is rotting. I have little desire to continue yet I know I will cause suicide is not an option.


    I sleep insufferably less. I'll get like 3h a night for a day or three then finally one 9h night and feel great. Then it cycles back around.

    Lately i haven't been sleeping much and I'm starting to hallucinate things about my new job at night.

    On a related note did you guys know a can of 4loko gold has 5.5 drinks in it
  17. Originally posted by Fox Have you not been seeing the news lately?

    Those are from illegal oil cartridges with emulsifiers high in vitamin E and coils made with silver solder. The shit emulsifier causes oil buildup in the lungs that opens you to infection. The silver solder causes heavy metal poisoning. I forgot the exact term, something only miners typically get.

    Safe emulsifier, safe cartridge, no problems we can tell of so far.

    Besides there are far more ways to vape than an oil vape. I use a little titanium analog herb vape. I'll probably be buying a legal oil cartridge soon too, and my state actually has good regulation unlike California where shit carts were being sold in stores due to some grandathered shit about medical shops turned recreational not needing the same regulatory oversight.
  18. Originally posted by -SpectraL Stop lying.

    Every organic/carbon combustion reaction releases carcinogens like aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons and benzenes which, surprise, cause cancer. Many studies have linked smoking weed directly to increased risk of developing cancer. I won't bother posting them because you wont read them. Look it up yourself if you need to, but it always makes me lol when stoners think inhaling smoke can possibly be benign. All organic smoke has this risk. Its not like tobacco which inherently has carcinogens even in raw form. Its just that smoke is obviously bad for you.

    Choose healthy. Choose to vape your weed.
  19. Originally posted by -SpectraL No person in history has ever died of marijuana consumption. On the other hand, millions upon millions have died from opiate consumption. And here you are bitching about marijuana and promoting opiate use. You go, you.

    Smoking weed causes cancer lol.

    Using opiates doesn't. You only die if you take too much, which is easy to avoid
  20. Originally posted by -SpectraL It's a mental addiction, not a physical addition. There's a difference. And even calling it a mental addiction is a stretch, because smoking a plant has never killed anyone in all of history. It's more of a earthly pleasure than an addiction. Addictions are usually associated to some kind of self-destructive behavior or state.

    Lmao what every stoner says.

    In reality there's really no difference. I'd rather be addicted to opiates than weed personally. Physical addiction is no biggie if you can source it and it doesn't interfere with life
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